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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks for the kind words and the likes the heat is back........the last few days have been oppressive. the work week is over I never quite understood why spell check was highlighting the words gudgeon and pintle ....I just looked these words up......they are not in my dictionary. it's nice to know I was half right it's the way the rudder ended up Patrick..........once the hardware was 'bolted' down, it acquired that gentle turn to port. I didn't want to try and straighten it out.....it might have broke. so, why not accent it a little thanks Jerry. ........I have several that are not covered. I'm not enthused about it either, but I guess it's better than the boxes they were once in perhaps one day..........when I get tired of cleaning them oh well.......after all.......what's the life expectancy of a model, anyways?
  2. I wanted to post this update last night........but I was too pooped to pop I did this on Friday. with the rudder fitted out, it was dry fitted on the ship to see how it would look. it was cemented in place........holes were then drilled for the simulated bolts completed, it looks like this. the other side was done........and then it was touch up time. once done, the final results. just to add to it, a monkey chain was added. it looks a bit off.......there is a reason.....the rudder is turned to port slightly. I did this to compensate. now....I can do a bit more to the bow.......first the gammoning was done. lastly, the knees were added to the bow stem.......still a bit more to go in this area. I have one more work day to go...........happy labor day.....to all who celebrate it .....and a belated happy Father's day to all of my Australian friends
  3. Augie's correct John......they are clams {in the shell} steam cooked or boiled briefly, and served with hot water, broth, and butter. when the admiral and I got married, I had never tried them.......since then, I eat more than the admiral traditionally, the water is to wash the sand off {if any}.....dip them in the clam broth to bring out more flavor, and the butter to taste. me........I just go from butter to mouth yes Carl.......the admiral made the cake.........I grilled the steaks it was a very nice day. there's still cake if your coming over
  4. plenty of fiber........but not sure if it will keep him or her regular nice progress Ron
  5. nice progress Piet..........watching how you do with the blocks.....I'm new at it as well
  6. I was referring to the rudder assembly JP.........I'm not even to the point of masting her yet, which then, I would consider the build half way thanks for the good word...and following along thanks Nenad......till the finish my friend! thanks for the likes as well!
  7. thanks to you all for the birthday wishes! I got to do a little of everything...all except to chain myself to the tables. had a fine repast of a pound of steamers, followed with {estimate here} a 10 oz steak w/ carmeled onions {I skipped the salad}. with my son having to get ready for work and such, the festivities got a bit choppy.......but I did manage to get a piece of cake I have things to do on the Half Moon build..........and then I will resume this build. hope to have an update for you all real soon!
  8. I wanted to get more done yesterday........but since it was my birthday, I became limited on what I could get accomplished. I did get some done though I did make a couple more gungeons and pintle assemblies.....I will choose the three best ones and go from there. I made them a few days ago........ I had also painted the rudder with the bottom paint. with this done and dry, the notches were cut into the rudder to cut down on the gap that will be between the rudder and the stern stem. here's a bit of a dry fit.... this photo is a bit blurry, but it will give you an idea of how it will look. so now the assemblies were cemented in place on the rudder, and drilled to accept cut down brads as bolt heads. I used 10 mm brads for this.....I have so many of these brads. the heads are so distinct, that I could never use them for fastening planking........don't even have a tool for inserting them, like I do for the 7 mm brads. I did both sides......before touch ups ....and after touch ups.... I'm half way there!
  9. thank you all for the birthday wishes! yes....there will be ice cream....and....the Admiral has taken the cake out of the oven as we speak were those on yesterday George? I'll check it out..........thanks for the head's up I will go and fit the rudder on the Half Moon........... playtime here we come! thanks Frank
  10. just a small update..........I made up two more gungeon and pintle sets for the rudder. haven't done much more than that. hope to have a real update soon
  11. thank you Boyd........which kit do you have? got to get the third funnel finished out, so I can rig the cables. hopefully by then, I can get the rest of the lights I need to close her up
  12. thanks for the fine comments still more railings to go......not out of the woods yet. really appreciate you all following along
  13. thanks for the compliment.....the Corel and the Billing's kits are pretty good. they do have some conflicting takes on her appearance and how she was fitted. so, I'm adding in the combined details and following the art work of the actual ship.......a rebuild of this fine ship. I'm sure I'm missing something here and there......if your thinking of taking up the gauntlet.....I wish you the best of luck. perhaps you will find the missing pieces and make yours a true replica
  14. glad to see your back Paul, and happy to hear your dilemma is finally coming to an end. looking forward in seeing progress again
  15. great progress Patrick.......the masts and ship's wheel look really good your really doing some very nice detail....adds to the built tremendously!
  16. your doing some great progress on her Majesty ........even under the saddest of circumstances. take care my friend....I'm thinking of you
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