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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. glad you found good resolve for the mast saga. the word colour is old english.........all through my young life, I was taught to spell it as color. bolstered by the Crayola people, and that darn peacock I used to see on TV, I've gone through my life spelling it without the 'U'. I looked in the dictionary, thinking that they might have it in there both ways....but no, it is spelt as 'color'. I forgot to mention that the Kodak people also had a hand in my up bringing.....you wouldn't think so, since they can't even spell their own name right {Kodac}. nice work with the mast though.......I'll try to refrain from using the word.......I'll use other words.....like: tint......shade.....and yes, even highlight
  2. well........they say never fly them near or around power wires.........guess that means tall ships as well....... looks like a trip to the shop is in order....LOL!
  3. what did you two settle on as 'the souvenier'.......the towel.....or the ashtray? welcome back!
  4. like just like in your pictures........nice work David!
  5. as I was looking at the earlier pictures, I thought about the brace work .......then, there they are.......such detail! phenominal work Paul!
  6. now....that's looking reall sweet! very nicely done!
  7. I see the captain's made himself at home there!... your planking looks very nice
  8. that's what started me to do the build logs........and the origin of Wenzels Wharf. this is on word press.....but others are sub-divided into their own 'dry docks'. take the name of the ship and put the words dry dock after them...you should find them online. in our chatting back and fourth, he asked if I would do a build log for him on the Nordkap. I did........he also wanted to have a ship or two done for him. I told him I didn't think I had enough experience, but he should ask around on the site here......perhaps he could get a volenteer. he asked me again later on.......convinced me to do the Cux. after the Cux and the Nordkap was finished, he sent me the Regina to do.........it ended up becoming the Susan A. the build logs I sent him, he condensed them and posted them on their website. I have a copy of them I have the plans for the Wasa, the Danmark, the Half Moon, And the Gothenborg on CD. of course, I've saved all the instruction sheets. I'm trying to get the plans for the HMS. Warrior. I hope to do more for him in the future.......we still chat back and fourth. yepper......they're really good folk........so glad to have met him
  9. that's some sweet looking rigging Augie........fantastic work indeed! have fun with the 'in laws'......
  10. just a paragraph of how detailed and cool the build looked and that they would be passing the pictures around to their different depts. it's good that I wasn't expecting anything from it. kind of how I got to know Tom@ Billing USA........I had gotten the Nordkap and I was asking about the fittings kit for it. I got this huge e-mail of how he was concerned about me building a kit that was so old {over 20 years}, as my first kit. I even got to meet him in person last summer.........I built the Susan A for him, and he and his wife came by to pick it up. they are such wonderful folk....hope to see them again. still, it's nice to get a positive responce from the folks who make these kits
  11. thank for the good word and looking in Daniel. this is the second ship of my experiment, seeing if I could replicate hulls, using the parts panels from kits. with the M&M build......I would say it was a success. I'd still be working on this one, if it wasn't for the build explosion. I guess it's my problem.......I see so many builds I want to do.....I go nutz I'm hoping to take advantage of the dwindled builds....perhaps pull this one out from time to time and put some work into it......even if it's just to install what I already have assembled. thanks!
  12. hey there Bob.....cute little vessel your about to build. I took a look around......have you seen this: MALABAR JR. perhaps you could contact this guy........maybe save you a bit of work with some plans.
  13. thanks Adeline. it did for this ship, because of all the mast hoops. nothing was tied, except for the standing rigging. it just made it easier all the way around. thanks for the good word I know Keith.....the skis are on the table. I've been putting most of the focus on the AmericA......but I will get to them. I sent some pictures to Midwest.......I got almost a carbon copy of what M&M / Mars said about the fun ship. I'm holding off on the gallery pictures until I get the skis in place. thanks for the good word as well. thanks Bob.....made me especially happy to get the shrouds in place.....one more sail to go. I can tie everything in place in the meantime.. thanks for the good word
  14. thanks JP.......feel free to use anything you like. thanks John, Andy, and Daniel.......yepper! almost there!
  15. hello Daniel.......I keep thinking of this build......I have the planking, well, most of it {hoping to have enough}. I've been so busy trying to get other builds finished. when I do get back to this one.....it may not be as detailed as yours, but I will try to make it interesting. I hope you follow along.......your expertise will be quite an asset
  16. the fore mast needed the hoops sewn on......around twenty of them. after they were finished, the fore shrouds were rigged. started with the starboard side. both sets on the starboard side the ship was turned around to do the port side nice to see them rigged.......now to tie them off, so I can start to tie off the running rigging.
  17. hope your mending well......looks like a neat idea your working on
  18. I been coating my threads with diluted white glue.......and then pulling it taught to dry. that works reasonably well. I've also stained white thread {the Billing's stuff I have} with india ink.....than also works well with the fuzz control. I'm not a real big fan of bees wax....not fond of how it collects on the deck while rigging.
  19. I think you under estimate yourself a little there........you did a swell job there......and I'm sticking to it.
  20. the right choice indeed.........she's going to look very good with the upper deck in place. super job Mark!
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