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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. catching up on your project here........I see your finished ! you did such a great job, even the water look great! congratz on a model well done!
  2. the Revell Alabama is a spin off from the Kearsarge........same with the Cutty Sark and the Thermopylae.........and yet again with the Constitution and the United States. as a matter of fact, I was always under the impression that there were seven kits in the 1:96 series.......there are others. I saw a couple of them on the old model kits site.......I wanted to cry { I bought my quota for the year already...admiral said } there is an Alabama for sale there too, that has some upgrade kits included with it.......they want over #300 bucks for it. these kit are rare. I recall back when I built mine back in the '90s.....now that I have reflected on it.....I did a poor job on her......didn't paint half the stuff I shoulda. at the moment, I have the Connie and United States.........second time build for them both there are very few kits that are a good representation of the vessel they are the subject of........a lot more are fictitious. they were cutting edge back in the day they were produced.......but today there's more information on them and model companies fail to upgrade their kits accordingly. the research is now left up to the folks willing to build their models as accurate as possible.
  3. just catching up with your project.........she looks super! very nice work all the way around........hull and sails. the rigging is exceptional have you begun the Santa Maria yet?......I'll have to check
  4. putting the cap rails in place, this will never be seen anyway this is a neat approach....no need to taper or bend.
  5. I had my tiff over belaying pins.......the ones I got in a kit looked like knewl post tops! considering the scale of the kit, they never would have worked! I fancy the brass ones myself........I changed the way I run the lines too. I thread the rope through the hole and then stick the pin in. it saves on me having to hang clothes pins to keep the lines taught, I'll never forget where they are supposed to go, and if the hole is small enough, I don't have to cement them in place. your ship's look'in good.....keep up the good work!
  6. really nice progress Semore.....the hull is coming along wonderfully deck looks swell too.......you'll fill the gap in with no problems
  7. hello Ferit....I am so amazed with the progress you've made.........the rigging looks absolutely fantastic! I've been play'in with plastic for a bit, but a recent project makes me want to start mak'in sawdust again. she's look'in a top notch vessel......getting better and better with more that you add! great job!
  8. you've made some really great progress Kevin she's a stunning vessel to be sure! I think that by the time you can truly hang the completed sign on her, someone will be following you with hankies........the feeling of her being finished might be a bit overwhelming. I remember how I felt when I finished my first project........now, after several.........eh, not so much your labor of love really shows....she's a sweet look'in vessel!
  9. catching up on your project EJ...........glad to hear your feeling better the hull looks fantastic.........and the first steps of the masts are looking fine as well. awesome work
  10. look'in really great Michael........spar deck looks very well done some really sweet detail and the lanterns make it even better.......should look awesome in a case!
  11. some really great progress here OC, although I think you might want to do the braces later.......these might get in the way she's look'in very good! sorry to hear of your mouth problems.......I can sympathize with you. I was the same.......I used to steer clear from dentists. if I told you what the last dentist I saw did to me, you'd fell the same way too. I even pulled a few myself, just so I wouldn't have to go. the last couple of years though, it became apparent that having them all pulled was my only option left......I began to develop abscesses and get sick. this last bout, caused me to go finally, and I couldn't have found a better guy....Dr. Beshay was fantastic......I not only didn't feel a thing....but he didn't screw around like the others! I found out, that all the others fed me a bunch of bull......it was just an all around great experience. I'm still waiting to get the final fitting, but I now have dentures......best thing I ever done! I don't like the adhesives, so eating with them is a bit harder to get used to, but I've been assigned to another dental tech, that is using a different type of fitting material, that helps to keep them in place. it's been so awesome to eat the foods that I couldn't eat before. sweet tooth...........bud, Captain Crunch was my staple for breakfast I started this journey back in October.........today, there are time I forget I have them in place! I won't lie........they cost me a fair bit of cash.........but I feel so much better, and I'm back to gnawing on pork chop bones again I hope something comes for you with your situation...I hate to see friends suffer
  12. WOW! what an amazing difference! absolutely beautiful all your paint had paid off in spades!
  13. netting?.......I've combed over her and I don't see. there is so much detail there one would never see it all in one blink
  14. awesome looking vessel Greg...love her overall color your rigging on these vessels is way over the top......stunning! I guess Carl doesn't like carbon 14
  15. yepper Steve........it's too bad I'm not knowledgeable enough to make money doing it
  16. hidie ho there neighbor! I think I have enough here to give you a fairly decent update on the affairs of this fine loco {and I'm not talk'in 'bout the modeler either.......>even if it's true } at the beginning of the month, I painted the floor of the cab with a flat brown. I used a brush, so that allowed some ghosting to occur. looking at the brown and black contrast....I kinda liked it. so I mottled the rest of it too. touch up needed.....I know...but it does give the appearance of a beaten floor. I finally took the valve chest assemblies out of the spray booth {I had forgotten them there}. not much of a picture of them, but it also shows that I've been working on the seats and the steam dome. I need to get back to finishing the paint on it, as well as the sand dome..........I have an idea of a paint scheme for these two parts this was also when I cemented the walkways on the boiler. by the time I tried to cement the floor in place, they had plenty of time to dry. it looked like the locators on the floor cemented into holes in the underside of the walkways.........bad assumption! the stress of getting them in the holes pulled the walkways off the boiler..........can anyone say "square one" this also left a right jolly 'ole mess to clean up.........good thing it's on the underside. the floor is in place now, but I'll wait a bit longer to get back to it. as I had mentioned earlier......I should get back to working on the tender. just painting the trucks for the tender flat black is kinda bland....I wanted to spruce them up some. I'm rather hesitant about weathering......it just never seems to look right to me. I look at it the next day and clean it all back up I got my courage up last evening and took some flat steel, dry brushing both trucks. this might not be the best picture of them....I'll have a better one when I get the wheels in place. the outer bands on the wheels were also done in flat steel......I think I should give the sides the same weathering. here are a couple pictures of the boiler, with the walkways and floor installed.......I haven't touched it up yet. the admiral has been after me to clean up my desk. my table doesn't look much better I bought a stool so I can sit, but it too tall and I feel like I'm over my work........I plan on cutting a couple of inches off the legs to make it more comfortable to use. usually, I like to stand. I hope to have an update for you folks soon
  17. hi all.......a small update on the dilemma I ran into. no matter how I tried......the engine would not fit with the stabilizer bar in place. I removed it and installed the engine. as before.......putting the stabilizer back in place wasn't going to happen either. so, I guess it's modification time I wish I had snapped a few pictures of the dilemma as it unfolded..... anyway........what the bar part consists of, is the bars {left and right}, and the tie rod assembly ....this is all molded together. right where the bars pass over the tie rod bar, I scored the plastic on the inside, and bent them outward, equally to meet the frame. cement was applied at the cuts so arrest this new design. in my small meager spare parts box, I still have two of the caps from the revellution funny car, which will make very nice "attachment" pints for each of the bars. I did a little more cleaning up to the part.....missed some tell tale mold lines..... ...and cemented it back to the axle. the caps were added afterwards. all was touched up later, to get rid of the glue marks I'm still thinking of what color to paint her in........but I assembled the front seat and gave it a coat of tan, as well as the rest of the interior. now to assemble the rest of the interior and paint the overhead interior inside the body shell.........part will be tan, and the rest will be flat black. more to come..........I took tomorrow off! forecast is rain
  18. very nice progress.......the paint work looks great
  19. thanks J.........but I'm trying to cover over all this white my........this transfer of color is trickier than I thought?!?! the grill screen looks great.....but this one isn't finned at all, so a screen like that won't work out well. I have something of a mural in mind
  20. nicely done Slog! that's the main reason I smile, when I see that the clear plastic is in it's own bag.........I've had that happen to me on a few occasions as well. don't be too critical on the exhaust.....the effect can be seen...there's always the gray area on just how much, and I think you captured it quite well welcome to the plastic forum.......always good to see new faces. I started with the funny car, but with the nice weather, and the indication from my last project in this forum, I fear the wood bug is starting to make me itch. I've still got a couple non ship plastic projects in the Que, so I think I'll be keep'in ya company for a while. very fine job on the Crusader........following along to see how she turns out
  21. .......and get back to it I did. first thing was to cement the headers on the engine. I should have filled in the depressions on the headers.......if the model is flipped over to see the undercarriage, they can be seen. the rear differential is the same way, although that open area can't be seen. again, thanks to J for clearing up the bumper question. the kit includes some neat looking custom bumpers, and I really wanted to use them. they were added to the chassis and then touched up, along with the bumper frames. the suspension was added next......the front, along with the stabilizer bar... ......and the rear suspension / differential. the tires were assembled onto the chassis after everything set for a bit. the holes for the metal axles were drilled out to accept them better. the lower part of the body was then placed on the chassis for a dry fit....still thinking of the body color. .....then the first major snag. with the stabilizer bar in place, the engine will not fit oh bother! the only option was to remove the stabilizer bar, with the hopes that it can still be put back in place. if not, I will need to modify it somehow. the engine was cemented in place, and again, I'm happy with the looks. I was looking at the center grille I'm using.........I think it needs a really cool image...........back on the net I went, looking for that perfect image
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