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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. superb work Augie.......man.......your ship is a beaut! I'll look forward in seeing the yard work......after you've done your yard work!
  2. what you have there looks pretty good..........I'll be here for the rework!
  3. looking much better......the keel / bow stem is a work of art! I got an older scroll saw as well.....not too pleased with it, due to limited control. I'd like to get a band saw.....but that's a future wish look forward in seeing more progress .......your doing a superb job!
  4. that's some really nice work Michael......had a nasty work week {I work the week ends}.......I had to really backtrack on you log to see it all! what a great tuitorial on how to make dead eyes....you made it look so easy! and your dry fit is fabulous....the shrouds look so cool. you do some wonderful work! I've never made rope before, so this should be quite interesting.
  5. really bad week end.......had to work and didn't get around like I usually do. I must say you picked a cool color for the interior.....kind of like a trainer yellow.......like the Denny-zen! I knew you liked the color...... LOL! your bucket method is cool.......turns out a really cool bucket. you can get a lot of that sheet brass as well as other alloys from places that sell model train stuff. look in the clearance bins as well.........good deals to be had! very nice progress thus far......meanwhile, I'll try to keep more in step......I hate having to catch up like this
  6. WOW John.......you've really made some progress since I last saw her........the masting looks superb! even the deck has more detail to her!!! simply a wonderful job John...........really stunning!
  7. don't feel bad about the discrepancy........it looks so good! you construction of these two edifices is so good, it would be a shame to change it now. as a matter of fact....in some pictures of these ships, there is some curvature like that at the bow........maybe not as pronounce, but it is there none the less. I love how the stern is shaping up. you have such an interesting build going on......once you get the upper sections fleshed out, it's really going to complete the structures. great job!
  8. thanks fro the added compliments everyone!! hmmmmmm, starfish souffle......no, I don't think I've ever run across a recipe for starfish. I would think there wouldn't be much meat......and probably tough to chew. somehow....I'm not feeling the love in eating the little buggers thanks for the info Wayne.....I've seen articles on how they feed........sure glad the human species don't eat like that....be rather messy at the dinner table
  9. thanks Daniel.....my first time painting crustaceans. good times thanks for the good word Pat.....I'm not much at weathering, I'm pleased at how it came out. yup...your correct. the colors are an ID thing.......on every one of my builds so far, I've been able to give them different combos. it's too late now to do anything with them......I'd be afraid to mess it up.
  10. it quite possible Sarah.......they like to eat as well. when my son and I were climbing on those rocks at low tide, there were way too many for us to gather them all. we even caught a crab.......but a seagull took it away from us. we watched it pick it up and fly over the rocks. he dropped it, and it broke it's shell.........the gull then landed and ate it! so cool! thanks Michael....I guess the answer to your question is the same as Sarah's......but yea......they do get around. they're just out looking for food. I have to work tomorrow.......it's very late for me.........a huge thank you to every one else who commented....I really appreciate the good words. even 'I' am impressed with how it came out there are still a couple more thing i want to do, and then it will be finished. the Phylly C won't take much to finish her......and then I can finish the AmericA build. the Goth is waiting. thanks again! P.S. I knew you liked it Andy
  11. that's a great picture Keith.......they probably should have been weathered.......I guess I just never borthered to do it. the striping is a 'some do and some don't' type of thing......I was going to use white decal strips, but they just wouldn't behave....so I scrubbed the idea and left them the way they are. yes, starfish do start out small.......babies......I believe they are egg layers {I have to look this up}. my son and I used to climb all over those rocks.......he thinks it's really cool that I'm using them in my models. thanks for the good word and you observations Keith thanks Bob......I was on the fence about it......but I had to do the sort table, and that started a chain reaction. I'm not unhappy that I did it.......it does look so much better with the traps on board. thanks to you as well Phil. I am glad that you find my builds to be a good read........it makes the way I do them worth the effort. I appreciate the kind words......I look forward in seeing more updates from your fine build as well
  12. thanks Wayne.......I know that it's probably not milfoil.......I just pick on it because it's such a nusence up around here. soon to finish up on these two.......then I can move on to these other projects I have hanging around!
  13. cool boat Dee Dee.......these midwest kits have great bones for bashing! I suppose they supply balsa sheeting for the hull planking, but with the looks of yours, you could go both ways.......plank over the sheeting, or simply plank over the ribs. you've added some nice features that really enhance the build....you'll have a nifty craft before your finished! nice job!
  14. hello Garward! these dead eyes are made of walnut. I was hoping to find them in basswood or boxwood, but at this point, I really didn't care......they are to be painted flat black anyway. thanks for looking in hey there Sjors......yes......I can now continue. got a few loose ends to tie up first though.
  15. not too worried there John.........the scientists are to blame for most of it.........they introduced milfoil in some of our lakes, and now they can't get rid of it........I even forget why they did it. getting good pictures of lobsters to work with was a pain in the A**.....most of them were cooked and on a plate. the ones I did find, either had bad lighting, or obscure in some way or another. I guess it hard to get a lobster to pose for the camera thanks for the good word John........Andy's safe........I'll keep my milfoil in New Hampshire
  16. heck, I remember the year he turned around and bit the handler......LOL albino ones............hmmmmmmm, that might even get me a whole dollar!
  17. that'll teach those boaters to clean off their props and rudders, before they launch their boats in other waters! if your familar with songs done by Jim Stafford, he has one called 'last chant'. it's about human encroachment on the Florida everglades the last verse is so true: an' I wonder what you'll do, if the swamp moved in on.....you scratched on your screen, dripped out your water spout tapped you on the shoulder, an' said........ you move out............. thanks for the good word.......just little bits here and there to make it more interesting........I guess I don't have to add more to the outside of the traps
  18. after all this was finished and allowed to dry, the doors were assembled onto the traps. the adjustment was made to the sorting table......it looks a bit better. the trap near the crane was cemented in place first.......... the other lobster is on the sorting table........ I failed to get any pictures of the rope tying and such, but here are the finished pictures of the rest of the traps. they are all cemented in place. this ends the saga of the traps........a few more props, and this boat will be finished. I can then do the Phylly C, which will require a lot less to finish that one off. Enjoy!!!
  19. I did make a small alteration to the weathering on the sort table......you might see it in later pictures. I did the rest of the painting and assembly on the front doors for the traps. I put a few buoys under the sheer........then I began to add the colors to the front doors. the eye bolts were added to the traps......they then bacame part of the paint process......they need to look just as weathered as the traps. the painting continued........ the weathering was done to the winch and the backside of the crane. the painting continued...... I had a look at what out atlantic lobsters look like........they were given a base coat of dark flat green. more painting continued....... I knew it was missing something!!!!!! green! then I added the vegitation and some starfish that I've had tucked away. these starfish have been in my possession since the 80's....when my oldest son was little. we used to go to Hampton beach during the summers, and look for these little guys in the rocks at low tide. ahhhhhh, memories! this little guy was another creature we caught.......I believe it is a prawn, but I'm not sure. this seems to be as good a place as any for him.......before he's reduced to powder. the ropes were made for the traps and set on them to take on their shape as they dry ....and then, after many color layerings, are the lobsters
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