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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Nice work Charley. Those blocks, if fit snugly and squarely, work wonders. Keep her in her keel holder as much as you can.
  2. Wow.....you're in warp drive. But really, I can't imagine anyone here giving you a hard time about the rudder :D
  3. Oh boy. Well, if you're as good with metal as you are with wood this should be a pleasure to watch. By the way, love your economic justification. And just think......if you can just squeeze out enough cash to lay in an HMS Victory kit your return on the lathe investment will be spectacular. Good luck my friend.
  4. Looks very good so far. Just be patient on the planking. The planking above the wales should go smoothly and get you ready to handle the curves below the wales.
  5. I'll be looking forward to your log on Endeavor Better stain that outdoor table before we see her out there!!!
  6. Believe it or not, the Admiral and I still like to watch dancing (keyword---- watch). Love 'So you think you can dance'. We will now return this log to it's normal programming.
  7. Glad it helped. Hope you enjoy that rigging book. It truly does 'all fit together'. You'll see that when you go to adjust the mizzen backstay and the spritsail yard pivots :D
  8. Nice hardware ! Good luck on the waterproof shafts. That bilge pump is a great idea light or no.
  9. Dirty Dancing........not bad. But I'm more of a Flashdance kind of a guy if we're talkin' choreography.
  10. Well, you certainly have a fine lady to be proud of. And this your first sailing vessel. Terrific job. Hope you find that display stand and put her in a place of honor. Now, what's to be the next project ??
  11. Randy- Don't know if this will help you. But have a look at page 117 (from Chuck's Syren Practicum) http://www.modelexpo-online.com/images/docs/MS2260/MS2260-Syren-Instructions-Chapter-20.pdf
  12. Wes- Yes, it's a great little miter thingy I've had mine so many years it's time for a new blade!
  13. That's quite a bottle you've come up with. Should give a really spectacular overall impression. Is it a gallon or half-gallon?
  14. That's a very neat structure with a LOT of details. Good work! Happy Sanding!
  15. Sorry to hear about life getting in the way. My thoughts are with your father. I have a nice SUV with a flatter roof line that you might find useful for a car top ship carrier. She's going to be BIG!
  16. Associated Press reports huge cloud of sawdust over New Hampshire ! Glad to see you bit the bullet and brought in the big guns to get HL moving. Solid hulls can be a LOT of work at the outset. Always best to do heavy sanding in two goes........ one to finish and the second to FINISH! WELL DONE!
  17. Finally, something to look forward to for Christmas........your return! Can't wait to see your projects in high gear. Stay well and come home safe!
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