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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Hi Ed......... all those straggler ropes you see have been cut off.... any running ropes that will be attached will be tagged, my memory is not bad..... but, not that good either Say hello to the Mrs. Hope everything is going well for the both of you. Have you used your new toys yet?? Hi Augie....... glad you like the color.... I used a weathering powder watered down, and brushed it on. thanks for looking in. Frank
  2. Hi Ron........ glad you liked the way the sails came out, I made them a little fuller than i did on my Supply . Hopefuly I 'll be able to the rest of the sails to furl as nicely as the yard ones. Hi Dafi.......... thanks for looking in ,it's always a pleasure to have you on board, now, if only you could leave me a little bit of your talent I'd be happy as a pig in s---!!! Frank
  3. Real nice work on the top Michael......... that style top looks like it would be hard to do, but it seems like you're getting to be a real pro at this stuff frank
  4. Dafi....not only to you do awesome work....you're comments are entertaining also :D frank
  5. Just catching up..... looking at the bow and stern of your ship, I don't think you could have gotten such a great run of the planks if you didn't spil them... Nice work Mark ....she' s going to be a real "looker".... frank
  6. Thanks Nils for your comments...... and thanks for all the "likes" frank
  7. just catching up on your build..... she's looking really nice..... your rigging work is excellent , I wish I could get mine to look as good . nice fix too!! frank
  8. It's hard keeping up with you ........ you're like horse s---... you're allover the place :D . Nice work on the boat and railings ( like always)........ Is the Goth still in the works?? Frank
  9. Hi B.E. .......... seeing as how you are one of the Master builders here at MSW, it's always a pleasure having you look in on my builds. thanks for looking in.... Frank
  10. Hi Denis....... I bought the sail set..... cut them down some... then furled and attach to yards. I wasn't to pleased with the fabric at first but after washing them up and coloring them they weren't too bad. Frank
  11. Thanks for looking in.... Mark,Dirk Dave and Grant your remarks are appreciated !! Frank
  12. Hi Denis....... Glad you liked the sails..... I too try to get as much done on yards and sails before mounting them.... so much easier that way. Thanks for looking in. Frank
  13. Hi Tony.......... some of the blocks I purchased from Chuck's store, the bigger blocks were supplied in the kit.... I'll tell you though ,the best blocks I've seen are the ones Dirk used on his build of the Alert,they are really nice.I know it looks like a mess of ropes but I had to attach some now ,because later would have been a little difficult . Glad you liked the sails, the other ones are going to be a little harder to form. Hopefully I can get them to look presentable. Thanks for the good words!! Stay loose!! frank
  14. Back again..... with an UPDATE....... Finished attaching the blocks to the mast tops and yards, I've started to attach the sails...the main top and main yard are finished........ the others will be attempted little by little ....... the following pictures will show you what I've been up too. Thanks for look'n in!! frank This brings us up to date.... thanks again!! Frank
  15. I thought it was an April fool's joke , but I see on the calendar it's August!!!! :D :D :D
  16. Dafi.......... your work is just Awesome!!!!!!... that is one amazing gun deck!! frank
  17. Nice idea with the batteries........ frank
  18. Hi Matt...I've been looking in on your build for awhile now, but really have'nt commented. I'd just like to say that I admire your work and really enjoy the progress you have made with your build. Keep up the good work!! Frank
  19. Not only are you good with the tools , you are pretty good with the words too!! frank
  20. Nice build Bryan...... she looks really good!!.....have a good build on your Bounty!!.... frank
  21. Denis you are a born "Modeller"........... excellent!!work, those small parts can be a b----!!!! frank
  22. I'm thinking about it Mike..... I have the sail set, not that crazy about them, but also not that crazy about dong new ones either frank
  23. Just catching up............ Sherry. all I can say is that your work is "outstanding"..... looks like we've got another Doris amongst us frank
  24. Have fun drilling ........... How about a nice tug boat for your next build ?........no drilling to speak of there frank
  25. Thanks..... David B...Denis...Augie.... Dirk.....Nils......Sjors......Wayne.... for looking in, and thanks for all the "likes" Now it's back to the fun stuff,............ I don't know if the blocks are getting smaller, or my fingers are getting bigger Frank
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