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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. ...calls a voice from the rabbit hole...........come and play one of these days I'll update my dry dock signature......it will amaze you
  2. https://www.polygon.com/2018/8/3/17649192/dark-tower-board-game-kickstarter-restoration check this out Lou thanks for the like all.......I'm glad you folks kept me look'in at it
  3. she's look'in really sweet Patrick.........quite a maze you'v got going on. you've probably heard this question before.......have you though about adding figures to your projects?
  4. perhaps it's because the screws are closer to the hull.......blade radius. the hull looks super.
  5. foremast looks great Rob........amazing the mount of rigging there is. real nice job on the shrouds too. never tried the alligator clips....did you judge the lanyard spread by eye?
  6. so good to see more of your block and metal work Michael........fantastic job on the rigging
  7. another hull frame?..........what one is that? really nice work on the carvings.......look good on the ship
  8. what game was that?........mousetrap? only game I know of that has a tower. nope....the New Jersey came to New Hampshire without a single scratch on her! .......another big thanks for think'in 'bout me can't wait to build her......as mentioned, the work that has been done on her looks really good, not too much back tracking to do....even the paint. I will have to touch up the outer hull though.......few scratches. there's about 15 of those paints, so I'll run through those first. I was trying to find out the exact size of the tins........they are all 1/2 oz. there was one other Pactra paint in the larger bottle......Artillery Olive.......have to see if it's viable.......it's a very common military color. cripes, back then, Pactra was the go to paint.......they had many interesting colors and I liked how they were labeled.....right on the cap! they are old...........but they dry just fine another huge thanks.......a deal well struck! I'm not a huge fan of E-Bay..........a 'buy it now',....sure, but I don't gt into bidding wars. be wary that in some cases, there has been a hidden bid that inflates the ceiling, causing the buyer to bid more than the item is worth {a friend from Hawaii told me about this}. you'll bid only to find that you've been outbid.......so you raise your bid.....and you've been outbid again! that's what happened when I bought my second Cutty Sark, before my friend told me......I paid $85.00 plus shipping. using my friend's advice, when I bought my second U.S.S. United States, I waited till the time was almost done {1 min}, to post my bid.......I got it for $45.00 including shipping! yea.......I'm glad the stairs are done too. I think my problem was that I was putting too much thought into them. if I try to plan or think like that, it doesn't work out right {goes for just about everything}. but, if I just do it.....without dwelling on stuff, I have no problems. it's probably the reason why I have so many projects.......I get an idea and go do it it's fine with me........I hear think'in keeps ya young thanks for the good word keep me in your loop BTW.......the Artillery Olive is viable........just needs some thinner
  9. she's look'in good Sjors! the deck layout is nicely done........very well done so far!
  10. another thing to take into consideration, is to be sure that the yard isn't floating......meaning that it has a raised or lowered position. if they are floating yards, then they need to have a block tied to the mast and the lift line is rigged and terminated either at the deck level, or at the top {first mast step}. I haven't seen any tied off at a cross tree {clarification needed}. in most instructions, you can easily see which one moves or is stationary.
  11. you have it right.......you tied them to the cap. when tying blocks to yards or the mast, most are tied close to the place your tying them, with no lead line at all. when I prepare my blocks, I wrap the thread around them and knot it, so it doesn't come loose. this gives you the two thread 'tails' enabling you to tie it to the yard......or the mast, wherever your fastening it. for lifts, I go almost to the end of the yard.......at the cap, if I can do it, I have very small eye bolts that I install to tie the blocks to. I drill a tiny hole, small enough to insert the eye bolt...and there ya go if I have enough yard to work with {thick enough}, I will drill a hole there to and feed the thread through it.......a jot of glue before you pull it through the rest of the way, and after tying it, you can be sure that it will never come loose on you. it also makes tying it a lot neater too. I'm not a sports nut......but your correct........everyone learns at their own speed. seeing some of the fine work by others here on the site...heck, I'm not even in the ballpark looking at others and how they handle problems and tasks, will only make you better. I think we've all been where you are right now.......your making great strides. as I've said, I'm no expert.......but I will help you as much as you like. there is no such thing as a silly question.
  12. those pirates.......they thought of everything! too bad it didn't catch on........could have as common place, as the faucet
  13. guess what! 😤.........too small.......... you'll be pleased to see.......... OK......OKKKKKK! the stairs were dry..........I cemented them in place already...........jeeze! they are not perfect, but they pass muster. the only thing I'll need to do is elongate the port side a little......I can do that with them in place. you can see the port side is missing a couple spindles. it will bring the handrail to the same height as the starboard side. the landing didn't come out too bad.......glad I didn't even it out any more though. it would have ruined it and I would have had to start over. th white treads don't look too bad either when I fit the port side, there wasn't any problem here.......but you can see a tiny bit of unevenness at the landing. I tried to straighten it out, but I think I'd need to alter it...... after what I did to the starboard side........nawwww, it's fine I'll have to flip it over to paint underneath though.....I can see the underside as you peer in the front. small deal........tomorrow.
  14. a little time was spent on the Progress today. I needed sanding sticks to clean and fare the bulkheads close to the rabbits.......mainly at the bow. I usually take planking and cement sandpaper on it for a home made version. the admiral had left me some wide sticks that she uses to mix her hair color.....perfect! cementing on three different grits, I now have some pretty nifty sanders the gray one is some pretty heavy grit......when I need to do an evasive mod ..........OK, two strakes were laid, staggered. notice the three bow bulkheads where they met the rabbit..........gone! I still need to do the rabbit along the keel, joining the bow rabbit to the stern rabbit. I will wait till I do the garboard, it will cover better. I probably should have begun the tapering sooner back here........guess it's time to pay the piper the first pair of tapered plank segments are in place. after the second pair are in place, I will continue in this fashion, since it's better to trim a shorter length, than the entire strip. I'll just continue with the butt staggers........I'll better utilize the wood too.
  15. over here in the states, we cal it on pins and needles.......or......in suspense {gotta have the face or it doesn't look right}. even I don't even know what a tenterhook is....if it looks anything like the folks who like to hang from hooks.........I think I'd rather lie on a bed of nails towards the end of last week, since the Thanksgiving holiday broke my week end up, I decided to clean up the table and give myself more room. the starboard stairs as I mentioned, has some problems with it. I added the inboard railing {the small one} and began to assess what to do with it. after fitting it a couple of times, I knew I had to add another step to the top. I had already cut it off though........the thought was long gone, if not stale. then came the major sanding and fitting on the port side staircase. feeling like I had it where I wanted it, it got the white base coat. yes, that's Pactra paint........gotta be some old stuff. took a bit of doing to get the lid off! in that collection of paint that I got was some Monogram brand Humbrol paint.........I never even knew that this brand of paint existed. I got around 15 tins of this brand...different colors......some are actually quite bizarre. this color here is what they call hull red........it looks brown to me, and that's what I used it as. as far as the treads go.......I may do something with them; but if not, I'll leave them as they are. the starboard staircase took a bit of doing, but I think this will work. I had to add a slight wedge at the foot of the stairs.......it tilts on a slight angle.......I tried to get it out with no avail. I also added another step at the top and added to the railing....two spindles. with that, I had to add to the handrail. this staircase, after more sanding and fitting, got it's coat of paint too. now they are a matching pair.........as close as I can get them I'll let these dry for a spell........the paint seems to have retained a normal drying time, but is still tacky at the moment. I also drilled the holes in the bow fender, so that's done and out of the way. hoping to get them installed tonight.......but it may carry over till tomorrow. boy.......making stairs certainly has it's ups and down.........don't they?!?!?!
  16. if I were to say one word..........I'd perk up all who are waiting to see the day................stairs! 👀 yep! I'd say I made some head way on them. the one for the starboard side does have a problem though.........it's twisted and won't sit flush. I'm having to make some gyro adjustments on it........so far, so good. the port side is faring better though.......I've had to do quite a bit of sanding to get it over enough to accept the port side. pictures are being compiled as we speak did ya miss me.............I just put a coat of paint on the starboard stairs. I'm using the paints for the first time Lou...........should be particularly interesting for you. I'll be right back.......
  17. I knew you would enjoy it........speaking of Vendetta......she's still sitting on my desk. I really need to get back to her.......you and Greg must be disappointed ....too many interesting builds..........nawwwww, it's just my insanity showing.........does it make me look fat?
  18. I used to go in the cellar to paint.......I open the window above the work bench. but second floor brings her grand kids down there to do her laundry ....afraid they might get into something, in case I leave a hull down there {for example}. they don't vent the dryer either.......the cellar's a mess. the admiral was kind enough to allow me to bring my scroll saw into the spare room........it's been there ever since if I can vent one out a window, perhaps I can come up with a booth or something. the weather has definitely thrown us all a curve.......these past few days has been wet, our snow is almost gone. dunno........depending on what I'm going to paint, I may chance it in the cellar
  19. she's look'in good Carl........remarkable job on the paint and camo I see your still dogged with the same demon that I am.....we can still dream of retirement
  20. I would think it depends on what you used to thin or enhance the drying time for acrylic. I've heard from folks who had the undercoat curdle when spraying a second coat. it's always best to stay with the type of paint your using.......saves a lot of lamenting afterwards
  21. your making some really great progress OC..........and doing a great job with the paint to, I might add did the actual ship have that gun lid set up? it's very unique
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