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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Great progress Popeye, You seem to be getting all the little bits at once mate, have fun and let the imagination run riot. It's as Augie says, one line at a time. You really will start talking to yourself when you start on the rigging. I argue with myself and end up losing, not sure how that happens. Be Good mobbsie
  2. It may start of as a Traveller Popeye but by the time I'm finished with it it's going to be a slider, your absolutely right mate, thanks for the good words. Be Good mobbsie
  3. Hi Guys, Thank you all very much for the very kind words and your concerns, and of course the like buttons, I really do appreciate it. John, great to see you again mate, you've been missed, thanks for the kind words buddy. Kevin, You have been side tracked by a small plastic matter I believe, You'll soon catch up mate. I do have a small update, the ratlines for the Fore Lower Mast are completed now, for a while it seemed 3 steps forward and 2 back with me ripping out completed rows, mainly because they looked like jungle vines rather than ratlines, more droop in them than a bloke on the booze for a week. Some Pics So that's a small stage completed now, next step is to make the Bowsprit and Jib Boom, with all the accompanying tackle, I want to have a go at making a slider for the Jib Boom which will be a first for me, there are some very good ideas on site so as long as I don't have to do any welding I should be ok. I have to practice with my micro wood chisel's I bought a week or so ago, with the 2 foot long handles and 18 inch blades I will have plenty to get hold of, my mistake of the year so-far, hopefully I will be able to work with them, if I cant then they didn't cost a lot so little lost. OK guys that me done, your all up to date, most of you will be way ahead of me knowing what's going to happen but still, I need to find out for myself. Be Good Stay Warm / Cool, depending on your hemisphere. mobbsie
  4. Hi Ray, very nice mate but aren't those coils a complete pain to do. I have made loads and am still trying to find a system I like and which will give me a uniform finish, who knows, maybe one day. Cannon and Carronade's look fantastic. Be Good mobbsie
  5. Hey Matti, no need to be worried mate, with what you've achieved to date you will have no problems. Just take your time, and don't forget, try to have fun and enjoy what your doing. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Glad to see you back Patrick, looking forward to seeing your update mate. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Hi Andy, Walkways look great mate, big improvement with that new mesh. Good idea to leave the railings off although how many straight rails have you seen, most get bashed at some stage. Looking at the hatches I was wondering how they open up, most of the hatches I am used to were hydraulically operated fore & aft and sat on top of each other, are yours the same or do they open thwart ships? Keep up this high standard of workmanship mate, she looking real gooooooood. Be Good mobbsie
  8. Here you go Popeye One Crowsfeet hope that clears that up mate. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Nice bit of progress there Popeye. Good to have you back on the Half Moon mate. :) It's sickening when the snow plough's create more work than the actual snow, still, it keeps you fit I suppose. Also when the neighbours nick the space you've just cleared, I just love it, Be Good mobbsie
  10. All of the above Remco. You are a true master of your craft mate. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Hi Sjors, You've got a lot done there mate well done, looking good. A few more to do but less than you've done. :) I now know why you guys do so well in the skating, you have a 221 Km, 11 cities race around the Nordland, max time of 14 hours. Gotta be quick before the ice melts. Speak to you later mate. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Bugger, I missed the start, very little room left in the seats so I'm gonna sit on the Popcorn Machine, just enough room on there. I can also make sure Grant don't eat all the popcorn. Nice easy start Mark and I like the way you are approaching Mk 2. Going into the salvage business I see, why not, no need to reinvent the wheel mate. I wish you a slow and methodical Mk 2 and will follow your journey with a great deal of interest. Good Luck mate. Be Good mobbsie
  13. Hi All Thank you all very much for your very kind words and concerns over my health. If you shake me I will rattle, my morning tablet intake has gone up from 2 to 11, most of those are antibiotics and hopefully only for a week. Thanks again guys. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Planking is looking good Adriaan. Slowly getting back into the swing of it but there's no rush. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Augie, Thanks for the good word mate. The start of a cataract has been seen in my left eye but that's not too bad, what really concerned me was that I have Emphysema and I got a chest infection which made life quite difficult for a bit, breathing became a luxury and I was waking up in the early hours fighting for breath but that mostly behind me now so it's onwards and upwards yet again. Thanks for asking mate, appreciate it. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Nicely done Bob, I don't think this will present you with a problem, your skills are up in the stratosphere. Be Good mobbsie
  17. Hi Guys, Just a quick update on current progress, it's been limited lately due to a refurb of the kitchen and also a few health issues, hopefully resolved now. I have been working on the Foremast and have fitted all the Shrouds, Futtock staves, Catherpins and Futtock Shrouds. Next job is to put the Lanyards into the deadeyes and tie off then do the Ratlines, after that it's a bit of woodwork with the making of the Bowsprit, fit that and then the Stays, should be a lot of fun. Some pics. Looking from the bow, all is as it should be, nice and symmetrical. Foremast Tops Portside Deadeyes Futtock Staves and Catherpins Fitting and tying off the Futtock Shrouds So there we have it guys, your right up to date now, hopefully the next instalment wont be so long in coming. Any questions, just ask, as long as their not too technical. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Wow Matti, they look fantastic, the hours spent have not been wasted, well done mate. Have you had any more thoughts on the deck mounted guns, are they anything like carronades, whichever it's going to be really interesting. Good luck with the rigging of these little beauts. Be Good mobbsie
  19. Your reputation precedes you Andy, well done mate. Who know what this may lead to, something good I hope. Good to have you back mate. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi Kamil, Catheads, the beam that you have under the starboard cathead, all you need to do is to shape that beam to fit the bulwark and place it across the deck under both catheads, a lot of ships had this system as part of the cathead assembly and will not look out of place. For me it would be option "C", shape the timbers so that they lie in an inverted V shape with the point at the centre in line with the bow peak. All you need to check is the lay of the anchor rope from the haws back. Maybe a solution for you. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Hi Kamil Just found your log and hopefully will tag long for the ride. Have you tried scrapping the hull rather than sanding it, in many cases scrapping is better, give I a try, what have you got to lose. That's a nice bit of planking though. Your deck planking looks great and I love the colour of the rails. Be Good mobbsie
  22. Hi Buddy, I like what you've done here mate, it's good to see some progress. Why hasn't that first shroud not got any ratlines on it, in most cases it's the last shroud that doesn't have a full set, the last shroud is usually tied in with a row of ratlines every 10 rows, I'm not saying it's wrong after all she is a Spanish vessel it's just unusual that's all. Unless I've read it wrong which would be par for the course. Keep the good work up mate. Be Good mobbsie
  23. Hi Peter, I do have that book and it will be a great source of information, I do fancy the Jack Aubrey version but I also like the carronades of the original. Never had a carronade before and I quite like them, I may go for artistic licence and just play a little, we'll have to see, it's not out yet. Your not wrong about Parrel's mate, to me they are one of the worst parts of the rigging, I hate them. The air in my workroom is not a shade of blue but more a shade of deep purple and I don't mean the group. Still, it wouldn't be right if we enjoyed every aspect of our builds would it. Be Good mobbsie
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