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Everything posted by SkerryAmp

  1. I unfortunately don't have any pics that will help visually, but the easiest way to figure it out is... Find the centerline of the keel and draw a light line the length of the keel. Measure 1/16" to either side of that line and mark that the length (so now you have 3 lines). The two outer lines are where you want to bring the keel in to give you the 1/8". When shaping it you just want to bring it in and then up a little (to keep the keel) and then blend it back into the shape of the hull itself. Hope that helps a little. -Adam
  2. Andy, just once again got caught up and am really impressed with how good the Pegasus is coming along. The staves trick is terrific, your servings are awesome!! Very nice project - and I love the outdoor shots; make the colors really come out. -Adam
  3. The excellent work just keeps on coming!! very nice Sjors, very nice! (and love the pics!!!) -Adam
  4. ** Hehehe Ferit - thank you much, and more pictures are on their way. Promise. Will be getting some more up tomorrow! Thank you Sjors, appreciate that! Very eloquent Wayne!! And accepted. More coming though - one of the nice things about getting back to it after a bit is catching a little of that bug again and wanting to get more done! Thank you sir! Thanks popeye. I have settled on my plan for the planking. Am goign to plank it down to the wale? (still getting my terms under me). Below that is painted Tallow so planked or not won't show =(. So will smooth it out with some putty and diligent sanding and paint that. The wale is a bit thicker so the transition will look natural. Kind of getting anxious to get that part. I can see it in my head now (not just in the plans) so am hoping it translates onto the ship. I didn't update anything tonight, just more stanchions going up (seen one, seen em all kind of thing) but tomorrow will have more "meat" to show. Enjoy!! -Adam
  5. It does russ, quite a bit - gave me a few options to play with and work out, figure out what sticks. Will be hanging out around the Mayflower for a bit, but I think I know how to move on the Shadow and will be doing that this week I think. We shall see how it goes =) -Adam
  6. Thanks guys, much appreciated. I have been forcing myself to break from the other things I am working on (although one of them is as fun as ship building for me) to get try to keep some motion going. Decided to move back to the mayflower for a bit as I am not really sure how I want to move next on the willie. So, until I figure that out - to the mayflower we shall be =) -Adam
  7. Really nice Augie - she is framing up and coming together very nice, enjoying this quite a bit! -Adam
  8. Excellent rigging thus far Sir. Excellent!!! And if I may add to the offtopic at hand.... "For what we are about to see next, we must enter quietly into the realm of genius." No pressure sir!! -Adam
  9. Arthur, Thank you and glad I can be of some help! Robby, oh - I understand being busy - fear not. I had to finally force myself to neglect some things just for a night or two to get SOMETHING done on this here ship of mine. I followed the addage others have put up where even a single dead eye is progress Thank you all for the patience and for checking in, it is appreciated. I took last night and some of tonight and said to heck with it - SOMETHING is getting glued on this ship. That something isn't very sexy I am afraid and amounts to exactly 29 more stanchions for the railings. Pretty straightforward just like the others. I cut some pear a bit longer than needed and glued them in place using a scrap bit of lumber for even spacing. Once the rails are on at the right hight will just trim them down and sand them slanted/rounded at the tops to blend them all in. Still a number to go, but a bit slow going lining them up and getting them to stay put. I got a little ansy and started to glue some down a HAIR before others were dry. Sheesh, tempermental little things. So , had to back up, chill a bit and slow the pace some. More coming, but wanted to at least get SOMETHING done!!! Will continue the stanchions tomorrow and Friday, goal is to have railings done by weekend and second/final planking being worked on next week!! Until then folks... Enjoy!!!! -Adam
  10. Thank you both - David; it's okay you are a packers fan, they aren't in the same division (and quite honestly I enjoy watching Rodgers play). Drake - nice to see another NE fan; how do they treat you down there in the carolinas ! Thanks to both for the kind words... I have been incredibly busy as of late with this that and the other but as it so happens I have the mayflower sitting right here in front of me and will be doing some work on her tonight!!! -Adam
  11. Augie Augie Augie - somehow missed this along the way -- but see it now! Just finished reading and catching and wonderful start!! (BIG SHIP!!!) Looks really good and you seem to be moving along nicely - YAY another Augie Creation on the way!! -Adam
  12. Robbyn, they look great!! - I had actually forgotten this was a first... can't really tell by looking at it. But wow - what a first you will have under your belt!! Excellent recovery, excellent progress, excellent ship. (hmm, needs one more).. Excellently done!!! -Adam
  13. Thanks guys, I feel horrible for not being around as much lately but unfortunately after putting all that up - thinking I was in the clear and murphy had moved on, I was mistaken. He is currently (looks around carefully) shacking up in my backroom apparently. Trying to get back to normal, I need some murphy pellets or something -get him the heck out of here. If I could only find someone to send him too for a little bit. I guess that would be cruel though eh. Anyway - my apologies, feeling like a scrub at the moment not keeping up with stuff - but am trying!! -Adam
  14. Looks great Popeye- the "fix" doesn't show except that it looks real good. And I echo the sentiment on the cleanness of the decking. Crisp!! -Adam
  15. Egads. Many apologies folks - life just got up and sucker-punched the heck out of my "schedule" for the last few weeks. 1 Vacation in PA., 2 Wakes, 2 Unplanned trips to NY and VA, a Promotion, a catastrophic computer crash (the wife's no less), and an emergency tree removal left me with sporadic MSW posting at best let alone any build time. I THINK things have calmed down - so back to work I go (hopefully, knock on wood, rub a rabbits foot, find a 4 leafed clover and whatever else I may need to do). Augie and Popeye - I can say though I got to watch the deck settle in, dry and really cure down a lot and the color did even out a lot on it's own. So the deck looks pretty good now - very happy i went that route. Getting ready to make sure all the hull parts are done and filled and smooth so I can paint er up and get to work on the furniture!! Thanks for the patience all! Enjoy!! -Adam
  16. Sadly, unsure if you heard or not, but Floquil along with Pollly S and apparently Pactra and ColorArtz paints have been discontinued by Testors. So if you can find them, grab them up because soon they will be gone gone gone -Adam
  17. Eep, a little late - but Happy Birthday Neighbor! Ship is looking real good too!! -Adam
  18. Glad the move went well David, ship looks like it is right back on track!! And I agree the clothespins solution is quite ingenious, nice!!!! -Adam
  19. Rich, glad to hear the job hunt is turning promising! Very very nice!! -Adam
  20. Evening all. Well, a weekend away was a nice break but was itching to build!! So - onward I went!! Great ideas and will see what I can do with it - I like the wash, although my decks in most places are real tight, but will see what can be done =) I did get the rest of the decking laid and threw on a first layer of stain (natural with just a hair bit of oak for tint). The boards are Boxwood from the lumberyard and the color really popped. Although, even though I preconditioned it and have in the past had great luck with it - this time it still came out a bit blotchy. Not sure what happened. It doesn't look horrible just odd that it did that. I am hoping after the wash and poly to deepen it a bit the blotchiness will fade/blend in. I know a couple coats sometimes can even up blotchiness - here is crossing fingers and hoping!!! Thanks all for popping in!! Enjoy!!! -Adam
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