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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Yes there are a number of variations seen on plans of mast partners. Some are experimental, such as on Vulture:
  2. If you use sanding sticks rather than freehand sandpaper, rounding over of the end frames should not be an issue. And yes, the scupper supports will not be seen on a completely planked side.
  3. There are also very small specialist mills that dental technicians use by Meisinger. See: https://meisingerusa.com/home Warning: this site may present the possibility of danger to your credit card!
  4. The cove looks much nicer, Ben, but I have the same reservations as Greg about that lettering....
  5. Your image of Bouteille du vaisseau le Soleil Royal is weird! My suspicion is that the image was rotated 15 degrees, as you point out; but whoever did that then turned the title in PhotoShop or similar to make it horizontal again. Otherwise it makes no sense at all. In any case, what purpose was there in rotating the image to begin with? "I guess the back end has to line up with the edge of the page!"
  6. Delightful! What a lovely gift for Bean, aka Eve. Would you consider not using CA on your line, Keith? Acrylic matte medium is kinder if at any time in the future any line needs overhauling or adjusting again (See Rob Napier's new book!)
  7. A great start, Peter! I would caution you against the use of ferrous material in the model; at some point it will corrode. Instead, use brass or copper, chemically colored or blackened. When building what will be a very fine project, consider longevity as well! Also, iron was not used below the waterline.
  8. It's a projection drawing, showing what it looks like from the side once it's in place on its correct angle and faired.
  9. Looking good, Ben. I see that you 'nailed' texturing the ground to those coves! You might want to make the central motifs cross 'over ' and 'under' for a bit more depth.
  10. I can't advise you on the curved transparent panels. They need to be of some flexible plastic and using plastic is something I've very little experience of. Hopefully someone else here can advise you. And yes, Mark Twain was a great writer. And then, there's the notorious 'Court of Elizabeth' essay!
  11. That is interesting. I wonder what makes for a cleaner char line? Presumably lower temperature, but does that imply a slower cutting speed? If so, it would severely affect production speed. And yes, the color looks very acceptable.
  12. Rather than fabric, consider using SilkSpan for the bimini. Stretch it like watercolor paper and use dilute acrylic paint, before cutting and fitting it. The boat looks great so far! As an aside, I see Mark Twain on the wall. You must be a fan!
  13. Superb work as always, Valeriy. I hope you can safely complete the model and that things will improve. My best wishes for you and yours.
  14. A lovely and touching story, Keith. And yes, we get our granddaughter and family here this coming weekend. With 'blended' families it gets more complicated!
  15. Well done, and excellent explanations of your various processes. I learned quite a bit, so, thank you, Richard. Now, stay warm! The weather forecast is not good.
  16. Well done indeed, Mark. Cheeks are a b*ggar to do correctly and you've done it very nicely. That you didn't make separate catheads and tails (us lesser mortals tend do that!) is also exceptional. Take a bow (pun intended).
  17. Håkan: I must apologize for not seeing your progress before. Beautiful subject and work but best of all is your health news. I'm delighted for you. Merry Christmas indeed!
  18. There's strength in numbers, Ian! Try them out, say I.
  19. I note that you've started two separate logs. Can you please amalgamate them into one for us? Thank you. So, a major job started! Fine chain is best obtained form a jeweler's supply house. In the U.S. Gesswein is a reliable source. Might I strongly recommend Rob Napier's new book on the subject of conservation/restoration of old models? It will address your questions well, I think. Available at: https://seawatchbooks.com/collections/new-arrivals
  20. My link should then send you to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-prize-papers-a-new-frontier-in-global-and-maritime-history-tickets-482335688027?aff=em&utm_source=emailmarketing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wo_presale__8_dec_2022&utm_content=2022-12-11
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