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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Borked? What a lovely word for a bad situation. Yes, if the paint has not dried after several days, it's definitely borked, shot, dead - whatever you want to call it. Perhaps you can retrieve the situation using solvent or paint stripper to get the mess off your model. Experiment ofn a small area first, though. The least aggressive solvent that will move it is the best. Is there a reason you would not use a universal spray primer?
  2. Alas, my trusty OED was not helpful on this point. Nef comes from the Latin nave, and can mean a hollow space, hence the nave of a church. There seems to be no specific meaning in ship type. Hulc, was apparently a specific ship type, given in a list of other ship types in the 1480's but, frustratingly, gives no definition of the type either! Sorry, ladies and gentlemen.
  3. There would be a need for slots to prevent frictional wear on the lines. Whether there were sliding covers in 1760.... where is that Time Machine, please? Your illustration isn't quite complete, as the center turn of the line is nailed securely to the barrel. (See my sketches.)
  4. You are definitely getting there! Would rigging up the sail in some way and applying a hair dryer gently help mold it?
  5. I was very sorry to learn of your father's death. I had the pleasure of both meeting and dealing with Mitch at various NRG Conferences over the years. My belated condolences to you and the family. I hope that his kits find good homes.
  6. Below are my field notes (and calculation) for a 64 gun ship from many years ago. Seven turns it is!
  7. The red block is the one, Gary: it's an internal fitting. The black inked fixed block with red surround on the deck above is through the side; internal and external!
  8. Apparently more than about 25 degrees of rudder become ineffective: the rudder then acts like a brake. So I think that you are safe, Mark! Read Hutchinson: http://www.bruzelius.info/Nautica/Seamanship/Hutchinson(1777)_p38.html
  9. The other reason for that forward extension was for a spot that the leadsman could stand on while taking soundings.
  10. So good to see you back and the considerable progress that you have made. Beautifully done!
  11. Oh, Andrew!! How could you? Thanks for the laugh. That must be the mots 'd'heure oeuf oiel d'eux. But we digress.
  12. Don't make the assumption that she's on an even keel in the photo: that will affect apparent relative levels of bow and stern.
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