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Posts posted by Rustyj

  1. The fun continues.


    The panels for the Captains Cabin were placed with minor adjustments. The inboard stern

    counter was planked and then the margin planks were placed next. They required a little

    more work on my part. I took paper and cut a template of the curve at the bow and transferred

    it to sheet stock. I then marked the inside curve and the cut it out and final fit it. Scarph joints

    were cut and then the margin planks were added. After the margin planks were added the

    checkered floor was sanded to fit.














    Whew now I'm on to building the hatches. 

  2. Hi all,


    I've been plugging away a bit at a time on chapter 4.


    After fitting the laser cut and etched false deck I added the first layer of bulwark planking. The fore deck clamp needs

    to be bent and with the cutouts for the deck beams can make it fragile. I carefully bent it around the outside of the hull

    and then heated it with a hairdryer and let it cool. After all of the first layer of planks and deck clamps were in place I

    confirmed that the Captain's cabin paneling was starting in the correct location I marked the fore edge and then added

    the second layer of spirketting.






    I have painted the bulwarks but still have a few more coats to go. Once I've finished painting I'll add the Captain's cabins paneling.







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