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Posts posted by Rustyj

  1. Thank you Jean-Paul, Sjors, JJ and Bob. Much appreciated. Also for all the likes.


    3 hours ago, Stuntflyer said:

    I'm curious though if there was a reason for your not painting the QD clamp.


    I'll give you the same answer I used to give my dad when I was a teenager and I quote,


    "Ummm, ahhhh, welllllllll, maybe, I don't know." That should about cover it.

  2. Thanks Mark and Sjors. Sjors I've been following your Flirt and you're doing a great job on her! Also thanks for the likes.


    On to planking the deck. I planked her using pear wood. No big surprises, just follow Chucks directions! ;)


    Here you can see the start of laying the first center line plank and the the filling in between the hatches etc.








    Then came the tabs around the hatches. You can see how I started figuring the cuts and just kept making small cuts and sanding until a tight fit was obtained. More pieces than I care to count went into the waste bin!






    Here all the tabs have been completed. Planking the remaining deck came next.









    First coat of wipe on poly going on. Brings out the colors nicely.












    Whew that was a lot of fun!



  3. On 11/5/2020 at 4:41 PM, rafine said:

    Matt, I thought about the guns, but after checking the plans against Chuck's available guns, it seemed to me that there are none that match up well.


    Hi Bob. I spoke with Chuck regarding the cannon a while ago and he said "The cannon are in fact the 1 15/16 resin for the gun deck.  1 9/16 for the upper decks. If you leave the aft port empty like I will you will need 24.....1 15/16 cannon.  None in the foremost port either." 

    By the way great choice on the Duchess of Kingston. I'm severely tempted to get her. 
  4. Mike explains it perfectly. See below.


    On 9/30/2020 at 2:06 PM, Stuntflyer said:

    There is something I forgot to mention with regard to fairing the inner hull. If you want the bulkhead paneling to sit flush with the stern frames inner edge, then leave room for that. I left about 5/64". The panel height will not go above the height of the window opening.




  5. I've now set the hatches and partners in place. I tried real hard to keep them centered. Time will tell.






    I elevated the capstan partner by 1/32" as called for. 




    I also forgot to include a pic of the waterway. It's 3/64" x 3/64" with one side rounded off to a quarter round molding . 

    Tips of the finger took a bit of a beating from the sandpaper. ;) 




    Next up will be planking between the hatches and lining off the deck for planking.


    Thanks for stopping by!

  6. 13 hours ago, jfhealey said:

    W2 was supposed to eliminate the errors I made on W1 not introduce new ones I didn't make first time round.


    You're doing a good job Fred. Unfortunately we continue to bump our heads as we move along. The key is to find the errors (as you have done)

    and correct them before they cause further problems. I continuously have to check, recheck and then check some more!  :) 


  7. Thanks Chuck. Also thanks for all the likes.


    In the chapter 4 parts there are laser cut parts for the mast and capstan partners. 




    I was feeling creative so I wanted to see is I could reproduce them in pear. I used Chucks parts

    as a guide for cutting. First I drilled two holes the same size as the originals. One extra for each size.

    I figured it was easier to cut them on the full sheet to minimize the chance is splitting and cracking.

    I cut them on the table saw and then used the disk sander to get them to the correct size. I then

    cut the remaining pieces to size and assembled them.










    Next I'll start placing the hatches and partners on the deck.

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