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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Beautiful job on the rigging Dave, you'll be done before you know it!! Frank
  2. Hey thanks Michael......... I was thinking about carving those letters out of wood, I've got a couple Dremel's I thought I would use, but after finding the right size dry transfers I chucked that idea immediately The transfers worked out real well for me...glad you liked the result. Frank
  3. Thanks Mark...it wasn't intentional ... Frank
  4. Thanks everyone for your comments, it's always nice to get encouraging words ...... well, it's back to the mizzen!! Frank
  5. "UP DATE TIME"......... I just finishd up the main mast rigging and put the name on the stern'''' looks like I got all of the ropes tied off to where they're supposed to be,if not I can always say the Capt. is trying out a new belaying plan. No major problems were encountered on this journey, (again, thanks to Dirks excellent build) The mizzen will be next, then I'll add the jib sails....... I still need to add ropes to the cleats and belaying pins, but that will be the last thing I do along with the oars, and the rope railing. Thanks for look'n in!! Frank Thanks again for look'n in....... Frank
  6. What a great!! build...... just loved what you did on the stove ( plus everything else )...... I'm a big fan of LifeColor too ! Frank
  7. Looks like this will be a nice build.... why did they have you venner the frames? Doesn't look like they'll be seen. Frank
  8. Man she is looking soooooooo nice!!.... the lighting is just the right touch Denis,,, GREAT!!! work Frank
  9. Excellent work Tony....... looks real nice!!...... although I think it's going to be a little difficult if you try to launch her( she has no bow or stern) :D Frank
  10. Nice work on the netting Dimitris......... both attempts looked good to me , but it's hard to tell unless you have the model in front of you, the color of the netting looks real good too... Frank
  11. Yeah I almost missed it too....."HAPPY BIRRTHDAY" Augie........ hope you're feeling better too!! Have a good one !! Frank
  12. Nice work on he stern Michael..... There's quite a bit of difference from the real to the kit's stern, too bad Corel didn't wait a little longer before releasing the their kit, it wouldv'e saved you a lot of redo time ..... Good thing you're a talented guy!! Frank
  13. When you get finished with this"BEAUTY", would you please load her up with some of your delicious Greek olives and send her on her madien voyage over here to sunny California ......... just kidding Dimitris..... beautiful work , that is one great! looking build. Frank
  14. I told you you wouldn't have any trouble with the rigging ..... looks really good, nice work!! Frank
  15. Welcome back Sjors and Anja.......... good luck on your new home!!! frank
  16. Nice!! choice Denis........ from what I've seen of this kit, it looks like a real winner!! have fun!! Frank
  17. Nice work Peter... I like that open companionway , looks real good!! Frank
  18. That is some real serious work Grant........ beautifully done!!! Frank
  19. Real nice build Don....... really like the detail you've added, it makes for an interesting build. I'll be ckn in on your progress from time to time... Have fun!!! Frank
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