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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. looking great so far Bob.........looks like the only faring you'll need to do will be the critical contour areas....the bow ans so on very nice!
  2. not sure on the spelling, but I think they are called rigols.. probably some design of frieze molding.
  3. me??????? I don't follow the instructions........I just look at the pictures!! it's hard to follow Billing's instructions......they can be rather vague. I guess that's why I don't mind them so much....they make one think, and allows the imagination to kick in. I have no doubt that you have the direction you want to take with her all figured out are you going to do the mahogany laminate?
  4. hello Larry.....good to see your getting back in the shipyard looking forward in seeing more progress on this fine vessel.
  5. good to see your at the rigging stage......tedious.....but fun and rewarding at the same time the shrouds look great!
  6. look'in good J........the black does nicely. it works well with the krystal clear to show depth. I know what you mean by all the small bits. depending on the model, I can stay on them.........I love to outfit the deck. I did the same thing with my latest project.........tiny bits. I turned to the hull I can do the rest of them at my leisure now.
  7. don't feel bad Rob.......I'm one of the originals if I get tired of what I'm working on at the moment.....I just open my closet and pull out another hull. I'm somewhat of a compulsive person....can't keep an idea in my head for too long.......it eats me alive! I have other builds and ideas I'd like to get started, but now I can't till I clear out some of these lingering projects. look at the bright side........we always have something to do
  8. gotta say Kees...........you've outdone yourself! your fleet is looking too good for words! the paint work........the fittings.....the detail.......there's so much to see they're not done......I know, but a big congratz for what you've achieved!
  9. looks super Bob. looks like decorative molding around the windows.........over the top looks like what you would see in older sailing ships {I forget what they call it}.
  10. she's looking really good Patrick....unique how it can be separated into the different levels. very well done!
  11. another older kit! these are like the first production........not laser cut, printed decks.......just like the Nordkap I built. I used to do customer service for Tom, back when he owned Billing USA. the printed decks was one of the biggest complaints good that the wood wasn't warped........or worse........PETRIFIED!!!!! the hull frame looks great Gil
  12. that stuff sounds a lot like the Testor's window maker I use. I love the stuff........it even will cement clear parts in place. awesome!
  13. you may not need to make drastic bends.......it's more in how the planks are tapered. when planking, it's best to create a fairly straight line with the planking, and then try to maintain it. I usually dry fit the plank first to see how the plank wants to run. if it wants to run onto the preceding plank, then you want to taper {rule of thumb is not to taper in excess of half the plank width}. if the plank wants to run off the plank path, then you may need to use a stealer, or Jog two planks together {merge two planks together to create another row of planking}. there are many planking tutorials out there......some are here. a leisure browse should lead you to them I'm not an expert at it........I can articulate better than fashion be sure that the hull halves are straight when you cement them together........the only thing to worry about
  14. yes......there are thinner sheets around you also have luck looking in the HO train dept. I've made use of building siding, as well as other structure sheeting. I though I kept the package that the sheet brass came in.....but I must have thrown it away it is very easy to bend and can be cemented on with CA. don't commit if your unsure.......just keep studying the plans and the logs. I'm sure you'll figure out how thing go
  15. Billing's has a few kits that are based like this......mostly the smaller scale models. the St Roche is another kit that deals with the half keel construction.
  16. I built the Billing's America, which is the same process as yours. I glued the two sides together.......it really doesn't affect anything, because the planks start and stop resting against the keel. not only that, if you don't have the means to clamp the two sides together, it will be harder once they are planked. at this point you have numerous clamping points, and will have a more seamless assembly. I used the instructions for this kit to build my Andrea Gail........I also used the ABS hull kit instructions as well. the model's in the gallery if you wish to see her I'll be pleased to follow along!
  17. I hear the Jaws music now Patrick........ liable to scare the gold right off the little fellas! thanks for the good word.........and to you as well Rob! I didn't get to the port side net........and work is as I remember it...........what a drag! before I forget yet again..........I did fix that stern light. I'm also beginning to make the vents for the decks. more once the work week is over.
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