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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. WOW!!!....... DENIS... THAT IS SO COOOOOOOOL. this is definitely another WINNER!!! Frank
  2. Regardless of the fact that it's an excellent kit, you still have to be a top notch modeller to put it together. Excellent!! work Augie'. She's looking real good!! Frank
  3. Hi Larry, just catching up on your progress. The hull turned out real nice!!...... while reading through saw the sad news about your uncle. My sympathy goes out to you and your family. Have a safe trip. Frank
  4. WOW!! Sherie, amazing work on those cannons, you would never know they were paper, great idea!! frank
  5. Denis when you finish her up ,you really have to get Clooney to be in the picture with your masterpiece,don't forget in the movie, he was the skipper of the Andrea Gail, even though his acting ability is on par with the Knight Rider's, he's still your best choice :D (for publicity's sake!!)
  6. Denis, this is looking so nice , the only thing missing here is George Clooney!! Frank
  7. It's almost sinful living out here, isn't It? I was sweating today Frank
  8. Those look real nice!! Frank Oh yeah , a little late but,"HAPPY NEW YEAR" Denis.
  9. Matti.... you are one of the best builders here, your work is just outstanding,this is definitely a museum quality build. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Waiting to see whats next!!! Frank
  10. Michael, that is one awesome!! looking hull. Frank
  11. Excellent!! work on the sails Peter, your build is looking Great!!! Frank
  12. Matti, that looks just awesome!!!........love your detail work, right down to the broom! Very Nice. Frank HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
  13. She's looking real nice Dave....... Happy New Year to you!! Frank
  14. Denis that's super nice!!..... sweet job on the oil drums as with everything else. This is a really nice looking build ( as always). Love the desk .... mine is getting there!! Frank
  15. looking good Russ.... the nuts and bolts really do the job!! Frank
  16. Thanks Mike........... try it on your Morgan! frank
  17. Glad you like it David B, it's a lot of fun trying to put some age on her!!! ( Hope she doesn't mind ) frank
  18. Man, that's real nice Augie..... what a treat to have a stove included with the kit.... your build is looking really, really nice!!! Frank
  19. Thanks everyone for the kind remarks and all the likes. Matti....... looking at your work has been an inspiration for me, so ,thanks for your great! work. Hi Lawrence....... glad you like the deck color, haven't laid the deck yet, so we'll have to wait and see how that develops . Don't be afraid to try it, it's a real simple process. Dave........... thanks for looking in, I've really been surprised as to how many people like this. Denis........ too funny on the deck help!! ....... unfortunately , the only helper I have is me, and To be honest with you, I'm not much help. thanks for the good words!! Hi Augie ........ someone had posted a picture here sometime ago of a ship they had visited, and they showed some really good pictures of the deck, the color was perfect, so that's what I tried to capture . Hopefully the whole deck will come out like the sample I did. Thanks for your nice comment. Frank
  20. Hey thanks Grant, I just wish there were some real pictures around showing what these ships really looked like. as it is, I'm just guessing . Hopefully it'll turn out O.K. Frank
  21. Thanks Mark,Denis Sjors..... it's always nice to hear from people whose work you respect ,and have them compliment you on your work. Thanks again. Frankl
  22. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and got everything they didn't want! :P ... just kidding.... UPDATE TIME...... Sine last, I've been working mostly on the deck pieces and the bulwark stanchions and trying to get a color I like for the deck planking. After trying a few different shades I settled on one that will be shown in one of the following pictures. I also started to weather the bulwarks a little. Slowly but surely it's starting to come together' Thanks for look'n in. Frank deck planks are ready to be installed This shows the sample of the color I want use for the decking, it's really a little more grayish looking than what the picture shows Hatches finished This is just a messy deck!! Planking the house sides House finished gun assembly adding the stanchions head piece (not finished yet) Stanchions completeport and strbd. painted bulwarks Lastly, starting to weather the inner bulwarks Thanks again for looking in. Frank
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