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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Are you sure this is your first build ??...... looks like a real pro's work!!!
  2. Nice to see you back Mike..... I hear you with the colds scene.... I was laid up for 5 weeks , man thought I'd never get better,.... anyhow.... glad you're back into the swing of things. frank
  3. Hi John, just went through your log..... Excellent work!!!!..... loved your tryworks and your ships boats.. I've always liked the "Kate Cory" looks like it's a really nice kit. Have Fun, will be following your progress. Frank
  4. Just amazing!!work Karl...... thanks again for sharing your talent with us. Frank
  5. I guess I have to repeat myself...... This is one GREAT!!! looking build..... Nice work Michael!! Frank
  6. Hi Bryan..... your build is coming along nicely, I like the colors you chose ....... I'm not very fond of ca either... I use Titebond, it has a very fast setting time. I'm not sure if it's available in your neck of the woods, but I'm sure you must have something comparable. Ck. it out. Frank
  7. Hi Denis.... really can't add much more than has already been said, but I'll say this ''''It sure is sweeeeeet looking!!!
  8. Hi Tony.... really like the color scheme you chose, looks really nice . This is going to be one sweet looking boat !!! Frank
  9. been wondering where you were...... nice project you've got going..... now I know where to find you. Frank
  10. HI Matti... Nice to see you building again..... will be following along on this interesting build. Frank
  11. Dafi... that looks just great!!.... where did you find all of your crew?? frank
  12. Nice progress Sjors........ she's looking ship shape!!! Frank
  13. mending plates look good..... it was a good idea installing them.
  14. Nice to see you back Wayne....the Emma is looking real nice too........ Wayne... you should've moved to Arizona,then you wouldn't have had to worry about that stuff called snow!! ... I would have said Calif. because I think you would have made a good neighbor but,unfortunately... we are running out of water!! .......... :D Frank
  15. Those ladders look great!!!... nice work Denis, your speed amazes me....... you're quite clever with the lines too!! ...... You're a poet and don't know it!!!! ( or do you????) Frank
  16. Dimitris... what an outstanding build!!!!..... You sure picked a good one as your second build....fantastic work!!! Frank
  17. Hi Denis ... yeah , that color looks a little too dark ,might want to try and lighten it up a bit Frank
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