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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. no like button on that one Chris.......I hope your recovery is progressing well. thanks for the good word....... thanks pat. I did more on her yesterday.......I didn't get any pictures though. I'm also trying out something a little bit different for the first level railings. I should have more soon
  2. I diluted it when I did it.... wonderful progress OC.......the windows and deck fitting look really good really coming together!
  3. yea.......I like to use 10 mm brads. I have a lot of them from all the Billing kits I've built. they make great buttons and levers too. my thing is those beads......but, if that's what it calls for what happened to your hand mate?
  4. she looks really nice...very clean and vivid colors my first build was like that......I found that not cementing between the planks allowed the gaps to show up in a big way. I have this model in my stash.......your log will make for great reference.
  5. thanks OC......that's the way they set......I didn't do or add anything thanks for look'in in! thanks Lou for the like.........almost done mate!
  6. when the moment of truth came.......fitting it was terrible! one curvature was working against the other.......and it just became too crazy. so, I said the heck with it.......I split the difference. the first side was fitted and cemented in place. the other side was fitted and cemented in place soon after....and then I couldn't stand it any longer. that transom strip needed to be thickened up! I was gonna run out and get some flat stock, so I could make a whole part for it......but I grabbed any 1/32 pieces that would fit and cobbled them in, filling the span of the transom part! hee....hee.......looks like me the other day at the dentist when ll this was dry, it was trimmed and sanded to some degree. I didn't want to go too crazy on it.......damp basswood does not sand well........no..no..it don't there are a couple areas as I mentioned, but I think it will take less putty to smooth it out. I left a sill to terminate the planking. you can see some of the bow parts on the board.......the bulkhead is there, cut from mahogany sheet. in the first Nordkap kit, that part was plywood, which was a lot thicker. most of the aft cabin parts were plywood as well. I may double it up, should I use that one.......although, I cut the other bulkhead part from 1/8 basswood flat stock. it's not much different, but it's a lot stiffer. when I worked in the bow cavity, I cemented in two posts for the bulkhead to rest against. they will also serve as the locator points for the beam that will fit against the upper edge of the bulkhead. I cemented the first beam in place already.........it was out of the way. yea.......I still gotta get a light over here so I can see better........it will benefit the pictures too. the stern too is all closed in.......I think some of the CA worked it's way around the deck platform too. well........I think I bent yas ears long enough........my god........I'm such a chatterbox! I thinks I'll slinks back in me hole and see what other forms of mayhem I can get into my god!.........some cortisone please!!!!!>>>>>>>I an SOOOOOOO itching to do a fore'cle deck!
  7. I was going to post this on the Nordkap thread in the nautical discussion forum, but seeing it here will set the tone for what I did today. when I built the Nordkap, this area of the stern was really tough, since this was my first time actually planking a wooden hull. I laid the planking until the counter {I guess this would be what this area's called} was totally isolated. I came up with the idea to use the cast off planking to fill it in then it was sanded then it got a coat of filler then it got sanded that was much later.....guess I didn't snap a picture of it sanded. what I intend to do on the Progress is a bit different......I'm going to try and cover it with 1/8 th basswood flat stock. one thing I would do beforehand, should have been to line along the underside of the deck platform with 1/8 strip stock......bent to the contour of the transom part. I would have something for the mating edge to lay on.....I did encounter a little unevenness, but nothing a little filler can't handle. taking a piece of card {a model box} I made up a template. bad enough there is the hull curvature, but there is an opposite curvature, since the stern is rounded {a compound curvature}. making and fitting a piece from the template, it was soaked in hot water and flexed enough to be able to trap it inside a glass. another glass was pushed inside to press it against the inside ID of the glass, and left in the sun to dry {with any luck}. earlier, before I did that, I had hot water in the stacked glass, to keep heat on it {setting it in the sun was the admiral's idea....she likes to help sometimes}. while playing the waiting game, I puttered around on other projects, coming back to the Progress, to make the anchor boxes. I will post something on this in the Nordkap thread........these I did a little differently......I added the bottom part rather than use the deck platform as the bottoms. cemented in the bow, they will be totally closed in. they were sanded and fitted into their places inside the bow cavity. I did go a bit further with the bow. I started to make another cabin bulkhead, cutting the bin opening in the middle of the bulkhead...but I stopped in the middle of it all, and worked with the bulkhead that was supplied with the kit. the bin opening is off to the starboard side, making allowance for a porthole and a door. I may keep it.......but I will finish the other bulkhead and compare them to see what I like best......I will also look at the diagrams and see what was actually there. in either case, I want to try and do a sliding door, rather than removable boards you can see that I'm impatient to get to work on the deck fixtures....huh
  8. thanks for the likes...I apologize for the slow pace of the updates. I was a bit crowded at the table.........I keep say'in I need a longer table. now that I moved the obstruction to it's own temporary table {of sorts}, I can get something done on the dice. the doors and the vent covers were painted and cemented in place. much as I didn't want to {'cuz they look corny}, I added the door knobs using those black beads supplied in the kit. I gave them a backing, so they would be recessed into the door openings.......I'll paint or stain the backing inside, so they won't be seen through the windows. I'm thinking of using that tinted cello, so it may cut down on the visibility. as for the fore and aft doors, I couldn't recess them...the openings were a bit shallow. I also added the actuator rods on the paddle wheel....finishes it off. once the windows are ready and added to the structure, the third level can be added. still more to do on the first level too. I'll get to more on that soon........perhaps even the next update. thanks for look'in in......enjoy
  9. I know it's been a good couple of weeks since I last worked on this project. I had some free time today, so I terminated a couple of lines. I have one more to terminate, and a few more to go, and I can call this model finished. enjoy ⚓
  10. --> August 23 <-- thanks Lou........almost done! I haven't had a chance to get back to her, but I can't wait to finish her. I'm sure you could have done as good a job. you just got to believe............imagine thanks for the good word Robert silly me.........forgot to hit the post button
  11. the ship's boats can be done either way. if you leave them like this, you could do the rigging for the davits and tie them off to cleats, affixed to either the bulwarks or the cap rails. to create the pulley assembly, rig two blocks with hooks on them and attach them to eye bolts on the cap rails. on some boats or ships, you might even see them in an X pattern. she's look'in really good
  12. only thinking of you my friend after all........we don't want a tiny bit of rigging spoil such a superb looking model
  13. PVA........is that like white glue? I never had much luck using white glue......I either use clear cello or Testor's window maker. it sounds though like your expecting a clouded outcome......you will get the old age effect though your making good progress.
  14. hello Zappto.......yes. fish were caught by net, transferred to fish boxes, where they were sorted and the catch was stored below. there will be holds on the deck. while I am waiting for the addition to the transom part to set, I made up the anchor boxes. I will then have to make the holes in the hull after they are cemented in place. I'm no expert with planking.......it might look scary at first. but considering my past outcomes, it should end up looking pretty good. having worked with an old kit before, I know what to expect........so far it hasn't let me down. I've had some breakage, but it's due to the age of the wood. I got into scratch building very early, so I'm all set there thanks for the good word !
  15. hello Michael...and thanks for the good word the bench is actually the board I use to paint the hulls on. it has a pair of 2 x 4's that fit along the deck, making it pretty much hands free. not too good if I want to support the hull right side up though......but it gets the hull off the table, so I can do other things and not twiddle my thumbs. glad to see you look'in in...... thanks to you all who hit the like button this morning, I attempted to see how the planking would wrap around the transom and counter. without soaking the planking......it broke! so, I'm in the process of tracing and coming up with a template to make an addition to the transom part. I'm going to try and make the part from 1/8 th flat stock. I want the grain to run from port to starboard because of the curvature of the stern stem. this is not going to be easy........even after soaking the part I'm making under real hot water, it being very stubborn as far as the bending goes. I have it trapped inside a glass at the moment, sitting in the sun. I'll give it a while to see how this all works out. I hope I don't have to split the part. more on this soon
  16. we must have posted at the same time I was asking if your boom repair went OK.........you answered my question! very nicely done......she looks great I do notice though that the horse isn't rigged.........instead of tying off at the cleat........rig the horse and then tie off at the cleat.
  17. I did a bit more planking between other goings on 'round here today {and here on the site}. at one point during the bulwark planking, a triangular piece broke off one of the tabs on the deck platform. I think the margin would have covered it, but I glued it back in place. the hull is on the table, along with the Tumbl'in Dice...kinda crowded. as can be seen, rather than do stealers along the bulwarks, I will wait and do them lower at the bow. I know I will need to do at least one. I laid the two 7 mm strakes, then set it up with two 10 mm strakes. from these, I'll run 5 mm planking hoping that they will work better forming the transom and counter, as it meets the stern stem. I had a terrible time with the Nordkap........hope to do better here. the planking process is going to be time consuming and slow.........to keep myself occupied, I'm going to set up a small station to plank her on. with the table free, I can work on the Tumbl'in Dice while the planking dries. so I cleaned up some plastic milk crates and set up the station. I'm not too keen on the lighting........I may move the other crane light over to it.....got plenty of room. not that it might happen again......I'm finally going to add blocks to those tabs, so I don't break them again. I was able to do all the ones fore to the bow........aftward, I'll have eight more pairs to install. the bulwarks are now fully planked over.........there are no open areas around the deck. I also cut out some more parts........never take laser cutting for granted........I sure don't one never realizes just how many part there are in a kit, until it has to be done manually........Mahogany to boot! I hope to have an update tomorrow. nighty night!😫
  18. ....and I wish I had more...... welcome to the log Kevin. it's true.......I have way too many projects. even I lose track of where I am sometimes, but I enjoy it. this one was too good and too cool to sit on any longer. it's not every day that a person builds an old kit, then gets another older kit as a Christmas present. these two kits are interesting too because of the differences between them...in the wood part, as well as the fitting kit itself. same kit, same model. check out the Nordkap thread in the nautical discussion forum...I think I posted a link at the beginning of the log here. I've added to it as well. thanks for the good word, and I hope ya follow along. she kinda rough right now, but once she's fully planked and some paint get laid, she'll really start to take shape
  19. now you know why they call it a boom.........snag just didn't have the right ring to it she's look'in good though........you've done some amazing progress since you got back to the table. gee........you should be almost done hope your fix goes according to plan.
  20. hmmmm....something to see.....Carl knock'in one back while hang'in around. gravity is affected by alcohol ........remember that
  21. coming along nicely with the winch
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