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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Tedious but necessary Ed, I am sure the effort will be reflected in the quality of your rigging. cheers Pat
  2. Hi Keith, I have now perused through your build and what a sensational job you have done. I love the details (some you won't even see) such as the charts etc in the drawer but I think my particular astonishment lies in the quality of your metalsmithing. I will need to have an even closer read to breakout some of your techniques as the detail you achieve is amazing. regards Pat
  3. The case looks good Mike. One word of caution WRT the masking tape 'until the very end' - I did that and some of it dried out making it very difficult to remove. i used acrylic (perspex) rather than glass so had a couple of small marks I had to polish out. You just need to keep an eye on it and replace as necessary. cheers Pat
  4. Amazing - that rowing action looks very good and even propels at a realistic pace - a well synchronised crew cheers Pat
  5. Nice progress Greg, he is looking great with it nice new coat of paint Thanks for your kind words, but I think I will turn to you for airbrush advice now you are way ahead of me in technique these days. cheers Pat
  6. Nice progress Denis; more incentive to unseat the "T" Hope you guys escaped the worst of the weather? cheers Pat
  7. Hi Ben, looks good, even before your latest adjustment to the arm. What about something like sculpey which can be shaped/moulded then oven baked to a hard finish? cheers Pat
  8. Any progress is good progress mark, she is looking good. The final test is what YOU want it to look like; if you are happy then make all the shortcuts you like! cheers and Happy New Year Pat
  9. Hi Greg, the aluminium is welded to the frames as 'Plates', what each section would be called (between frames /ribs) I am not too sure mate - I used to call them panels but whether that is technically correct? I will need to ask an engineering (ex Navy) mate of mine to be sure. cheers Pat
  10. Great job with those panels Greg. To the eye (in your photos) they looks very lifelike. cheers Pat
  11. Hi Keith, i have only just found your log and what a fascinating build - I regret not looking in earlier. I am particularly impressed with your brasswork/smithing - some outstanding work there. I will take the time to read right through your log over the next few days as you show a lot of things I can learn from. cheers Pat
  12. I'll say it again - you certainly can capture and portray the 'atmosphere' in your paintings. No need to go to a gallery as we have one of the better 'virtual' ones available to us here on MSW cheers Pat
  13. Looking great OC, moving along rapidly now cheers Pat
  14. no problems OC, plenty of nibblies left from Christmas Hope you're not on a diet cheers Pat
  15. And best wishes to you Karl - what a wonderful Christmas present you present to us in the form of this model build cheers Pat
  16. Turned out OK??? They look great Ben -nice neat work cheers Pat
  17. hey slow down Denis, you work so fast on so many projects I am having trouble following them Another nice build you have going here. If I elbow my way in I hope I won't upset any of the audience cheers Pat
  18. Another fine display of your talent Jim. Thanks for sharing. cheers Pat
  19. Looks great Ben, some very good progress made. Can't wait too see him in actions - are you still doing glowing eyes? cheers Pat
  20. Thanks for the wishes Carl, and back at you. I hope you have a great Christmas and find some time to finish your Musashi. That photo looks familiar cheers Pat
  21. Sure you haven't had a lot of practice rolling other things Danny? They are very nicely finished. cheers Pat
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