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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Neat idea on the different color schemes. Are you getting ready to give us a drum roll???
  2. #1 or #2 lead buckshot would be slightly larger than 1/4". I'm not sure about availability 'down under'.
  3. What are your catalogue numbers for the ladders? I don't need any but would LOVE to have a pair!!!!! C'est magnifique.
  4. Just heard of an application today. Made to order shoes using 3D scan/print technology ! Talking commercial goods here, not prototype. Nifty!
  5. Those laser cut horse shoes look much nicer than photoetch. Great piece of work.
  6. Thanks all for looking in. KEN- The quarterdeck and stern rails call for black. As we move forward the moldings will be natural. POPEYE - I'll shoot that angle once I get the railings on the waist section.
  7. Welcome aboard, Christine. You've picked a fine project for your maiden voyage into wooden ship building. You will come across many instances where you will need to bend wood in order to get it to sit properly and take a new shape...particularly during planking. The most common solution is to soak the wood until it is pliable and then clamp or weight it down until it dries. Once it has set it is easy to glue it into place. Most of us simply use water and have a pan handy. If you search the forum you'll find many suggestions on bending planks (including heat and the use of the microwave). A lot depends on the particular piece and it's dimensions. Sometimes just spraying it will be sufficient, at other times a good soaking is required.
  8. Well done, John. MORE then worth the effort expended! My smile for the day!
  9. Have finally made some headway on getting the rails installed. I'm working from stern to stem so we began with the quarterdeck and stern rails: All of the rails are 3/16 x 1/16 boxwood and are faced on the hull side with 1/16 x 1/16 basswood molding which was beaded using a scraper. The camera is simply not picking this up due to the black color but it's there. It will be more distinct on the forward railings where the molding will be natural. Then stern rail was a bit of a challenge as it's a compound curve which was made by a combination of lateral and edge bending. It would definitely be easier to fabricate from wider stock (thereby eliminating the edge bend). But I love a challenge and needed more wood in my scrap box . Will be moving forward now as Confed competes with the great outdoors and it's associated activities.
  10. I can't stand it anymore ---- it just keeps getting BETTER !!
  11. Those are tough bends. But they came out looking fine. Is she going to have any floorboards? If that CA 'shine' annoys you, you might consider giving it a coat of clear flat acrylic. Some call it Dullcoat. I used Testors Model Master.
  12. Kees- Just remember that PORT wine is RED and you'll always know which side is which!
  13. You have it sitting nicely in the rabbet and a great looking run of plank. I'm smiling.
  14. Yes, you need to cut your angle with the bow very carefully and perhaps make the rabbet a little deeper/wider. I'm sending you a PM
  15. Cheers . Can't wait to see how you handle the cant frames. I have enough trouble building things that are (almost) straight!
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