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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. very nice progress so far Jack. the prop is interesting.........never saw a kit with decals like that. you'll have this one finished in no time
  2. I stand corrected..........I might have done a less than stellar job on the body chrome. it was when I painted the roof, and then decided to give it a clear coat, that I knew I had played one card too many I was trying to cheat, by not painting the white......using the clear coat {lacquer} to lay a coat on the white for decal purposes. I did not foresee what would happen to the other painted surfaces. I do have a couple pictures, but they are in the camera at the moment. I will post them presently, but for the time being, I offer this description of the results. the painted surfaces raised and puckered, as though Jack Frost blew it a kiss ❄️ the red fared better than the blue.........that you haven't seen yet........this I attribute due to the age of the paints. the red is a fresh bottle I just got........the blue paint, I have had for quite some time {it may even have come from the paints that Lou sent me}. it has had time to fully cure, and some of it has settled down....but the roof still resembles alligator skin. I'll post the pictures tomorrow....one more day of work >sigh<. on a much different note.......this house must be cursed or something. the bathroom is done........the fact that we can finally get back to normal, is a welcomed feeling indeed. a couple of days after they had gone, we discovered that the sewer pipe in the cellar, has rotted to the point of leakage.........small rot spot, but it wasted no time in getting bigger! of course, this means that assorted waters is collecting on the floor......small at first, but has gotten larger. we contacted the landlord about the situation.......so far we haven't heard or see anything in the way of having it repaired. after work the other afternoon, I went down there with a coffee can and some duct tape and patched it for the time being......I haven't been down there to see if it has slowed the leakage { I suppose I would have heard something from second floor.......she has her washer and dryer down there}. I got home today to see a woman walking up and down the street, handing out pamphlets........the city wants to replace sections of the sewer pipe that services the block! this will be happening in a couple of weeks when it rains it pours.........anyone got an umbrella? ⛱️ ...I already have the boots
  3. very delicate.........amazing in the way you kept the shape! the nose ring is a perfect circle awesomely done!
  4. you could build up the stone wall on both sides of the cannon, leaving the front of the cannon open, or with a torn away portion of the wall. either way......you have a very nice plan of it's display it coming along nicely.
  5. have a friend of mine that is building the Guillow's version of the stearmans...a very popular plane interesting choice of paints......I have another friend in Canada, that did a Duke's of Hazzard model with Jo Santos paint....I think something similar to what your using . looks good well done on the other kits........like Lou said........it's good to stay busy
  6. don't tell me that J..........he might get insulted with my paint job! I goofed it up no return either!
  7. tagg'in along as well I had the pleasure of building Werner Voss's triplane {1:28 scale} when I was younger....got these two from a fellow in England several years ago....... laughed my butt off as to how small they were.........darn description on E-Bay they are old....been with me for a couple moves been wanting to do a couple brit planes....but my budget has been put on hold since my last purchase {only temporary }
  8. I'm trying to con the admiral into getting our fishing licences. I think back to my younger days and how much I used to fish.......all I ever used was a drop line superb gallery shots.........
  9. the macro is pretty cool.........in the earlier post, there is a chair with the back upside down. no kidding.......I can see that! {the table with ten place settings} no matter........this is still by far, the greatest feat that's a super job on the model boat.........to make one at this scale.....WOW! you did say you were going to make it........you made good on your promise
  10. hello there Steve........quite a log you have here.......and quite a ship too for what this kit is......you might as well call it a scratch build! very well done though...... a thing to consider in regards to the davits.....they are in the raised position.......when boarding the boats, they would be lowered, so there would be room to move around them. I read about you wife's illness......glad it arrived to an outcome you both were hoping for. nice work on the railings.......I've done a few fishing vessels in my day, and they can actually be a lot of fun to create. I make them on the boat, either by using CA, or fix them in place and remove them for solder if needed. if you desire to do anything with the decals, I'm all ears............I'll refrain from bringing them up again, since I read you decided on the ones you already have. but, if you want to.....look at my Andrea Gail build {log or gallery}....that's about what you will need to do. common Carl........gee......after his first one, he was no longer considered a newbie now I feel bad that I found this log so late...........
  11. well.......it's a newer kit from old molds.......I'm fairly certain that the molds were never retooled. I'm sure both issues of kit have the same problems. I do like older kits......there is a challenge to them. the worst hurdle is the decals. if I had thought of it.......I coulda looked this up and been ok. oh well >shrug< thanks for the good word gents........and thanks to those who hit the like button
  12. thanks gents.......I had to do a double take with the paint........it's reflecting the finish on my desk. one of these days, I gotta get a new desk I masked the body, but paint still found it's way into the door groove. gotta fix that. got a little bit done today.......lawns mowed and errands run. thanks Jack and all who hit the like button
  13. wwow.........looks really great Danny! without a doubt....a feat of engineering
  14. just catching up with your log Patrick........totally mind blowing what you've accomplished here the engine room and living quarters look awesome! had me fooled........I thought the big one was a flat screen I can just imagine what your gonna do with your next one..........reserving a seat right now for it. super job .........very well done
  15. I have a small update on this project. the interior is coming along........ the order of assembly is very different than how I like to progress. the second step is the body, so I began to prep it for paint. the dash has been painted in greater detail... the shocks and steering wheel has been painted.........and the first phase of the body is done. the hood has seen more progress too.......the scoop is in place and the underside has been painted. more to come.
  16. hello again.........here with another update on this fine piece of equipment. thanks to all who looked in and hit the like button....I really appreciate it I must admit.......I'm kick'in myself......I dropped the ball on a bit of detail.......what's worse, I even reminded myself to do it the session started with the roof......painting the underside and adding the whistle control lever. then came a hurdle......cementing in the windows. it wouldn't be a tough job, but the lip around the windows isn't very pronounce. this is nice for the overall installation and looks of the model........but it might be a nightmare for the modeler applying just enough cement to hold them in place. I finished, only coming out of it with a couple of spots of ooze. I used the Testor's window maker, so when it dries, it will hardly be seen. looking inside will give you an idea of how narrow the lip is. I noticed that I hadn't put on some of the decals......on the back of the tender, the number 3..... ...and on the head lamp {the picture was too blurry...worse than this one}. I also put them on the cab..... ....and the number 3 on the sand dome. I went on another search for more pictures......and that's when I made the discovery. the interior of the cab was green! of course, it's too late now to paint it because of the windows {I'd never be able to do the in between areas around the windows}.....so I guess it will remain red. what I could and did do though, was these two black areas on both sides of the entrance. the beam along the bottom was to be black as well, but I opted to leave it red to offset these two areas. then it was time to cement the roof assembly on. I've seen others do a masterful job with these aspects.......I'm not one of them. the round badge button that locates on the nose of the loco, needs to be painted. it was done using three colors....light pronza green, flat red, and gold. the green is a white ensign color.....I think it looks very close to the original color. it does need some touch up.......stuff like this is not my strong point. it looks better in person { I think my camera is possessed by Murphy} I've seen so many models of this train, left with the gray plastic parts. so far in the build, I've had a hard time with that, thinking that they should be of color......of application and functionality. I think this is one of the pitfalls with models molded in multi colored plastic. I get it.........this was done to attract more folks to buy the kit, especially those who are not that great at painting. as a young lad......I fell victim to that ploy, only painting the detail that would stand out. the internet has really been a boon to the hobby in this regard.......there is so much more to find now, then it was back then. paint schemes.....tutorials.......and sites like MSW......Pandora really came out of the box! {in a good way } the gray stuff has to go.........and what color would enhance this model....hmmmmmm?!?!?! why more red!......of course *spoiler alert* today's session is going to begin with cementing the cab in place 🚂
  17. fantastic job on the engine.......amazing how small the parts are! well done!
  18. agree with the others.........as long as the contour of the hull is smooth, with equal spacing along the keel and stems, then you've done a darn good job thoughts of other ship..........nawwwwwww.....it'll pass that is........unless your like me, and act on 'em only if you have limited space...........then........you might want to worry
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