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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Part of the issue here is folk like Gary and myself giving you instructions from the cheap seats! Or is that the cheap sholes?
  2. That's a great start and yes; things get easier and faster with practice, or we'd never finish a model!
  3. There may be a hammer, JD, but it won't be tiny and will be heading at high speed directly at you. I understand Toni has good aim.
  4. Now, now, JD! Stop putting ideas into people's heads.
  5. The sails are more likely to be of parchment paper. These 'galleons' were very popular decorative items after the First World War.
  6. I'm sorry to read of the difficulties you've been having, Remco. I wish better fortune for 2021 than you've had this year. Every best wish as you look for a new position. Hopefully we'll soon see you back with progress on your Kingfisher.
  7. Very nice choice. Yes, the variety of bandings available is amazing. Decisions...decisions!
  8. 'Quarter sawn' usually provides good results. This is where the grain, seen end on, runs diagonally.
  9. Certainly an ambitious 'first', and well done for seeing such a major project through. Many others would have fallen by the wayside.
  10. Would thin brass or copper shim sheet work better than card for the roves?
  11. Bien fait, monsieur! Nicely done, sir.
  12. Off to a good start there, jw. I like your shipyard helper as well.
  13. He models, he machines, he cooks. Is there anything Keith can't do?
  14. By the time you build your third framed model, you won't have to re-do the cant frames over at all you'll be so experienced. It will be too late to recant! I notice that you tried to camouflage your bandaged thumb with the same color as your coverall. I hope it's healing well.
  15. I think that the deck plan outlines are representative only, not properly lofted!
  16. I wish you luck wrestling the frames into a new shape. Wood has a mind of its own and tends to go back to the place where it started.
  17. Looking lovely, Mark. But what is that piece just aft of the aftermost lower deck port?
  18. Better (read 'generally more expensive') units are usually better for vibration-free running. Cheap ones tend to 'thrash'.
  19. And now you have earned the title of Master Shipwright, Mark. Congratulations!
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