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Posts posted by Rustyj

  1. Chapter 4 Cherry parts have arrived as well as the hatch grating kits!!!!! They are even better that they look.








    I installed the beams that create the opening for the hatches. Next I had to "fair" the tops of the bulkheads. As I decided to cut my own bulkheads there is some minor variations in the height of the tops of the bulkheads. It's probably a combination of sanding to the line or taking the line. That seems minor but it can cause some minor stepping. To get the run as smooth as possible I sanded the whole thing. 

    Next I'll start dry fitting the false deck and then start throwing some wood on the inboard bulwarks!

    Having a lot of fun with this. 


  2. While waiting to start chapter 4 I've been doing some prep work. 


    I've planked the fore and aft sub decks with pear.






    Then I sorted through the pear I'm using to plank the deck. I've tried to get pieces with the most consistent color.

    Even so you will notice that the color can change over the length of a strip so I'll have to pay attention!

    Spare planks are in the sleeve on the right.




    The inboard bulwark planking will consist of 3/16", 7/32, and 1/4" planks. They have been cut and seen below.




    After that I glued together 1/4" and a 7/32" pieces which represent the two rows under the gun ports.

    I placed them on a piece of 1/32" to simulate the thickness of the false deck.

    I then checked the gun ports and found that most were right on. Whew!





    4 hours ago, Blue Ensign said:

    Nice to see you have a new canine assistant, every shipyard should have a dog (or two) 🙂

    Yes it's nice to have a second shop assistant although the two almost never agree! 😉


    Thank you all for your opinions. It's deeply appreciated. I have been cleaning and reorganizing the shop 

    in anticipation of starting chapter 4. In doing this I remembered that I had overcut the 1/4" pear needed for the hull.

    So I pulled it out and there is more than enough pear already cut to plank all the decks and still have some left 

    over. Can't let it go to waste so I'll be planking the decks in pear! It's like I subconsciously knew I was going to 

    do it this way when I cut them. I'll go with that as opposed the the shop assistants who think I just screwed up. 

    Oh and they both agree on this point!


    Here is some of the unfinished pear planks just laid on the deck.





  4. 6 hours ago, Chuck said:

    Is that pear on the right?   Looks dark for boxwood.  The cedar would compliment the carvings and friezes better and tie in with them.   The holly may be too light.   But using Pear would keep it all consistent. I personally like the decks the same color as the hull planking but thats just me.


    You need to thing about how the deck fittings would look against the deck planks if you use pear and and paint most of the fittings down the deck.  Its a tough decision.  One I anguish over all the time.

     Yes it's boxwood. It was cut from an old scrap piece. I looks darker in the picture than it really is. I agree the Holly is too light so that's out. 

    I was thinking that with the bulwarks painted red, hatch combings black as well as the stove using a different color from the hull wouldn't look as drastic.  Will the bits, pumps, railings, binnacle be painted too?


    Here is a pic with the samples on the deck. Pear is on the far right now. Excuse the covering as she was all wrapped up for protection until I start on her again.


    Glenn, I too favor AYC but it may be too light too. 


    I probably won't make a decision until the false deck is in and the bulwarks planked and painted, then I can get even more confused!




    Thanks for checking in!

  5. Hi Glenn,

    4 hours ago, glbarlow said:

    I wish I had a stash of boxwood and holly. Do you have a source or still working off a supply from Jeff😄

    Still working off a stash from Jeff.  I dread the day I have to start looking for new wood.

    In the past I've done decks in all three woods and liked them all. Just have to decide what to do with this one.

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