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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Well..... almost finished with this build , just a couple more things to do..... this is a small update showing the railing,buoys and anchors finished up. All that's left is to install the foresails , the rest of the deck pieces, rudder chain and my stand. Thanks for looking in Frank Thanks again!!
  2. Nice! little kit there Denis..... the kids will love it, but I don't think as much as you love building it! frank
  3. Rigging is looking good Peter.... also liked your copper plating work, nicely done!! Frank
  4. Hi Charlene....... very impressive!! work from someone new to this hobby... Enjoy.. and have fun!! (not quite as stressful as teaching ) Frank
  5. Here you are!!... WELCOME back to the "BRIGHT SIDE"..... nice to see you back here Tony.... will be following along as you progress.Nice choice in your new build. frank
  6. WELCOME !!! back Scoot.......... about time :D .... nice to see you doing the Morgan, looks like you're off to a good start. Really enjoyed your introduction to this build, will be following your progress... Have fun Scoot!! Frank
  7. Beautifully!!done Tony...... sorry I'm so late ..... your redo came out really nice too , best wishes to you and your family for the New Year!! Frank
  8. "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" to all my friends here at MSW..... Frank
  9. Yeah that was a good trick with that hook.........the pulley came out real nice!! frank
  10. Thanks again Mark,and thank you too Brian for your input here..... I think I'll go with the Dremel Versatip, I like the idea of not having to wait too long for the iron to heat up and not having to secure the pieces. So thanks again for the advice. Frank
  11. Thanks Mark,,, Now..... with that said... and taking into account that I'm not going to be building a full blown air craft carrier and that my building skills are mediocre at best, would I be better off buying a fairly decent soldering iron rather than considering a mini torch set up?I don't think I'll be doing anything elaborate as far as soldering goes, wait a minute, no ...I know for a fact I wont be doing anything elaborate. As far as soldering goes it will be minimal. The reason I asked this question was to see whether or not the Dremel pencil torch would be as good as a regular iron , it just looked like it's an easier tool to use, and of course...... the price is right Thanks again and everyone's input is appreciated. Frank
  12. Is this the one you're moving into? ....... just kidding those windows came out real nice !!! Frank
  13. Thanks Joel for the info. Frank
  14. Thanks John...... i haven't given much thought as to what type soldering hard or soft. Whats the consensus for what we do in ship modeling? Would silver soldering be better or not, My question is would the Dremel butane Virsatip be good to use with either soft or hard soldering or should I just be looking at a conventional soldering iron like a Weller Frank
  15. just soldering for normal model ship building, Frank
  16. Just inquiring if anyone here has any info as to the stability regarding this item. I was thinking about getting one. Lowes has them on special for$24.99. seems like a good price , The cheapest I've seen them for is $49.00. They also have the mini torch at the same price, or would a reg soldering iron like the Weller be a better choice. Thanks . Frank
  17. Chris,,, I just love what you're doing with this build..... a fantastic job!!!... your ageing techniques are outstanding... I really like those inks you used, might give them a try myself on my next build... Will be following along on your progress... Thanks for sharing!! Frank
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