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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Nice deck Sjors.... looks real real good with the variations in color, I can't even imagine a real ship with all the same color planking....... This is your first step into weathering !! Frank
  2. Nice shots of your build Ron...... from what I see, your skills look pretty darn good to me...... I agree with Augie, I like the look of the bands too..... Frank
  3. Great!! looking water pumps...... nice work Pavel Frank
  4. Glad you got home safely . nice work on the doors!! Frank
  5. Thunder you can buy another bed from Proxxon. Frank
  6. Thank You Sjors...... Were there enough pictures ?? Frank
  7. have fun!! with the planking Mark....... you're off to a good start..... I'll bet she's going to be real hot looking with all her planks on!! Frank
  8. Very nice work with the toothpicks Dave....... Great!! idea.. Frank
  9. Thanks Augie,Mark and Grant for your thoughts, they are always appreciated. I'm kind of relieved knowing others like the color of the decking, for a minute there , just a minute thou , I had some doubts Frank
  10. Thanks Dave....... Dave.... I think actually she would be.. frank
  11. HI Tony....... the reason you couldn't see the mistake was because I forgot to upload the picture .... what it was is that I cut the planks in back of the big grating too long so when I laid the remaining planks the treenail holes were not spot on in alignment, I just wasn't paying attention. You'd probably wouldn't have noticed it unless I pointed it out. Oh yeah, there's plenty of that stuff to go around out here, So grab the next flight and have yourself a real good time!!! :P Hi Dennis........ Glad you like the deck, like I told Tony, you can see why you couldn't find the mistake........Well most of the major building is done I'll be working the transom and the head pieces next. . Thanks for stopping by... Frank
  12. Hi Dennis....... thanks for your nice comments.... that's a real good tip about the water,. I didn't use stain on the deck , I used Age It Easy.I really didn't think the clear would darken it some, but it did. but that's O.K., I'll have to remember your tip next time. I didn't know that a clear coat darkens the color. I learn something new everyday . Thanks. Hi David B........ Thank you too for your nice comment..... you know you sample these colors on a small scale and they seem to look like what you're looking for , but when you apply the same color to a larger surface it 's not always the same effect. But all in all I'm satisfied the way it turned out. Thanks again for your input , always welcomed. Frank
  13. Time again for another update!!!........ first, let me go back and see where I left off ... ....O.K. I'm set,.... just didn't want to repeat myself. Before I start I want to thank Pavel, Tony and Scoot for stopping by and ck'n out my progress, always nice to have you guys stop by Thanks again. Well since my last post I've made the rear supports. rail cap, wales and finished the planking and finishing of the deck.A little goof on the deck planking but I wont point it out, I'll see if some one can spot it . I was real pleased with the deck coloring when it was first applied ,but after I applied a clear coat it seemed to change slightly, I don't know ,maybe it's just me, but anyhow it's staying.The following pictures will give you some idea whats going on . Like always...... thanks for looking in and all comments are welcomed!!! Good or Bad frank these are the rear supports for the transom ( still need to be installed ) next four pictures are making and installing wale rail cap installed Last batch all to do with the deck planking. This is the final color of the deck planking ... some times the camera sees color a little differently than what the naked eye sees..... but it's pretty close. Thanks again for looking in. frank
  14. Augie ,this build just gets better and better with every post..... real nice !!! Frank
  15. Looking good Denis.... doesn't it tick you off when things mess up.... good thing you know what you're doing
  16. Very nice!work Pavel.... you certainly have a lot of talent!!! Frank
  17. Looking good Sjors... bulkhead came out real nice... Do the doors open???? :D frank
  18. For someone just learning this stuff, you seem to be doing exceptionally well. I don't know enough about what you're doing so I can't really offer you any constructive criticism, so I'll just sit back and enjoy your work. ( maybe I'll learn something ) Frank
  19. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" DAVE....... and many more!! frank
  20. Nice!!Dave real nice, your build is looking awesome , and I just love that sign you made , that is so cool!!, Looks very marketable!! Just a hint!! Frank
  21. Nice work Sjors..... You mentioned that you still have to plank the upper gun deck, and add more fire power . You might find it a whole lot easier rigging the remaining guns off the model., if that's what you plan on doing.Those 2mm blocks are a bear to rig, but you should be able to use the .025 thread , I used them on the Supply. I just used ca. on the end of the thread to stiffen it up enough to get it thru the block. Any how I'm sure you'll do whats best for you. Your build is looking great!! Frank
  22. HI Mike..... nice progress on your build....if you're going to try the spiling method for your second layer , definitely read Chuck's tutorial here on MSW... It's very easy to comprehend, just take your time lining out the hull . Frank
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