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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Very impressive work Sjors, like Popeye says... Great looking tush!!! Frank
  2. Very, very nice job on the decking Mike. I really like the anchor stock , looks a little tricky to do, but you did an excellent job!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family. Frank
  3. Hi Matti,,, sorry to hear about your illness, luckily today we have a lot of medications that do wonders, so..... don't forget to take your meds!! and a "Merry Christmas" to you and your family. Frank
  4. Nicely done Sjors!! "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to you and Anja. Frank
  5. Hey Augie, real nice work on the guns, I know what you mean about looking a little crowded when you add the rigging. I did that on my Supply and really wasn't that pleased the way they turned out. But, if you've got really good eyesight and small enough blocks ,with your talent you'll make them look real good. with that said , I wish you and the Mrs. a very "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and a HAPPY NEW YEAR !! Frank
  6. Look'n good Ron...... nice ship's boat!! Frank
  7. Nice work on the decking Mike.... good that you're butting up against the hatches, looks much better. Frank
  8. Beautiful work as always Michael, like I said before... this is one great!! looking build''' Frank
  9. Looking real good Sjors......there's a lot of work there on those big ships, you're doing a great! job. Frank
  10. Hi Wayne..... real nice detail with the nets and blanket, ..... don't forget the rum!! Frank
  11. Nice work on the bow rails....... looking at that framing job,seems you've done some construction work at one time or another!! frank
  12. Wow!! that's awesome Tony...... One more like that, and I think the Mrs. might put you to sea on her, then you won't have to worry about inches anymore. :D Frank
  13. Hi Denis, just catching up, she's looking really nice, and she's looking really big!! too. You wont have to add on to your house ,will you????? Frank
  14. Your build is looking awesome! Ron, a lot done in a year's time. You'll be done before Christmas (just wishful thinking) Frank
  15. Beautifully done Sjors.......just finished looking at this beauty in the Gallery.. Congrats on a build well done!! Frank
  16. that's some beautiful work...... just goes to show you, it's not the wood ,it's the carver. Frank
  17. Mike ,I agree with Alistair, I've used the Amati rope and it isn't terribly bad ,but I think you'd be a lot happier using Chuck's rope. since you're upgrading quite a bit, might as well go for the rope too. I think I'm going to try his too when I get to that stage . Frank
  18. Your FLEET! is looking real good Denis.... how do you keep track of everything?.... sometimes I can't remember what I'm supposed to do next, and it's only one build .... you're very good at what you do :im Not Worthy: Frank
  19. Tony ,thanks.....love your humor, but really..... it's mostly luck!!
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