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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. there wasn't that much damage.........you did a great job!
  2. with the job I do.......cuts and knucklebusting is common.......I do try to be safe. the admiral and I have been together long enough, that when I don't get back to it, right after a zinger.......she knows it's bad. I thank my lucky stars, that hasn't happened yet one time I drilled a hole in the meaty part of the palm of my hand.........she was right there when I pulled it out. sometimes, we can be right, for all the dumb reasons. no typo........I've just gained a new level of common sense. glad your mending well
  3. as the cook once said......stir the pot slowly.........you don't want to spoil the broth 450
  4. so true.......if it's a mistake, it's best to deal with it a.s.a.p. {hopefully, before the glue sets}
  5. Thanks Anja for the good word did a little today......not too much left to do. a funny thing happened while you were away.....I came in posession of something that'll make you smile { I hope}. I will post it soon
  6. I'm sure that there are other ship of the same construction with slightly different configuration..........as you say, there's always another ship on the horizon
  7. that's an expression I use AK-k-k-k-k-k! perhaps you forgot to put a pin in..........or maybe........gremlins ya hate'em right!!........well, I do myself!!! quick fix.........problem solved......no harm, no foul! looking great. I gotta get better at making chain plates....I like the way you did it. more rigging.............more!!! I love it!
  8. OUCH!!! yea, sad to hear my friend glad to hear that is all that happened. back in the day, I was used to running the big saws in the mill {cabinet shop}. I was used to grabbing any thin piece of wood for push sticks. some of the guys would take the guides off, but they would come back in to find them back on.......I'm no fool! I'm sure the admiral was pleased with you. mend up, my friend.....you'll be back in the saddle in no time back in my day, working with open faced routers........I developed a great 'pull back' reflex.........especially when routing the edges off of 4" X 4" blocks of wood. as soon as that #%@! wood took a fly.......my hands were in the sky!
  9. remember......beauty is on the outside.......whatever is inside is hush-hush!
  10. sand up some mahogany, mix with white glue, to fill those holes Sjors. you did a nice job......very little damage. tell Anja to kiss you on the forehead for me
  11. thanks John...yepper, won't be long now! I see Aldo.......I'll have to look up Triton and check it out no Sjors........the admiral don't need help looking.....she goes right to the source...LOL! not too sure on the finish line......perhaps another week or so.......rope coils.......ya gotts love'em {rather be rigging} hi there Patrick......much of the finish work is at the bow. I plan to jump right onto the Gothenborg after this, I still have some work to do before I can look towards masting her. I also used a few of the blocks....doubles mostly......I think I can make the ones I need. there are other things I can do......but I do have a couple builds in the fire.......I might just turn up the heat. I have a reputation to uphold, don'tcha know!
  12. you must be quite busy........haven't seen an update in a while now.......hope to see some soon. thanks for the good word Aldo, almost finished! {I'll take a peek in to see if I missed anything on Peg......fine looking build you got going on!
  13. there is one last sail to go on the ship. the sheet lines needed to be tied on. I have a new toy that helped me out a lot with this.......I even used it on the dead eyes. I hadn't done anything with the light boxes and lights. I used the window maker to fill in the lenses they are almost dried.....I can paint soon. the top sail was rigged in place......I added a couple more blocks......extras there's one I tied in for the lower sheet line almost all of the lines are now tied off and cemented.......the clothes pins are leaving. the blocks I removed earlier......I put them back and used them for the bottom sheet rigging. the only ones left now are for the jib.....I left those for later after the anchors are in place. put on the light boxes, and some rope coils, and that should finish this build!
  14. thanks Sherry........I recall that remedy too......don't know why I didn't think of it. I found a way around it, but I have no extra material.....I better not mess them up! I have some extra material from the AmericA......but the cloth is a different hue......go figure! thanks Adam! getting close towards finishing her now........in fact, I have an update! it starts off with the shrouds.......got them all terminated and tied. then the rigging......I rigged the throat halyards on the starboard side, and the peak halyards on the port side.
  15. glad your back Adam........sounds quite busy......hopefully things will calm down and you can stay the course yea....I get my list as well about this time......I think I have to mow again!
  16. I was wondering where you were............Jeeze....hope your mending well.
  17. the aft rail looks great Kats! to be honest....didn't even notice that the bow rails weren't there.......they look super as well! very glad to hear that your up and about again......we {I} missed you a lot you need to remember that you may have added lines that weren't included in the kit diagrams. I do remember that a few were tied to the rails in the kit. I'm sure you'll come to a good solution for it.....you have so far! welcome back {no pun intended}.
  18. I know what you mean.........my weathering kinda stinks as well. it either comes out as a blotchy mess, or like I didn't touch anything up. I do it one day........get up the next morning......and fix it because I don't like it. there are some really good tutorials out there.
  19. thanks Sjors......if I do get the plans, I know who to go to. like the C.S.S. Alabama, the only way I know it, is with the sail and steam funnel....that's what makes it such a cool build. you get the best of both worlds. so, post your pictures........I'll just sit here and drool! as a side note: a package came in the mail to me the other day.........it was the stuff for my friend's ship, the Bluenose. he sent me the sail diagrams, and the material for them. he was hoping that a few folks would do them for him, but they backed out, I guess. I already have them drawn out on the sail material, but not without a flaw. the material was rolled up and banded with a thin strip of clear tape. I took it off.......didn't think too much of it.......but the more I ran the ruler over the material, the more the 'line' became apparent. I had this nice adheasive mark in the middle of the edge, of the largest sail! I tried thinner on a Q-tip......pink eraser......among a couple of other remedies, but to no avail.......the material is stained with the tape! I did come up with a remedy, so I could fit all eight sails in the material. lucky for me, there was enough material to do them all. I'm going to be doing a mini log for him, so he'll have some pictures to guide him in future builds. I might even ellect to do one at the Wharf.
  20. great job fitting out the masts.......the bow spirit looks really nice as well. doing a super job my friend!
  21. hope Sjors didn't settle on that bus!!! hard to get on the boat!
  22. I guess it depends what your going for. basically, weather is the gradual blending of two or more colors, while retaining the original color. this is done by blending in and highlighting certain aspects....edges, corners...ect. you might have done well to do this on a test piece, to see how it will look. doing it that way may have it taking on a patchwork-ish look. if it does......you can always thin down some copper paint and give it a coat, as a wash. it will uniform the color, and still allow the hues to show through. just a thought
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