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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Ha! this way madness lies, I look at some of the printed parts and wonder how I can cut such tiny thing out, let alone glue them to something else! 🤣
  2. Hi Gang, Latest update, spent a couple of hours mixing and testing paint samples for the cut edges. I've kept a load of little paint pots that my daughter used for doing "Paint by numbers" during lockdown, these have come in handy for these little paints quantities I need, some of the paints are still useable, but most are dry and I just clean out the pots and mix my own fresh paints in them. Continued the hull construction, I needed to add a couple of card shims under the quarter deck as my cutting out of the underlying ribs on these two wasn't quite right. The hull sides went on easier than I anticipated, even the split stern area. I have a couple of gaps to close up, but I need to let what I have done dry, as I can't close these up without squashing out of shape the surrounding areas, this card construction soon teaches you patience! Next on the hull I need to add a rubbing strake (which will nicely cover part of the hull joints) a bow stem piece and the rudder post. The inner bulwarks will need painting, the instructions call for yellow, but I'm tending towards the red oxide colour as there seems too much yellow on model for my tastes. But first I need to add number of bulwark stanchions, these will help stiffen and straighten out the bulwarks a little. Thanks for looking in, until next time!
  3. Interesting, is that true about the Legge family crest (Washington ancestors) being the forerunner to the Stars & Stripes? Just hope it gets some protection, because we all know what will happen next now its identity confirmed.
  4. Good to see you back at this, I was wondering how you were doing. 😀 Reading the many Caldercraft build logs on MSW you have encountered the same problem of many builders. Often people just epoxy glue the Deadeye straps into the slots of the channels to stop them pulling through. Good to see you have found a solution! 👍
  5. I know what you mean, I have a garage full of old Airfix models and I'm lucky if I can muster the enthusiasm to clean them more than once/twice a year, as each time I do I end up with a collection of guns/aerials/bombs and rockets etc. to glue back on! 😆 (think plastic does get v brittle with age.) Anyway, your Sphinx is beautiful! 🤩
  6. Now I like the look of that colour scheme Craig! - Very smart, yet "workman-like" for the a trawler. 👍 I liked the contrast natural wood made with the bulwark for the timber heads, but even painted would look good.
  7. Hi Kev, you are off to flying start and very well executed so far! 👍 If you are referring to the thicker planking this is on two locations on "Nisha", Topside & Bilge planking, the first follows the bulwark/deck profile and the second follows the hold deck profile. See my build log, post number #42 onwards where I have had a go at simulating these features. The brilliant book "Sailing Trawlers" by Edgar J. March has been my guide.
  8. Lovely collection of models BE! 👏 What do you use to dust them? I have pinched one of the Admirals blusher brushes (unused so no make-up on it!) which is nice and soft and dusts quiet large areas at once with minimal force.
  9. Evening All, Here we go with my next card model, another 1/250 offering from Paper Shipwright, after cutting my teeth on their model of Flamborough Head Lighthouse. I did think of starting this one first but quickly changed my mind after looking at all the small parts and the diminutive size of this one and promptly changed my mind! 😲 - I have since read the front and it says Skill rating 'Difficult' and part count #250. So I can't promise this build log will ever get re-titled with the word "Finished" tagged on the end, we shall see, but the blurb also says suitable for "ages over 12 and over" so on that count I am well over qualified! 😂 The first few pictures show what you get, six sheets of instructions and one A4 sized card of parts. Hold tight folks I'm diving in! First couple of evenings have been cutting out the base; gluing with tiny dots of PVA onto my building base and laminating and then cutting out "ribs" to form the hull. I completed adding these tonight, all seems to be going okay so far, but can see some of my cutting needs to be more precise, as I might need to add small 'shims' to level one or two of the ribs. Think next up I shall need to sort out some paint mixing for the cut edges for the cream coloured deck, and various reds and yellows, as pretty soon I am going to need those to progress beyond laying on the decks. Now time to make another sacrifice to the "Card Gods" 🔥 for guidance, until next time....
  10. A very nice build Richard, I'm about to embark on my first card boat build and your log full of good tips! 👍
  11. Very much so, you have a beautiful model there and looking forward to seeing it finished. I have a Snake that is getting closer to the top of the pile to build, so detailed logs like yours are going to be invaluable. 👍
  12. Welcome to MSW Dave! 👋 Loved Vancouver Island when I was lucky enough to vacation there many years ago! 😀
  13. Welcome Rob, there are many of us here who have found wooden ship modelling after years of plastic/resin builds in other subjects. 👋 I am sure you will feel at home here on MSW. 😀
  14. Hi Fred, welcome to MSW! I am shocked to learn that not all Polish people are born as Paper/Card model Ninjas! 🤣 The level of skill in those card modelling magazines are amazing.
  15. Hi Andy, Mind if I pull up a chair, I am contemplating a future 1/72 scratch build of my own, so would love follow your progress. 🍿
  16. Ah, another great painting of probably the most famous "Scylla" 👏 - There are plenty of photos and a 'Pathe' newsreel on YouTube about her Arctic Convoy exploits, the anti-aircraft duties, dealing with icing and Winston Churchill addressing the crew on top of the aft gun turret! Think one of the gunnery officers wrote a memoir of the time, I think called "Flagship to Murmansk", but have not got a copy yet. I'm building up reference for when Trumpeter finally release their 1/350 version of her. Thank you for sharing. 😀
  17. That is a lovely painting, instantly recognisable as an Apollo class cruiser, by coincidence I’m researching one of her sisters - HMS Scylla for a project I have in mind to build all five of the HMS Scylla’s that have served in the RN (due to a family connection).
  18. Thanks Dave, I have two unfinished models to return to, the Vanguard "Nisha" and a Caldercraft "Bounty" I do have a few plastic aircraft kits in stock, one of those might get built this year. As to new ship builds, think my next will be a kit-bash of Caldercraft's "HMS Snake" into HMS "Scylla", but I need to finish the ones above before I launch into that!
  19. Finishing touches on my first dabble in the Card model world. I made the lattice lantern windows using the kit template and glued thread, fiendishly difficult to bend into a tube, but it sort of went into shape. Glazed with some thin clear sheet, topped off with a tiny weather vane. This little model now has a spot in our nautical themed Summerhouse, as approved by the Admiral. Finally a picture of the real thing taken on holiday a few years ago. Thanks for the likes and follows on this first trip down the card "rabbit hole" I have another to do, but first I better get back to my neglected "Nisha"!
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