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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. You must be a mindreader Mark. I've already recquisitioned the dining room table for final assembly and was hoping Sjors will be recovered for popcorn duties. It'll be a big day around here and all are invited .
  2. No apologies needed. Glad the move went well. If your clothespins stick to the planks from the glue you might try just the smallest dab of Vaseline worked well into the surface of the clothespin before you use it as a clamp. That should cut down on the adhesion. Welcome back!!!!
  3. It's a really nice overall color. I agree that the rest of the finishing process should help blend everything together. I'll keep the fingers crossed.
  4. Thank you John. I'll never attain your level of craftsmanship or attention to detail. But I can keep trying. Nice to have you back on that beautiful cutter ---- Stag.
  5. Larry - yes, standard glass that will be removable if I need to move her. Have to take my chances on breakage, but that's true of many items around here including antique scales and clocks. What I don't need is an earthquake - but that's been a while out here I previously mentioned my dislike of plexiglass, including lexan. Too vulnerable to scratches in my estimation based on my long experience in an industrial environment. I guess I'm just stubborn .... the fact that my eyeglasses are glass attest to that
  6. Very glad you're home. Anja can take better care of you then any hospital. Since you have no ship photos, how about posting the x-rays? Thinking of you.....
  7. I hoped you would like the analogy. Only had the pleasure of seeing that tidal bore once but your birthday brought back the memory vividly. We can wait for the photos !
  8. Shot a quick photo of the completed case as it currently stands. As mentioned, all the finishing is complete and she's ready for final assembly. Syren's baseboard is screwed to the case base and she's very secure. The glass has been ordered. Took one of the slotted uprights to the glass shop and the 1/8" fits perfectly. Glad I sanded out the grooves just a tad before finishing! One final going over to make sure everything is clean and in Bristol fashion. Once the glass arrives we'll take that perilous voyage up the stairs to her final resting place. Don't laugh but I blew this 'transfer cruise' once back in '78 so I'm in no hurry to embark . Oh......getting the ME case to this point took only about 12 hours. It is definitely sturdy and I like the way it came out. Considering I'm not a power tool guy, the investment was well worth it ---- especially if you catch one on sale. Be back with the final installment when the glass comes in. For the first time in 21 months, I have nothing to do!!!!! This is intolerable. I have set up my lawn chair out by the mailbox and shall anxiously await the arrival of CONFEDERACY. Everyone take care, stay well and enjoy what remains of the summer.
  9. EXTREMELY nice progress here, Aldo. I see only sawdust in your future ---- not BBQ's !!!!
  10. Wow---- the birthdays are coming in like the tide at the Bay of Fundy. Many happy returns
  11. Yes-----furnishings look great. And a nice catch on the deck opening. I think we all go a little numb sometimes and fail to see the 'big picture'. Glad you got it in time.
  12. You, sir, have a flair for color! Well done. As MSW Commodore, I shall also submit a recommendation that you receive an award for valor on your successful navigation of this behemoth down the stairs and outdoors. Bravery should be rewarded
  13. I measured everything about 27 times. Now that the case is here, she fits widthwise with perhaps 3/8" to spare on each side. Yes, it's tight and I had originally ordered the 36" case (which has a 14" width).......but that case wouldn't fit where I needed it to go so it will be used for Confederacy (suitably shortened in height). Progress report - The sanding, staining and poly operations have been completed. Not worth a photo but I will get some as I assemble the case and get the final measurements to get the glass cut. No margin for error there
  14. "(Thats sure to rial up the natives.)" Hey Fred, do you hear those drums too ?????
  15. Say, just noticed you surpassed 3,000 posts! Congrats !! If you were an ordinary human being you'd be an Admiral by now. But, being a moderator, you are doomed to rank anonymity. Carry on
  16. Everyone picks a 'wall side'. Mine is to port. Here's the rub. When you go to put her in her final spot, the Admiral usually says 'I like it going the other way'.
  17. Laying that first plank is a nail biter! Just a word on CA. Getting it on the outside of your hull planks is a problem. It does not sand well (as compared to the wood itself) and it will interfere with penetration of the stain. Those are the reasons many plank using PVA. If you must use CA, use it sparingly, wipe off any misplaced adhesive immediately and if you need to wipe off with some CA solvent (acetone works). I use the medium grade CA mostly as the thin stuff has a tendency to get all over the place and can even penetrate completely through a very thin plank.
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