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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I find that no one tool is good for all tasks. I have Dremel but I also have a WECHEER (WE-242) for tiny delicate work.
  2. Do you have a local machine shop? Some while do a run but price per each varies on the quantity. You'd have to supply plans. Maybe if others are interested you could share costs of setup, etc.
  3. Mike, I set my saw up much like Dave. The only differences are the attachment of the short fence to the full length one and my short fence stops at mid-blade. Kickback is an issue and the cut parts exit the rear.
  4. Beautiful boats, Nenad. They will look right at home on Her Majesty.
  5. I'd say test it on scrap both ways... no sheen and light sheen. We're so used to seeing the sheen on blackened brass that it has become the norm. I have my preference but it boils down to your choice. So no pressure here.
  6. Looks pretty darn good from here, Danny. An impressive bit of work involved from watching the buildlog.
  7. The sail/mast may have been an experiment of sorts or a proposed method. At least on French ships, they did try certain things that may or may not have been used later. For example, Licorne's masting at the time of capture wasn't the "as built", nor the same as the 12 pounder frigates. It was the same (or darn close) to that of Le Venus.
  8. I had some madrone and I agree, it's a bear to season without checking, cracking, etc. The few pieces I managed where beautiful to work with.
  9. Lou, drive south.. cross the boarder into Oregon. You'll find them in large tents just before the 4th of July. You may have to go south of Portland though as there prohibitions in some counties and cities. The nastiest and most powerful fireworks I ever came across were in Mexico. Some of that stuff just flat scared the hell out of me. I would have sworn it was just re-packaged TNT.
  10. Interesting map. I note from a local standpoint that there's a "pocket" at the Oregon/California border that looks very close to home. The terrain down here where much of the commercial lumbering happens (or has happened) is usually pretty mountainous so the timber folks would be used to the problems. Maybe I should check with a friend who does firewood commercially and see if he's seen it?
  11. You may not find a kit but then, I'm not into steel navy. Are there plans available as it's possible you may have to scratch build it or modify a kit that has similar lines?
  12. Here's a link I found that basically tells you all you might want to know about British Naval Ensigns (including streamers. https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/gb-enshs.html
  13. Johann, I are you giving the finished rope a final "pull" by hand after spinning. Grasping a length with your hand and giving it a sharp pull will help set the turns.
  14. Some folks add another step.. put the parts in vinegar for around 10 minutes or so to put some "tooth" on the metal. Rinse in distilled water and allow to dry and then prime. I do this for brass parts I'm blackening and the vinegar bath seems to make a big difference in how the blackening turns out.
  15. There's numerous videos out there in Youtube of RC ships (both sail powered and more modern ships) with firing guns. Personally, I'm not into that as the powder smell tends to "stick" to the ship and the Admiral would not be pleased, nor would I.
  16. There's been a campaign by Google and other browsers to push websites to clean up their sites. Seawatch has an expired certificate listed as the problem. I just went there with all my "shields" up and checked via 3 different browsers. I found no other issues than the expired certificate. As always, your mileage may vary.
  17. Chris, Do a search here for Victory and Watton. There's not been anything beyond what I posted.
  18. Jason, go back up to post #2799 where I explain how I did the plans. They're not mine but I bought 3 boat kits and reworked them for my purposes and then sent my modifications to the kit owner in case they would be interested in using them. I'm not about to sell plans or kits for these as the plans are not mine to sell.
  19. There's one in development for Amati by Chris Watton that should be the "go to" kit. But there's been no release date.
  20. Looks like you have your work cut out for you OC. Going from single decker to a two deck looks to be a challenge. I think you're up to it.
  21. You'll have to test as it does, to some extent vary depending on the materials and the thickness of the line and strain. I find shrouds and other lines under tension need a bit more glue than water. I usually start at 50/50 and go from there. Sometimes a bit of water, other lines a bit of glue.
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