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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Hey thanks Augie... I ckd it out , looks like a different configuration, when I get the masts set I'll ck with Dirk, The rigging he did on his Alert is just awesome!!! thanks for the lead , it might come in handy. Frank
  2. Looks good Denis, I'm sure this is going to turn into another masterpiece!!! when you finish. it blows your mind when you think how big she was and she still sank. frank
  3. Thanks Lawerence and Edwin for looking in........ I'm really not adding anything to this build that is'nt already on the plans. The only thing lacking with the plans is a decent rigging plan, but I'm sure I'll come up with something. frank
  4. Hi DavidB....... Good question...... I'm not that much of a seaman,so could you please tell me the difference between the two.I have Petersson's book on Fore and Aft, but there is nothing there that looks like this one I'm doing. Dirk did this same kit and he did an amazing job. His rigging is just awesome. I don't know where he got his info from, I don't think it was from the plans included . Frank
  5. Tony........ you are too funny!!!...... you have to remember mate, this is 2015, that gun has been around a long time now!! :D Hi Nils.... thanks for looking in....... and yes, it was intentional to weather the railings, I'm pleased that you like the result. Deck work is pretty much finished. Getting ready for the masting. Michael....... Thanks for the comment, next step are the masts!!!.... I'm a little aprehensive about the rigging , there is really no belaying plan to go by. maybe I can find some cutter rigging I can use. Frank
  6. Ah So!!!!!....... very intersting, Mark and Augie.. I learn something new everyday. frank
  7. Hi Denis.... I think you are absoluetly correct about them maintaining scale, so if I decide to put a crew on, I'll just have to hire some smaller people!! frank
  8. Up Date time again....... I think I left off showing the water pumps installed, well I uninstalled them. I think that's going to be one of the last items I will install along with the railing posts with the rope. I'm pretty sure they'll be a nusance when the rigging starts if installed now, Most of the work done up to this time has been on the rest of the deck pc's. I've installed the rear railings, which I had to improvise on, cleats ,oar locks, channels, and the gun rigging. The following pictures will show whats been done. Thanks again for looking in!! Frank we'll start with the floats.I shaped them out of some basswood so they were pretty easy to form , these will also be attached later . These are Chucks cleats. He made some 12mm for me. They came out real nice , If anyone needs some wood cleats try his out, you wont be dissapointed. This picture shows the start of the rear rails. There was some bending involved on these and unfortu nately one of them snaped on the end so I could'nt use them The brass was2mm , you'd think they would give you a little longer pc. of brass knowing they might snap with the twisting they need, but no way. The only brass rod I had was 1.5 mm , but it worked out ok. OH yeah!, not only did the brass rod snap, the pc's that the ends set into also got messed up so, I made a basic pc. to set the ends into.As it turned out I liked the way it looks better than the way itwas supposed to. I just want to show this picture , because it shows the rear doors on the cabin. I was thinking a bout some figures for this build and I'm thinking this cabin looks small for this scale. A man at about 5'7" woiuld be approx. 2.6 inches at 1/25th scale. This cabin is just1 inch tall !!! How could this person get thru the Door???? any comments?? The following pictures are of the oar lock and channells installed and the rigging of the cannon, also the fore mast eye bolts installed. Thanks again!!! Frank
  9. Nice try Michael !!! ...... dont worry the single malt will put everything into perspective frank
  10. Very nice build.... there's a lot to be said for plastic kits, they really capture detail!!.... excellent work!! Frank
  11. Yeah ditto Dirk on the wheels.... I thought they were wood!!!.... Nice job Augie. Frank
  12. Hi Peter.... just caught up with your new build..... Really nice!! work, can't believe how far you've come in such a short time. I'll try to keep up with you Frank
  13. Augie...... I hope your back can take one more pat ........ It's BEAUTIFUL!!! ! Frank
  14. Have fun with your new project Denis.......( I'm sure you will )... I've done a couple Academy !/25th scale armor kits, they were nicely detailed.. I see most of the seats are taken back there, so I'll just sit back here in Calif. and follow you on my computer. .. Frank
  15. It's going to be a winner Rod........ 2nd planking is looking good and so is the table!! Frank
  16. Outstanding!!!work Denis.... all you need now is George Clooney and it's a done deal!! Frank
  17. Hi Ron....... I think that bug aged me more than weathering me.. , Yeah the pumps were a little time consuming , They kind of look a little over sized to me, they're as tall as the deck house, but that's the way they're going to stay. Thanks for looking in Ron. Frank
  18. Hope everything goes well for you settling your Mom in the rest home..... frank
  19. Scoot....... Nice to hear from you.... When you get to your Morgan, will be glad to help you out with messing her up. :D Sjors......... Glad you liked the pictures... I was hoping you'd be pleased . Hows the Stage coach doing??
  20. Mark,Tony Mike , Denis..... thanks for stopping by.... I'm feeling much better now,so thanks again for the well wishes Tony, I just need to weather up some small places I touched up with paint. frank
  21. Thanks .... Augie..Lawrence...Dave..Grant... Denis P.......David B..... for looking in and your nice comments.... It's always nice to hear from all of you. Frank
  22. Well..... here we go again ........ Up Date Time!, It's been a while, I was laid up there for about 5 weeks with a bug I had a hard time shaking off, but everything is back to normal, so hopefully I can be a little more aggressive with the up dates I"m pretty well finished with the deck work outside of installing some cleats I have on order from Chuck..... and some minor touch up work., following are some pictures of whats been done so far. Thanks for looking in. Frank These next three pictures show the deck bitts being made The next two are of the cap pc for the stern and a facia for the bottom . The following are of the oars and rudder, tiller& stove pipe...... and the last few pictures show everything installed on deck. Well, that's it for today, Thanks again to all of you looking in!! Hope you enjoyed the pictures. frank
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