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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. sorry I didn't get back to finish the post........got a bit evasive once I got into the dentist chair I ended up having two teeth removed! this is long over due.......this needs to happen..........I've been putting it off long enough. in a couple of weeks, I will go back and have the rest removed......and the next step will be dentures. I've had bad experiences with past dentists........more obstinate than afraid, is what kept me from having this done. even my primary suggested that I do it, to stave off future problems. the admiral is pretty happy too anyway..........I started to fare the bulkheads and define the contours. on the first model, I don't recall if I glued on the rabbits.......looking back in my logs, it appears that I didn't. this is a good thing.......I didn't need to worry about nicking them with the sander. I have to be careful here, since I cemented on the bow and stern rabbits. I didn't add the rabbit strip along the keel bottom....good thing I suppose, but the mid ship won't be altered as much with the sanding. for those who are new to the idea of faring the frame, this is very important. to fare the bulkheads, your evening them out and giving them the taper to fit the contours of the hull. you want the planking to lay flat on the bulkheads, and not sit on an edge....to speak. this will cause a number of problems, like bad adhesion and the planking taking on a clunky look. the bulkheads will jut from the planking, giving really hideous lines where they sit. faring is synonymous with tapering........your defining the contour so the planking will flow over the bulkheads, allowing curves and a really smooth skin.......the kind of smooth skin chicks die for the best way to adequately fare a frame, is to use a block that will cover more than two bulkheads. this way, you won't run the chance of one being lower than another and cause the planking to become wavy..........an indention in the skin of the model. small hull frames are easier to do...you can use a smaller block......larger models call for a larger block. for this model, having a bulkhead width of 53 mm, I use a wall board sander. it has an overall length of 9 inches......I can hit three.......or even four bulkheads. when doing around the turn of the hull frame though, I try to 'roll' it around as much as possible {more diagonal that straight across the bulkheads}. I usually have to do this outdoors or in the garage, because of the noise it makes....it's like fingernail;s across a blackboard! the weather has been up and down here........cold in the mornings with not a lot of warn up during the day. the admiral has been pretty tolerant..probably because of this reason........she's even allowed me to run my scroll saw in the house! so I started on the port side, contouring the bow section. the bulkhead roots around the stem will take some finesse...likely trimming them with a razor blade. I've also gone down the front face of the bow stem, squaring that off as well. the noise it makes {I call it music}, will die down as the bulkhead become more in sync with one another.......I use it as a fair barometer that they are sanded to the point of where they need to be. cementing the platforms in place can be a good thing too. it allows you to sand the bulwark posts flush to the platform.......but take care not to break them since they are really nothing more that tabs, unless you cemented in small pieces of wood to support them. sounds like overkill, but I've done this before.....it's not a bad thing along the mid ship, it's not so bad........it takes very little material removal to get the bulkheads flush with one another. as said, without the rabbits in the way, it's easy to taper the roots to the keel. the stern has a small problem.......even though the keel spine strips were cut to the proper lengths, the frame does seen to fall short of the decking platform. this is likely due to some shrinkage, or how I had to make the adjustments to the assembly surfaces of the bow and stern stem parts. it's minor in scope.........probably around 3/16 off the overall hull length. for a model that is over 32 inches long, it's not a big deal rounding this off will be fun. more was done on the port side until I had to leave. I would have liked to have gotten back to her when I got home, but I wasn't in the mood to play my musical instrument. perhaps tomorrow.
  2. for the stack top, I mixed up some flat black and flat white, coming up with a color that looks a lot like soot. the chain is so-so........I've seen many do them in flat white, but I find it hard to see the logic in that, considering the function and use. I will usually go with flat black and wash it with rust in some cases........for this one, I would go with just the black. if you mixed up the soot color.......you can even use that made a lot of progress since I last saw her........looks great! the main structure second level deck isn't planked, so it would likely have been in the gray color. it looks really good though.......I like it makes the upper structures stand out 👍
  3. javlin......you can get a lot of the same info from the Revell Cutty Sark . these two models are clones........with a little research, you can alter the model to look more like the Thermopylae. here is a site that will give you a good idea. http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/?irn=211834&img=132358 if you want to compare the instructions, I've posted them here. http://cuttysarkdrydock.wordpress.com/ looks like the Sergal kit Bedford really nice looking model! I quite agree with you......the scale of this model needs to have been made larger, and definitely not a beginner's kit. very nice looking model though when complete.
  4. I got to fiddling with the Progress this morning.......I want to get the frame fared and ready for planking, before I do anything else. first off........the margins.......as mentioned, they are cut out. they came out well, but I still need to clean them up a bit, giving them smooth lines. I was going to widen them at the mid ship and get away from trimming the deck planking as much, but I think it will give the deck some character funny thing when I went to drill the hole for the mast. the plywood piece I used is made up of four plys. as I was drilling the hole, the glue holding the plys together broke away and half of the thickness fell off! darn! so I glued it back on and reclamped it. after it had set for a while, I went to redrill it with the clamps still in place. the center broke away from the outer ply and fell out!. fine then.........Ill take the other piece that matches it, and glue it on top as a stop.........stubborn piece of wood! I still need to go to a larger diameter hole, so before I glue on the other piece, I'll fit it to the dowel. faring the frame, I went to the garage and got my board.....just a narrow board with a pair of 2x4 blocks screwed on. it supports the frame better. I had to clean off the dead spiders and cobwebs since it's been a while since I used it last. oops........almost time to go.........I have to see the dentist today. I hate teeth problems!
  5. I've watched many flights on you tube..........some are great.........but yea, when they crash, you want to cry along with the guy.
  6. what?!?!?! you sold it to R2D2?!?!?! you picked a great person to sell it to........he has a built-in laser cutter! hope we'll see more of her
  7. hello Mike........read through your log and found it quite enjoyable. couple of small diggers there, but you handled them well........the stern planking came out really nice nice job on the planking.......the second planking should be a breeze!
  8. I haven't used the jig on this ship yet.......I will be though I may need to make a smaller one for the upper shrouds have a good trip........sounds like a lot of fun!
  9. looking really good......those two areas on the aft deck look to be steel........likely something that Revell neglected to monopolize on. I'll look through some of the links I have to see if I can get something from the pictures. http://www.researcheratlarge.com/Ships/BB39/BOGP/ doesn't look like anything too significant..........bolted plate.......there is a life boat covering one of them. I have some PE that I'm going to add to mine.....model Monkey has some nice stuff for her, but looks like too much work for the fore upper structure. I do believe that your upper hull color, and the one I mixed.......is the same hue! we'll have to compare again....looks good!
  10. I ran into the same problem with you lou....remember?!?! rigging looks awesome CDW!
  11. looks like you might need to trim the openings of the rear torpedo tubes.....they look as though the torpedoes will hit the hull as they come out. hull looks good so far Greg.
  12. good thing you only have to do this to a few cannons {6?}........imagine doing an entire gun deck! very nice bit of detail!
  13. when I was younger, I used to keep them under my bed........Mom used to complain that she couldn't sweep under there saved the sprues to make roll cages........cars that I got tired of fell under the knife
  14. built quite a few cars in my day.........I build racing kits now a days.....funny cars and such. I also liked the 3 in 1 kits and the customize kits......the spare parts bin fills up rather quickly though nice looking model.
  15. closest plane I built like this one, was the P38 Lightning awesome looking plane though......you did a great job on her
  16. I have quite a bit of info about the paint.......all i'm saying is, don't dwell on it like I did. I've mixed up some paint that I think will suffice...the color your using looks fine I'm planning to remove some of the casements and do railings. this model is misleading concerning the smaller guns as well, but I plan to put them in anyway. for example, the two forward most placements near turret #2, were never there.......they were to be anti aircraft guns. the two on the aft deck were not there either...they were to be the same. this kit is from 1959.....never changes from it's first production, although I recall the tops were assembled very different than what is shown in the model...I'm a bit baffled about that. I built this model before.......I am a devout Revell fan back then, I had never really looked a tamiya, Italeri or any of the overseas companies. what your doing looks very good......have you thought about PE? http://www.tomsmodelworks.com/catalog/index.php http://freetimehobbies.com/1-350-toms-modelworks-photo-etch-ship-rails-with-ladders-5-styles-of-rail/ https://www.model-monkey.com/ check these out........there's a lot of cool stuff here to enhance your build
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