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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. looking really good......those two areas on the aft deck look to be steel........likely something that Revell neglected to monopolize on. I'll look through some of the links I have to see if I can get something from the pictures. http://www.researcheratlarge.com/Ships/BB39/BOGP/ doesn't look like anything too significant..........bolted plate.......there is a life boat covering one of them. I have some PE that I'm going to add to mine.....model Monkey has some nice stuff for her, but looks like too much work for the fore upper structure. I do believe that your upper hull color, and the one I mixed.......is the same hue! we'll have to compare again....looks good!
  2. I ran into the same problem with you lou....remember?!?! rigging looks awesome CDW!
  3. looks like you might need to trim the openings of the rear torpedo tubes.....they look as though the torpedoes will hit the hull as they come out. hull looks good so far Greg.
  4. good thing you only have to do this to a few cannons {6?}........imagine doing an entire gun deck! very nice bit of detail!
  5. great looking decorations EJ........really dresses 'er up nicely!
  6. when I was younger, I used to keep them under my bed........Mom used to complain that she couldn't sweep under there saved the sprues to make roll cages........cars that I got tired of fell under the knife
  7. built quite a few cars in my day.........I build racing kits now a days.....funny cars and such. I also liked the 3 in 1 kits and the customize kits......the spare parts bin fills up rather quickly though nice looking model.
  8. closest plane I built like this one, was the P38 Lightning awesome looking plane though......you did a great job on her
  9. I have quite a bit of info about the paint.......all i'm saying is, don't dwell on it like I did. I've mixed up some paint that I think will suffice...the color your using looks fine I'm planning to remove some of the casements and do railings. this model is misleading concerning the smaller guns as well, but I plan to put them in anyway. for example, the two forward most placements near turret #2, were never there.......they were to be anti aircraft guns. the two on the aft deck were not there either...they were to be the same. this kit is from 1959.....never changes from it's first production, although I recall the tops were assembled very different than what is shown in the model...I'm a bit baffled about that. I built this model before.......I am a devout Revell fan back then, I had never really looked a tamiya, Italeri or any of the overseas companies. what your doing looks very good......have you thought about PE? http://www.tomsmodelworks.com/catalog/index.php http://freetimehobbies.com/1-350-toms-modelworks-photo-etch-ship-rails-with-ladders-5-styles-of-rail/ https://www.model-monkey.com/ check these out........there's a lot of cool stuff here to enhance your build
  10. something better would be to solder two pieces of wire together and fan them out at both ends, bending them to fit into the top holes. I took a picture of my little jig, but I'd drive myself crazy trying to find it as long as you arrive with all the dead eyes having the same amount of spacing, whatever method or jig you use will be fine. I have my Thermopylae on the table.......but I haven't done anything yet. I think it will be enough of an incentive to get the Nordzee finished and off the table........pretty sneaky, huh!
  11. you were doing such a fine job on her......don't count yourself short. sure you had to make changes........but once you got it dialed in, you produced some really fine work! sad as this is.......don't be too long to unveil your new endeavor......I'll follow you anywhere
  12. I guess my lament was slightly over rated........the paint didn't come out as bad as I thought. it was a little rough, but I think some sand paper and a light coat of the thinned paint will fix it. more on this later
  13. your building the old Revell kit, as I am. I wouldn't lean to heavily on the blue aspect, since water reflection and fading may have played a part in the hue. take a look at the Arizona thread I have in the nautical forum, and you will get a few more ideas as far as the paint choice. I hope you show your progress
  14. margins are hereby cut! I had a sheet of 1/32nd and the tracing paper did the trick!
  15. Billing's paint is kind of an auto grade paint......smells the high heavens. it does give a very nice finish though....and hard. it easily resists the minor dings and stuff associated with building a model. I got quite a few bottles when Billing USA was closed down. some of them are no good....all gelled or dried up, so I've been using up as much of it as I can. it's been a while since I got'em......unknown how they sat on the shelf. I'm hesitant to try them through the airbrush anymore......they tend to clog it up fairly quick. I added some thinner to the mix, to see if I can thin it down some. I haven't tried to clean the paint off that turret yet.......serves me right for not testing it beforehand. PSS: I read the label........says it's leg free.....I wonder why?!?!
  16. I guess this is soon enough I just had a rather funny experience with the Progress........I took it off the table so what I did can dry {or else I'll just keep pick'in at it } here is the dry fit I promised. not cutting the outer banding on the two upper decks was a good thing to do......the tabs for the structure can't be seen. I'm gonna try using the tulle for those vent holes.
  17. thanks John time......that's easy.......I rent if I owned a home, things would be very different thanks Brian.......I'll try and show you soon thanks to all for the likes!
  18. hi there......hey...........hello! there is a small update, basically, just to let you know that I haven't thrown this one in the circular file. it took me making three more of those blinds, but I managed to get them all drilled.....breaking two bits in the process. the camera was still being recharged at the time, so no pictures were taken. even when it came off the charger, it couldn't........the hull was masked up. the hull bottom is painted. then I added more gray into that paint I had mixed up for the upper hull and structure. I have a bad feeling that Billing's paint is not going to work well on plastic.........instead of using a piece of sprue to test it out on, I painted one of the turrets. it came out terrible.............I think to the point that it distorted the finish on the part I'll know better once I strip it off. I'll give and update soon.
  19. amendment to that final picture.............I went in to check and see how the piece I put over the mast hole was drying. I was angered that the piece decided to curl up on one side and pull away from the surface. thinking to myself that using 1/8th basswood, probably wasn't the best choice......as well as the direction that the wood grain was going in, made the curling possible, I went into the bag of spare parts to find a replacement. I found a pair of 1/4 thick plywood.........likely came from the Boulogne Etaples model {I remember where all these parts came from}.......pieces large enough for the job. after removing the ill fated piece, I took one of them and cemented it in it's place..........clamping it down with two of the biggest clamps I have! at first I thought that wood this thick was overkill.........but then I got to thinking about it. once this is drilled to size, it can be capped off at the bottom, creating a suitable mast root. when I built the Nordkap, all I did was cement a rectangular piece of wood spanning across the deck beams below the hole. the last picture is where I built it..........in the dinning room of our Spruce St apartment. I still recall how bewildered the admiral was when she saw it for the first time. I was building the Revell Cutty Sark in the computer room. "now, where are you going to put that?", she asked, knowing that I probably had no idea of where to store it for the time being. "Well.........we can put it right here.", I said, as I took the boarded carcass from the table, to the bureau you see before you. there was rebuttal, but I assured her that it would only be there till I found a place to put it. it never left that bureau..........I worked on the Cutty, till I couldn't stand it any more...........a new toy.....something I had never attempted before, was just too much to take. of course, it didn't help that I was also thumbing through the instructions, building the frenzy even more. the bureau wasn't anything special.......it housed pots and pans, silverware and a junk drawer. Gibbs was still a baby.....I recall taking small bells, sealing them inside coffee cans and whatever they would fit into, for his amusement....it didn't take much. another thing keen to notice, about this, my very first attempt in wood, is that I took care not to have a space along the bulwarks.........I wasn't worried about the bow past the cabin line, but it had to be snug along the bulwarks.......I knew that much. likely from building the plastic ships, where the parts fitted so tight together. the worse thing I experienced, was the white glue and the drying time.......I didn't like it slowing me down. but look at me........all I wanted to convey here, was the change in plugging up the mast hole........I didn't expect to get carried away the first time for anything is probably the most memorable........I'm sure other folks have fond memories of the first time they glued two sticks together the next update will be making the margins, and faring the hull. until then
  20. satisfied all that I was going to be.......the starboard half was cemented into place. this half is warped......one of the few parts that are......the rest of the part on this sheet are small, so it doesn't affect them as much. this was left to dry for the time being.....I turned my attention to another project to bide my time. when I felt that it was dry enough, the port side was fitted and cemented into place. I could have made more of an effort to get the printed panels more in sync with each other, but for what little there is, I can easily make the adjustments for it. this side was allowed to dry also. it was left till this morning for all the pins and clampings to be removed. I realized some time later, that I hadn't gone over it again with sanding the deck platform surface. I was relieved in seeing how level the deck surface turned out. I drilled the preliminary hole for the mast.......a starting hole that I can make to size without splintering, but being on the split as it is, some splintering did occur. I didn't use too much pressure, so it didn't occur as serious, as it could have been. going through my junk wood bag, I found a suitable piece of wood to reinforce the hole I already made. checking the platforms, I see there was good contact down the length of the frame. I'm thinking that I should reinforce the deck tabs along the bulwarks, to thwart the threat of breaking them off. doing the margins will help those tabs....but they are the most important of them all. the stern will also be of importance, since the stern structure will be removed and modified. something to think about
  21. the boats look super Nenad........her Majesty will be very glad to see YOU!!!
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