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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. when I did the Regina/Susan A build, I found that the kit did not allow enough material for all of the sails {neither did my Gothenborg build, but i've chosen to do it without sails. I went to the local Hobby lobby........went through a lot of different materials, until I found the right stuff. it was sheer, but not too sheer, with the look of canvas. after they were made and treated with the diluted white glue, they kept shape very well. there is suitable material out there......fabric stores are a great place to start. some department stores even carry fabric, but since the 90's, some of them have phased it out.
  2. love what you did with the aft cabin walls.........the netting and the decking looks superb as well.......great bit of progress overall!
  3. just read through your log........what a wonderful build.......very neat concept! you have a very good comand of the jig / scroll saw......I have done some.....but not to that degree of acuracy...very well done! I will follow your log with great interest.
  4. hmmmmmm.....creme pie...........clowns like creme pies. why.....it's their weapon of choice!
  5. beautiful hull Nils........hope you got a good price.......nicely done! the AmericA from Billings is a reissue......only 1:72 scale.......done out of the box, but I did a little tweaking to her {some of the aspects didn't look functional}. still made for a nice build though. I can agree with that.......too much around the seam looks bad........I really have to get off my duff and get them done. I have some other stuff I want to send him, along with the sails. so, you have another build in the works here..........I'll have to take a peek. there are so many talented folks here.......since the crash of the old site, I have been working slowly, trying to get back all the builds I was watching at the time. so many builders...{I guess I need to add you in as well} are so accomplished, that it makes me feel like a novice again.........makes for good inspiration to do better. I just enjoy the hobby.......parhaps one day, I'll do one that compares....but I am in no hurry, I'm having fun
  6. you have done a splendid job on the both of them........one of these days, I hope to get plans like that, to produce something on such a grand scale........as you have. the highest achievement that anyone aspires to..superb! I have done a couple ships with sails......one with the most sails was the Billing's AmericA. I have the build log here, and the ship can be seen in the gallery. I am currently doing the sails for the Billing's Bluenose, for a friend. I am also in the process of doing a tutorial of this process........so far, I've only written one part.......at best, it shows how to utilize a sail material sheet, and how to get out of a tough spot, when you realize the manufacturer made poor judgement by putting tape on the material itself. I guess they don't know squat about adheasive transfer. for what it's worth......here is what I have so far: http://wenzelswharftips.wordpress.com/2013/05/15/sail-making-part-1/ perhaps you may be able to access other parts of the Wharf........if you can, have a browse.......enjoy
  7. good luck with your doctor's visit...........and with your plans thereafter, if I read that right.......be sure to come home with the right stuff
  8. I would have never thought! of course it will need to be signed by the royal hand.....
  9. ......a second voice for Sjors.........? HO......Mobbsie....woe unto the little children.........let'em eat cake!
  10. is that the Billing's kit? the sails {and the ships} look superb.......very well done. I never tried to use a different color thread. I have been using the admiral's sewing machine for a while now........funny, I bought it for her, and I've been the one using it the most. I don't use wire, rather they are painted with diluted white glue, and laid on a bed of towels {covered over with plastic wrap}. the towels are puffed up in areas to give the sails a billowed look. your efforts paid off very well......such a wonderful job !
  11. thanks Mark don't know how inspiring it is......but I'm having fun with it. I'm just glad to be making some progress with this build after all this time. I'm glad I've got extra blocks.........with what I've done so far, I've used up half of the single blocks. I still have the main and mizzen masts to fit out.......it's all good though thanks for the good word!
  12. man.....really looking great! you've made some really good progress. kind of a roll-reversal with the dingys........on a ship you use them before the ship goes down.....on a sub, you have to wait till the ship comes up. serious stuff........but I hope you got a chuckle out of it.
  13. I promised more pictures.......... the yoke rest, as I mentioned, is painted and cemented in place. the boom rests in it nicely. then the fore stays were installed. I didn't paint them....perhaps I should have. I have to paint the dead eyes....oh well....so much for local color I wanted to grag the main mast and begin the process of getting it ready.......don't know why, I grabbed the mizzen instead. I was bending all the little wires into eyelets, when one of them broke, so I had to replace it. after this was all done, it was painted. back at the bow, you probably noticed the blocks I tied halfway up the spirit. they are in conjunction with the ones I ties on the bumkins. here is what it will look like...I did the starboard side. then the forestays were tied after working them to make them a bit more taught. before I go further with the fore stays, I'll work towards getting the shrouds in place....I'll do a few, and get the main mast in place, so I can continue with the standing rigging. this particular one is going to be thicker than the others, so it will be a single........the rest will be done in pairs.....two starboard, and then two port.....I read about this earlier
  14. you'll have to post a picture of the new arrival.......congrats man.........to the fullest! nice bit of progress on your build....gonna look sweet when finished!
  15. I'll look forward in seeing it Mobbsie........sounds like you've been busy .......tried to do a three butt on the Half Moon......but failed as well.......so don't feel too bad ....it'll look great!
  16. I thought they had holes in the floor for his feet.........must have had to beat feet to go faster.....yaba daba doo!
  17. will do Adam........doing more on her as we speak! the camera's up and running again, so there will be more pictures soon! thanks for the good word!
  18. oh.......no you don't Mobbsie!.........but then again.......that might not be a bad Idea sneak over there where Sjors is and keep me posted. he has teeth now........and if I have to throw some cannons on deck..... hospital ship......that's what he called her on the old forum........no....I haven't forgotten. these nurse's know how to take the temp.........YEA BABY!!!! {I've seen the shot marks on his walls} just kidding Mobbsie......I would never involve you in cloak and dagger. no need to stand in the shadows.......not such an accomplished builder, as yourself. thanks for the good word......and keep looking in thanks Sherry! I know I've been just picking at her..........I really need to get moving. this is my opinion....I've never been on a build this long. time to turn up the juice, and see what shakes loose! thanks for the good word! thanks Bob.....it's going to get more crowded as I go along. part of the reason why I mentioned that this is an odd scale for this kit. it really needs to be of a much larger scale. doing the rope treatment that others are doing would be lost on this ship......I've settled for using different thickness of thread. craft stores have been good for finding them. the plans show the most obvious rigging lines.......but these pictures are great for adding in a lot more of the subtle ones. it should look good when finished........at least, I hope so thanks for the good word.
  19. thanks Sjors.............no, I still have a while yet before I can even remotely say that I'm close to da finich. to look at the plans, and look at the pictures, I have found a lot of little differences that I'm going to be making, as well as more lines that I will add. now the focus can be put on the main mast.....getting that one in place. a lot more good stuff at the mid ship thanks again for the good word. not this time Augie.......although she doesn't sit properly in her stand.......I need to make it more accomidating. every time I drill into the hull and deck, I do wonder when the big oops will occur. should it happen......I'll just cover it up with something and move on. I have that yoke rest painted and cemented in place.......I like how it turned out {ten mins worth of work}. yea.......I just can't imagine why the rack wasn't added in the kit. it's such a prominant thing on the deck. there is a proto type build of this model with it.....did this modeler think the same as me? there is so much that can be done with it as well......I'm happy I put it in I'm just hoping that it comes out as beautiful as yours, so that when I can finally sit at the comodore's table with you and Sjors, we can brag to each other thanks for the good word.......this ship ain't going down without a fight! I'm so glad your feeling a bit better Keith........you've definitely jump started your build in grand style! you'll be doing some of this rigging as well........don't fret though.....once you do a little....you'll get right into it here's to adding as much as I can and you as well, my friend! best way to thwart Murphy.........never look back! I'm glad to finally be rigging her......although there are some structual aspects I still want to do.....figure I'll do them as I head to the stern. these are the things I should have done before I started to table her off and on....I will get to them I already mentioned to the admiral that I need to make a 'fitting' order......I want to order these parts, so I don't have to make them. you would not believe how many deadeyes I went through to make those 'heart' eyelets. I think if I had a drill press, it might not have been so bad.....I made them by hand. as I mentioned though.......I'm not stopping the build any more because I don't have the parts.....I'll make them first. I still can't believe that I started this build back in 2010....time to finish this one and get her off the table! as far as that incident at work.........all I guess I got was a write-up. it's the only thing on my record....I'll be celebrating my 9th year there this sept 20th. not too sure......they never called me in the office about it. I reported it when it happened......I don't try and hide stuff. if I did it, I own up to it. I'll keep double checking myself for a while longer though........make sure this isn't going to happen again. thanks for the good word......good to see you back at the table. expressionism isn't dead..........wonder what a ship would look like, modeled after the Doors.........or even Black Sabbath better yet......Bob Marley LOL!
  20. all the visiting is done now........my friend will be on his way back to the sunshine state tomorrow morning. it just too bad we could only get together once.......things just kept getting in the way oh well! I had made up some blocks to tie on the masts...and to add a few more in the bow area. looking at the picture I posted earlier, I saw something else that wasn't right. for the fore mast and main mast lower stays, the kit says to use dead eyes. I had the main mast set up like that......I will change this since I made hearts for the fore mast. I made two more sets. the fore belaying rail came off the last time I worked on her......turned out to be a good thing. those blocks on the deck are not in the plans. I see them in the pictures........I believe they are the lifts for the yards, or they might even be the halyards. a bit more study is needed, but they are quite visible, so I will add them in. there are a couple more bits of rigging I want to add to the bow......they are pulley assemblies and will be a nice addition to the bow rigging detail. once the fore mast is in place, the standing rigging can be done. the main mast fore stay hearts are in place......change is good on the main mast, there is a boom, used to launch the ship's boats and to take on supplies. a yoke rest is located at the top of the rack, for when the boom is stowed away. next, a suitable boom was selected, painted and set up. it doesn't have all the hardware on it yet, but it is in place. it will look better, once it's rigged. I've added a couple more blocks on the bumpkin. I couldn't think of any other blocks to add to the fore mast....so it is now cemented in place. then the worst luck happened.......the camera battery ran low and shut down....so now it's on the recharge.
  21. I believe we do around here .........although I don't usually go that fer down the beer isle.......so I can't tell ya fer sure. I kin check fer ya next time I go toda store
  22. you mean comodores don't live in tents? we were missinformed, I guess if you prefere........OK, you can have a teepee.
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