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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I am so glad to see and read of your progress........but now saddened to hear your mother in law is taking a turn. my wishes are with you my friend.......do what you need to do........her majesty and your friends will all be here when you get back. take care of yourself as well "take care of those you call your own..........and keep good company" Queen: "night at the opera"
  2. great work Bob! congratz on another fine build gone done! I named one after my admiral........yea, she sputtered, but it grew on her. I do recall an old proverb though......."it is better to build another boat, than a dog house" wonderful build though
  3. lots of nice progress Piet........sorry to hear about the gun port lids. at smaller scales, it's hit or miss to do aspects that are movable. although, I seem to have the greatest success with rudders.........try as I might to glue them in permanent, by the end of the build.......they move! I wish I had something to add about the power tool end of the conversation........the only two I have is a dremel and a scroll saw. if I had anything more, I'd probably be lost great progress my friend.......love the idea about the cut out. there are so many possibilities
  4. I had to go back a few pages.........I was soooo far behind.. but man.......did the browse put a smile on my face! what great progress you made, and........your finished {pretty much}! she really looks fantastic........and the dingy you made for her looks really sweet! it looks so real...... ! congratz my friend........this build really shows your effort and talent!
  5. I was going to ask if you were planning a vacuum form hull..........you are the process on the plug so far is great! big change from your last build......glad to see you back cooling down around here as well !
  6. very nice looking build you have going .......you've added in some very nice detail as I see, you have the older kit........it wasn't laser cut. brings back memories from when I did my first build, the Nordkap do you have any pictures of the hull frame being assembled?
  7. thanks Augie and Gary....and those who hit the like button. actually, I've been waiting till I get a couple more lights for the Titanic before I work towards finishing her. as it's looking.......I may do just as well to finish her with what I've got. the deck illumination alone should be good enough. as for the problems...I'm glad they rear their heads when they do.........as Mark said, it would be really sad if they were to happen during the rigging process. I've also been doing some tinkering on the side, concerning that silly project I've come up with. issues that I can't explain just yet. more to come soon
  8. thanks all for the kind words......yea, we could all do without these little problems.......but, if there weren't any, it would be a boring hobby {and I hear you on that Mark!} now that the smoke cleared....I finally cemented all of the other pre made parts in place. placement of the ship's boat is next, along with the chain boards and dead eyes. the mizzen is dry fitted at the moment. thanks for the like and for looking in. I really got to get back on the Titanic.......would be nice to clear that table it will make fore a great diversion, while I work on the chain boards.
  9. last week wasn't a very productive week for me......I started it off with one simple step, and it turned into a bout of reconstructive surgery. this week isn't shaping up to be any better........fixing an electrical problem with my car windows on Tuesday, and acquiring a part time job yesterday {interview}......I'm hoping the rest of this week is a bit less eventful. now that the ship doesn't have to be turned over anymore {I hope}....I figured that I would put in all the belaying pins in the rails. they were installed on the mizzen pin rails. they were installed in the fore deck pin rails they were installed in the bow stem pin rail. I had also fashioned and installed a horse shoe shaped collar for the bow spirit boom but, when I got to the main mast pin rails, here's where the project began apparently, they were not as sturdy as I thought they were. refitting them, I could see where I had left a gap along the rail and the bulwark. rather than open or deepen the slots in the rails themselves, it was decided that evening off all the posts, would be the better remedy. to adjust the slots would bring the pins closer to the bulwarks and could make it harder at rigging time. it was a long process......but I did get to the point where it could be cemented back into place. the port side wasn't as bad........but I did do a little adjusting to the slots in the rail. everything is back to normal now. I can move forward again
  10. looking great Bob.........the deck sheer really makes the model. coaming and cabin looks awesome! wonderful!
  11. you continue to amaze Sherry.........those stairways are awesome I had to look back to see if I missed anything else..........such wonderful work! I have to agree with the others........I fail to see what the problem is with the beak head........the entire bow section looks great! sadly, I'm no expert on these era of vessels........but it is good to see you back at the table again
  12. this is a shot to treasure Charlene........the most we ever see of US guys......is a thumb, or the palm of our hands where there is progress, there is no doubt
  13. very glad to see you have an update........this process has rattled the nerves of many....but we've also found it to be the most fun! your well on your way and your doing fine! sorry to hear about your being laid up a spell.......I hope your feeling better and are on the mend.
  14. hope your doing OK now.......noticed it was your birthday..........hope your having the greatest of days
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