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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Those masts are coming along very nicely Rob; they look great. cheers Pat
  2. Very nicely executed Eberhard; that is quite some detail at that scale. Mate, if you need more cork's I am happy to deplete your supplies of 'Port' cheers Pat
  3. Thanks Druxey and Steven for your kind thoughts; much appreciated. The (box) gutters were my issue; simply could not hold the volume of water which back flowed into my garage ceiling. A lot of people copped a lot worse so not complaining; insurance will sort it. Certainly a 'bewdy' of a storm; I even contemplated starting on an 'Arc' (of sorts) . I am still doing some research for Victoria's rigging in the background, but nothing too serious. cheers Pat
  4. Thanks Keith (A) and (B), and Rob for your kind wishes. Things were looking on track until along came some bad weather recently which caused some minor water damage which I am now attending to I hope to get back into the 'saddle' again soon. cheers Pat
  5. Wise decision Dave, no point hiding all that lovely work in the 'pit'. The steps are looking good. cheers Pat
  6. Hi Keith, unfortunately yes I stopped work late last year to catch up on too many chores I had been putting off (still working on them) but other issues have also got in the way. I hope to make a restart in February 2022 (Hope being the operative word) cheers Pat
  7. I'm late to the party again Greg. An interesting subject again; look forward to seeing more. Looks like you are having a lot of fun with that airbrush this time around. cheers Pat
  8. You're making great progress Keith; those yards are starting to come alive. cheers Pat
  9. Slow or not, you got to tis major milestone. All is looking good. cheers Pat
  10. Neat idea for that jig Ras, I'll tuck that away as I have to do mine very soon. Unfortunately, those links give a 'forbidden' error message. cheers Pat
  11. Beautifully executed Eberhard, your skills at this scale are remarkable. cheers Pat
  12. HI Patrick and thanks for the update; I was wondering what had become of this build. You have become a real master of these little beauties, especially the amount of detail you include. cheers Pat
  13. Sometimes the simplest of jigs provide the best solution. Very creative and the excellent result speaks for itself. cheers Pat
  14. Impressive work at that scale. cheers Pat
  15. Welcome back, and happy NY Jason. glad to hear the damage was not too bad, but must have been a bit of a 'scare'. Very nice clean work (up to your usual high standard) on the planking. cheers Pat
  16. Another masterclass in metal working, thanks Keith. This model will be one that stands u to even the most 'macro' of examinations without fault. Happy New Year. cheers Pat
  17. Welcome back Dave; great to see the update which is up to your usual high quality and finish. cheers Pat
  18. A great comparison Rob; clearly shows the different requirements met by the respective designers. Very nice models too! Odd sea pattern under them though - fan blade shaped waves Welcome back to the builders desk - I am still a week or two away while I finish all those house jobs. cheers Pat
  19. Nice work Steven, a very interesting and well executed build. I have enjoyed the journey. cheers Pat p.s. As much as I tried, I could not see Ron's telepromter!
  20. An interesting subject for your SIB Glen, and a very unique display base in the form of the sledge (very nicely executed BTW). I look forward to seeing your build at such a small scale. cheers Pat
  21. Sorry I don't have the expertise to participate but would be an interested 'looker on' Good luck with this endeavour; has the m akings for an excellent book! (hint) - it doesn't have to be commercial endeavour. cheers Pat
  22. Wow, wow and more wow! cheers Pat
  23. That's an interesting result; I have not had the need to use Steel for my calculations. Thanks for the head's-up on this. I think you are quite safe in your build decisions unless you run into a 'rivet counter' cheers Pat
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