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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Oh, dear. You have it bad. Fortunately there is no model intervention or recovery group in your area.
  2. Bruce and Gary: there is no credit, which leads me to believe that the draught is actually in the Kriegstein Collection!
  3. It seems Queen was a 'one off' Bately design, so there are no sister ships whose plans might be viewable. If the RMG (ex NMM) can't help, perhaps an enquiry to the Kriegstein brothers through their publisher might work.
  4. Lovely work and attention to detail, Michael!
  5. Old paint is usually oil based, and may contain lead. Be careful and take appropriate health and safely measures if removing any paint.
  6. "Chacun à son gôut" - Each to their own taste. We build models to please ourselves. There is no absolute right or wrong.
  7. Consider using tick strips and divide the space with the strip laid flat - it's a lot easier! I gave up using compasses, dividers and proportional dividers years ago. Also, thread attached with white glue dots instead of battens are much, much easier to use. Check the planking tutorials on this site. for details.
  8. Normally beams rest on the deck clamps. These are ledges that run longitudinally inside the frames. Beams are placed where needed to frame deck openings etc., and are independent of the framing. I recommend you look at either Londgridge's The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships, Goodwin's The Construction and Fitting of the Sailing Man of War 1650 -1850, or the series of books on the fully framed model by Antscherl.
  9. A very nice model indeed. Maybe Chris would like to tackle a Thames barge sometime.
  10. Looks very nice, Siggi. Had you thought of painting the decorations on paper off the model and then gluing it on? Much easier than fighting gravity and getting into the inner corners!
  11. Another way to put off fairing frames! Bit extreme, though, but gets you a lot of brownie points! Nice stands.
  12. Welcome aboard et bienvenue Rick!
  13. Nice detail on the chain pump return tubes!
  14. Coming along well, Kevin. Hint: always rest a plane on its side. Sole down on the bench as in your photo leads to dulling the blade faster with grit and debris on the bench top.
  15. Hearty congratulations, Mike. May SeaWatchBooks continue to flourish! And congratulations to Bob for this transition. Your work in building SeaWatch for the past 20 years is much appreciated. We look forward to the next stage,
  16. It is indeed sad that we have lost such a talent. I was wondering if another expert French model-maker might pick up the torch and complete this masterwork, if his family is amenable to the idea.
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