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Everything posted by Anja

  1. Hello Mick, Happy birthday. I hope you have a wonderfaul day. Anja
  2. Hello Spencer, The AL Cutty Sark should have six large sheets of plans, a book containing color photos of every phase of construction and English instructions. Wasn't that all in the box when you purchased the kit? Maybe you can send them an e-mail at: sales@artesanialatina.net or web@artesanialatina.net Good luck with the plans. Anja
  3. Hello Alex, Don't worry about your English. It is fine. We will understand and otherwise we will ask. My native language is Dutch, so I have to search for the English words myself sometimes. But if you are having problems with the English words, try Google translator. It is not perfect, but it can help. Or send a message to one of our other Russian members, I'm sure they are willing to help if you ask. But I'm glad you will give it a try. Looking forward to seeing your work here. Regards, Anja
  4. Hello Alexandr, Welcome aboard. This is a great site for learning/sharing tips and techniques. I hope you will join us by contributing your buildlog of the HMS Tremendous here. You can ask all your problems or questions you have regarding your build, or ask for other advice. You'll find plenty of help from everyone. You can start a scratch build log here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/8-before-you-post-your-build-log-please-read-this-starting-and-naming-your-scratch- As for your question about the figurehead, can you please post a picture? This topic explains how to add pictures in your posts: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/540-how-to-add-pictures-in-your-posts-and-pms/ Enjoy your stay here and good luck with your build. Anja
  5. Hello Gianpiero, You're off to a great start. Beautiful work. And thanks for the detailed pictures. I hope you don't mind me following along quietly to watch, enjoy and learn. With a scale of 1:30 it's a big ship. What are her measurements? Good luck with your build. Anja
  6. Good morning Cees, Happy birthday. I hope you have a great day. Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag, maak er een mooie dag van. It's a pity your first model didn't work out. Good luck with your second Willem Barentzs. Anja
  7. Hello Elmir, Happy birthday. I hope you have a wonderful day. Anja
  8. Hello Edward, I think you've made the right decision. In the first picture I see what you mean.And if you're not happy the way it looks, change it. Good luck with scratching the parts. Have fun trying out your new camera next week. Anja
  9. Hello Patrick, The post with your pictures is already gone. Thank you. Please go ahaed and post your Bounty pictures in the 'Gallery of COMPLETED Scratch-built models'. Anja
  10. Hello Patrick, May I suggest you upload these pictures of your Bounty in the 'Gallery of COMPLETED Scratch-built models'. It is very helpfull to post pictures, but it is a bit too much to put 15 pictures of your own build within Edward's log. It might also be very confusing to other members who are following this topic. Just post one or two pictures and refer to the others in the gallery. Thank you for understandig and cooperation. Regards, Anja
  11. Hello Jack, I'm glad the recovery of your eye is progressing well. Good luck with the surgery. Anja
  12. Hello John, Yes, you certainly are in the proper place for this kit and off to a good start. Thanks for starting a log and have us enjoy this build with you. The photo might not be 'pretty' as you say, but your Bireme certainly will be. I'm looking forward to your progress. Good luck and happy modeling with your Bireme. Anja
  13. Hello Bill, I hope everything went well with the surgery and that you're recovering well. Today is your birthday, I'm not only wishing you a happy birthday today, but also a speedy and full recovery. Hope to see you back in the shipyard soon. Regards, Anja
  14. Thanks for the picture Bill, Found her with Google, but couldn't watch the virtual tours on my Ipad. It's a great site to check out. http://cityofadelaide.org.au/the-ship.html Anja
  15. Hello Kay, Happy birthday. Enjoy it and have a great day. Anja
  16. Hello Kester, Happy birthday. Enjoy it and have a great day. Anja
  17. Hello Marc, Happy birthday. Enjoy it and have a great day. Anja
  18. Hello Richard, Happy birthday. Enjoy it and have a great day. Anja
  19. Hello Eric, I'm sorry to hear about the kit, but I hope everything will be sorted out soon. Thanks for starting a buildlog of your Victory. There are a lot of Victory builders here. Besides them are a lot people here who are willing to help and advise and answer any questions you might have. We are all here to help eachother This topic explains how to add pictures in your posts: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/540-how-to-add-pictures-in-your-posts-and-pms/ In the 'Topic Tags' you can fill in words wich refer to your build. They help identify and find related content. For examlle 'HMS Victory', 'Caldercraft', 'Jotika', 'Wood', 'scale 1:72' etc. Go to your first entry and click the 'edit' button. Now you can type in your 'tags'. After typing in each 'tag', hit the enter or return key. When you're finished click on the 'submit modified post' button. Good luck with your build and happy modeling. Anja
  20. Hello Ship Wizard, She sure looks like a ship to me, and a fine one as well. You did a good job on your first build, congratulations. Good luck with your next venture. Anja
  21. Hello Nils, Happy birthday. Enjoy it and have a great day. Anja
  22. Hello Kimberley, We are our own worst critic, we never think it is good enough. But all finished ships are welcome in the gallery. So please go ahead and upload your pictures. I for one will be looking forward to seeing your completed ship there. Anja
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