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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. unique set of plans there........should prove to be an interesting build
  2. thank you Augie Keith and John......got the upper gaff set up and sewn to the main sheet......should be tying it on tonight . that's about twenty mast hoops and rigging. wish me luck
  3. think it over while your on vacation........you'll come up with the solution! have fun though!
  4. currently........I am finished with the reef lines......YEA!!!!!! to get where I am, the jib sheet need to be finished off the second row on the main sheet was being done the other anchor was cut out of the wood......now they need to be sanded and shaped. then they can be finished off and assembled onto the build. on to the third row.... when I got back to her, they were treated and trimmed. the kit only came with a couple of 5mm double blocks......I added a couple more and then the boom was sewn onto the bottom of the main sheet
  5. I've never tried to do anything like that either.........I just use hardwood dowel. it's a lot easier to square off.......but it can be just as much work
  6. don't you dare change it........I think it looks great! if you didn't say anything at all none would know the better. thanks for the extra photo.....the way you did those ports really adds to the beauty of the ship. she's a real looker!
  7. sounds like your not off to a good start........were you trying to round the corners? the top looks nice though
  8. superb job there Augie...you've done a fine bit of work! although I think your motto needs a bit of sprucing up........you may be slow as you say.......but your good 'n slow!
  9. well......it's about time you got home.........I've already drank a six-pack waiting for you! so.......now to celebrate!.....another six-pack! BURP!!!
  10. I think that you'll find these little discrepancies in every kit. it's all in whether or not you see them right away, and whether or not the problem is dealt with, if discovered early enough. believe me.......I'm the first one to say that. it's in our quest to create that 'jaw-dropping' build..........so many are 'there'.........and...so many are not far behind. I'm even sure that a lot of you have undertaken a kit that exceeds your expertise level......I know I've got one going. but this is expected of us, if not, encouraged. it's how we will expand our knowledge, as we venture in the quest. I enjoy what I see.........I see learning........I see technique.......I see what will shape up, to be his or her masterpiece. may not be this one........but keep watching.....the duckling....WILL become a swan Keep up the good work Sjors..........things may not come out the way you want them........but it's still an empressive build. superb!
  11. looks like the upper tier cannons would be in the way if you tried to straighten them out. either way, you'd have a tough go with it. your decision to keep it that way is a nobel one. nice work Sjors. oh.....in an earlier post of mine, I was giving you an 'out' .....not to suggest that I would sabotage your work for the 'other' side
  12. thanks all for your kind comments putting the eye bolts in was the better solution......that or four tiny filled in holes that might have shown up like a sore thumb. errands today kinda put a crimp in my build time, but I still got a bit more done. thanks again, I really appreciate your kind views. don't count yourself short Paul......experiment with some thin linen. cut them, fold and sew the edges, and then sew in some pleats {I use a sewing machine for all this}. paint them with diluted white glue and drape them over a folded towel {covered with a piece of plastic wrap}. you'd be surprised with what you can come up with. I haven't been making them too long...this is the second build I've done with sails. I see your new here.......welcome to the fold! you've come to the right place! I'll be around when your ready to do your sails Alex. I'm not an expert.....but I'll be happy to help where I can!
  13. while I'm here, I'll show you where I am at this point in time. As mentioned, when I found the discrepancy {on my part}.......I pulled the blocks out. there is some marks at the main mast.......they hardly show. while I was thinking of what to do.....I got the jib sail ready, as well as the blocks for the rigging. I came up with this as a remedy.....simply installing eye bolts. with the jib complete.......it was installed the main sheet is the last sail to get the reef lines. the first row is done I'm using a copper colored thread to attach the jib sheet the second row has been started on the main sheet
  14. thanks Mobbsie.......I like the Billing's kits quite a bit, even I have to say the instructions read like achient hyroglyphics well said Alex!
  15. I'm a Dr-1 fan as well. I've done a little stick and tissue in my younger days.........my best flyer was a D-VIII. I have gotten back into it, I'm currently working on a spitfire.........want to work myself up to a Dr-1 {more static, than anything}. to build a work of art is one thing, but to build it and watch it take flight......well, that's better than.................well...maybe not
  16. here's something I like to try......should you drop a block on the floor, drop another one, and tell him to go find his brother. the only drawback is, in bad lighting or eyesight, I sometimes end up with two MIA's
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