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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Nice work with the sails.... now your lady looks dressed !! Frank
  2. Nice Tony...... I like your new stand,adds a nice touch to your ship. it looks like I have that same swivel vice. Mine would not stay put on a wood base, so I got a pc. of glass to use under it . The vacuum holds real good against the glass. Like your new belt sander too!! Looks like you're putting all your new toys to good use, have fun!! Frank
  3. Sweet!! Denis, good thing I was the culprit, look how nice it came out! :D Frank
  4. This is one good looking schooner, you do real nice work Russ, thanks for sharing your knowledge!! Frank
  5. Nice Matti... I like the lights, I didn't realize you had put lights in there, it looks great!! Frank
  6. Real nice! work on the pilot house Denis.. look'n forward to the rest of this " Holiday Harbor multi build". frank
  7. Thanks Denis ..... took me 4 re-makes to get that first strake back in to where it fits good. I'll post some pictures when I finish up the repair. Frank
  8. Thanks Michael.Great links!! Frank
  9. are some of the cars Pocher kits? Your collection is really nice Michael. Do you have some of the old Hubbley kits? I did Pocher's Alpha Romeo years ago, love those kits!!! Frank Sorry for the off topic.........
  10. Hi Smallstuff...... just curious , looking at the art work on the box of your Alert, it's different than mine , also looks like your plan that you have on the wall has to gunports on the side , is that correct? do you have the gun on the swivel on deck? I was just wondering if Krick has changed anything. The Alert I have is the same one Dirk did.Thanks. Frank
  11. Denis ..... she's beautiful..... you really must put her in the finished gallery, you posted pictures here, so you'll do it the same way only in the Gallery..... You can do it Denis!!! go for it!! Frank
  12. You might try .............here , or he might be able to make them for you. Frank
  13. That's whats so nice about thus site.... MANY eyes to guide us through!!! ... nice work Dave, she's looking real good!! Frank
  14. Thanks Grant...... I have enough trouble with myself, so a cat is out of the question. frank
  15. this build just gets better and better, "Happy Birthday" Michael, and it was nice to see your smiling face ( much better than a neutral avatar) Frank
  16. Ron she is looking sooooooo good!! Nice work on the details. Frank
  17. She's looking real good Vivian, nice work!!... the outside shots are great!! Frank
  18. thanks for your comments Matti, they are always welcomed !! Sjors... I can't blame the cat, because I don 't have one, so I guess I'll have to take the blame Frank
  19. Thanks Russ.... better to do it now, while I'm still enthusiastic! Frank
  20. David B....... I was just glad that I did'nt screw up any more while taking the damaged ones off, and yes I did save some for myself!! Frank
  21. Mike the planing you are doing on this build is very impressive!.... What's that Virginia Slims ad ? "You've come along way baby" since your Badger. Good show!!! Frank
  22. Thanks Mark........ Just finished cutting one of the new planks, I'm taking a breather to-nite so tomorrow I'll fit it in . i guess you're right, we're always repairing when we build Hi Mike....... it's always frustrating when something goes wrong, but it's better to fix it now and be satisfied, that would have been a real obvious goof!! Frank
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