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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Augie....... your work isn't good at all...................... It's FANTASTIC!!!!....... she's really look'n nice!!! Frank
  2. Very interesting essay Dafi........ you're a pretty special guy to us here at MSW, and to the rest of the ship modeling world. Thanks for sharing your talents. Frank
  3. Hi Dave .... glad to hear you recieved a clean bill of health, I know that must be a great relieve for you....... Pretty good set up you'vre got in store for the "Doc".... the build is looking real good!!.. nice work Dave. Frank
  4. Beautiful !! Ron......... When I first clicked on to your last post I thought it was a picture of the replica ship....... Very nice work indeed!!! Frank
  5. Nice to see you back to the" wood"..... this build is looking really nice .... How's the Goth coming along????? Frank
  6. It's getting better and better every time you post....... glad you ordered the "Admiral" , you'll like it!! Frank
  7. Nice to see you back Mario.... just found your log......Beautiful work as always, have fun in your wood shop!!! Frank
  8. Hey thanks Augie..... just the jib sails left to do....... hope they turn out !!
  9. Hi Wim....really nice to see you back and a great choice of a ship to work on, I've always liked your work .so I'll be following along. Thers a good Korean movie called The Admiral: Roaring currents. . . their secret ship was a turtle ship .ck it out if you get the chance, it's agreat movie Frank P.S. that movie is on Netflix, if you have it,just go to search and type in Korean movies.
  10. Hey Scoot, nice hearing from you...... are you back to your shipyard?????....... Miss seeing you here...hurry back!! Frank
  11. Thanks Lawerence...David B....Denis(Popeye).... Tony...Dimitris and Don for your comments, always appreciated.... just a little update as to the rigging. A lot of ropes are starting to accumulate and I'm still a little confused as to where they're going to tye off at.........I think I'll just let them fall, and where ever they land is where their home will be ....... just kidding. ..... I'll try to get some sembelence of order so it looks like I know what I'm doing Here's a couple pictures showing the start of CONFUSION!!! As always ...Thanks for look'n in.... Frank
  12. Very nice updates Dimitris...... you are doing an exceptional job on a very challenging build.... looking forward to it's completion!! Frank
  13. Hi Denis .....Sorry I missed your birthday party, ... "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY" Denis .... your build is looking real nice!! Nice redo!! Frank
  14. Thanks Mark.... so I finding out Frank
  15. Thanks Matt and Dave....... remarks coming from guys like you two are very much appreciated... thanks for your comments!! Frank Thanks again to Matt ...David B... Dirk .... Dafi.... Popeye.... and Pavel for your previous comments and all the "likes"
  16. UPDATE TIME....... just a small one ....... progress is being made !!!.... bowsprit is finished and foremast is almost finished..... all blocks and lines are attached, I want to mount the yards first before the back stays are set...... the ropes coming down from the yards have to be attached at the foot of the mast the back stays would be a pain if they were in the way. Right? .... of course..... the second shot is a little out of focus (sorry).... I don't know what happened, I asked my camera and it didn't know either, something got messed up!! Any how , here's whats going on.... Thanks for looking in... Frank These are the mizzen fore stays... they are huge!!!
  17. Nice build Dave....... I'm sure your Dr. friend will just love it!!! frank
  18. Hi Piet....... your work is just amazing....what a beautiful build this is, thanks for sharing!! Frank
  19. Hi David... so sorry to hear about your health issues,I sure hope you are feeling better and can back to doing what you like to do. Your card model is really nice , It's a amazing what you can do with paper.I have'nt seen any card models so your build will be very interesting to see it progress. Take care David,will keep you in my prayers . Frank
  20. Hi Matt.... you've come a long way since I last ckd in on your build.....all I can say is,your work is just outstanding!! I really like the look you have given your build, I don't think you'll have any problem with the rigging and thanks for your nice comments they were appreciated. Frank
  21. I see you gave up your job as a "cabbie" and returned to ship building ........ Look'n GOOD Tony, nice work as always!! Frank
  22. Thanks Tony...... and.... God Bless those London cabbies :D Frank
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