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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. hello John......and thanks for the good word. it's planking.........I'd rather be play'in with the cabin structure hopefully, I can get this huge carcass planked over and ready for the next step. I'm still very happy with how the kit is assembling so far.
  2. thanks all for the kind comments and hit'in the like button the wharf was shut down for the Thanksgiving festivities, although I finally reboxed the paints I received recently.........I neglected to tell yas about it well.........a fellow member here was dealing with another fellow, who was selling off his brother's estate {condolences, sad but true}, and there was a huge amount of paint in the offerings. he bought them up and sold them to me on the cheap.......a collection of Humbrol, white ensign, model master, and testor's paint. some of the paint was quite old........the testor's and model master didn't fair too well, but in the end, in just the Humbrol and white ensign paints alone, I ended up with around 150, 14 ml paints...military and likewise. I had separated them all according to country......INJ, KM, US, etc. finding paint charts was equally as fun. but now that Thanksgiving was over, I had to box them up, because I had them lined up all over the boxes of Christmas decorations. I won't have a paint shortage in the near future, I can tell ya that! one other piece of the estate that he though I'd be interested in, is so awesome.........I've only dreamed about building something this large.........a kit of the Tamiya 1:200 New Jersey! it has been already started, but the gent did a super job with it, as far as he got......I likely won't have to do very much reassembly. once I get a handle on projects and find the time, I'll bring it out to work on.... I'm as giddy as a school boy
  3. the case looks great.........as well as the ship in side congratz on finishing the Chebec, a super looking model! very well done.......I'll be looking forward in seeing your next subject.......should be another interesting build.
  4. thanks Robert it can be complex, depending on the ship your modeling. keeping in mind that the mid ship is wider than the bow and stern on most ships, stealers and tapering is required to fit all the strakes. in cases where the bow is wider than the mid ship and stern, jogging planks may be needed. I'm no expert at it either.......I create as straight a line as possible and go with it. I did a poor example of jogging on this hull, but my intention was to fill in the rest of the open areas of the bulwarks, so the entire deck would be closed in.....not that it mattered, since that part of the bow deck won't be seen. luckily, we have quite a few folks here on the site, who have much more experience, that we can learn from thanks for the good word..........and to all who have hit the like button
  5. you know your in trouble when you have pictures that contradict each other. before finding MSW, I was always under the impression, that the main stays and mizzen stays were tied to the preceding masts. it was a shock to find that they actually went through a block and terminated on the deck or fife rails. it dawned on me that stays were indeed adjustable.........and that simply tying them to masts was illogical. as has been said, we are all constantly learning....nice to know that there are some learning curves. it's a relief that there was no real right or wrong......but, they do look better going under rather than over. I never knew of these holes and that they had a name. those are some really good pictures too.
  6. the launches look awesome.........perhaps you can add the few part that are missing after they are painted. in any case, the PE assemblies are really good........lots of great detail
  7. I did find one picture in the camera from last Friday. small part really.........the start of making the capstan. it's Thanksgiving today.......for all who observe this day.........We at the wharf send our best wishes and have something near and dear to be thankful for.
  8. I do owe you a thank you..........your glue bottles intrigued me. for all this time, I've worked from the Elmer's glue bottles. by the time I get to the end of the big bottle, the nozzle won't adjust anymore because of wear and tear. a browse through Amazon, and I found an eight pack of those small bottles! not a bad price either. this afternoon, we were out and happened into the local Staples, where I found a gallon of white glue for $13.00. I'm not sure what office uses that much glue........but it suits my purpose just dandy! I almost sure I read you mentioning about the bottles.......if not, then my dementia has hit a new high. either that, or I read too many logs
  9. I do have a small update on the Progress........not too exciting, since I'm in the thralls of planking. after filling the two strakes of 10 mm with the pairs of 5 mm planking, it resumes with the 7 mm. this is where I will position the first stealer at the bow. the bow may need two of them to keep the line straight. I already did the starboard side. adding the stealer leveled out the line at the bow. before I go any further though, I will need to fare the the bulkhead roots, where the sander couldn't touch without damaging the rabbits. it can be seen here almost touching the rabbit. I could have gotten fancy, in jogging the 5 mm planks, but I kept it simple. at the stern, I will have to start tapering the planking, or this curvature will become more pronounce. it will cause problems if I let it go and reaches the stern rabbits. turning the hull around to the port side, I've already laid the 5 mm planking and finished off the strakes. I've already marked off where the next plank is to be placed at the bow. I'll make the filler from the odd 10 mm plank strips that were cut off. more soon
  10. yes.....it is a tight fit.......and it gets more interesting as you add more lines folks who build a lot of sailing vessels have special tools to work with, like long forceps and scissors. I've even heard about using a needle threader for rigging the dead eyes and blocks {I still do it the hard way}. when rigging blocks on the yards, most decide the orientation of the yard, and tie them so they will hang in the desired position. heck, I don't even know all the particulars yet....we're always learning. you should do the standing rigging first, since some of the running rigging is going to depend on it.
  11. I left a comment on your log.........added to the thought of making the hole larger, you need to take account of how much of the first level you have to work with. it's a very interesting idea glad you decided to come on board with a river boat project....you have very neat ideas!
  12. superb progress Michael.......l really like what you did with the rigging for the gun port lids., the new deck is looking good too
  13. dunno.........I guess we're not able to get the formula they use right. just going by what I've been told in the past.
  14. moving right along with the rigging Bob..........looks super nice your rigging always looks so 'orderly'.
  15. ohhhhhh.........I hope I can emulate the sentiments. but keep on cheering me on with the stairs........I may succeed gonna be tough this week though with Thanksgiving festivities going on. I will try and have some sort of update on her. thanks for the vote of confidence Sam and Michael
  16. super nice rigging Tom! must feel good to be at the finish line........she's a beautiful model
  17. I was always told that dye weakens the fabric.........airbrush might not do that badly if you choose to paint it....light passes and let dry.
  18. looks almost like tulle........but I think I've seen that material at Hobby Lobby. also keep an eye out for the web type hair nets........they might also work higher echelon Walmart folks are accomplished trumpet players..........they have the ability to blow their own horns
  19. good think'in on the stack........would have thought they would have added an insert of sorts really nice job so far
  20. no lie........I've already sen a few trees in the windows of home around the neighborhood! to me, the day after Thanksgiving is more normal the stores around here had already put out isles of Christmas stuff.........Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff was tucked in between it all. the holidays have become opportunistic and commercial.....tradition has been tossed by the wayside!
  21. sorry to hear my friend best wishes to your admiral.....hope she is feeling better.
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