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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. It's great seeing you back, Sjors and also to hear you have a great trip to France.
  2. Piet, I for one, look forward to the Java. Your personal attachment will add to the log and to the build itself as it has for this one and the O10.
  3. Jason is looking good, Jason. Well done on the counter which is a tricky little bit of wood to say the least. I like the lettering. Clean, simple, something that could have been hand painted by a shipyard or the crew while at sea. I don't recall reading if there was an "name painter" in the yard, but certainly not on shipboard.
  4. I hang them on the wall. As needed, I'll copy or scan relevant areas and then put them back on the wall. The copies/scans are used at the workbench.
  5. Dave, Count me in. This looks to be a fascinating build. You're off to a good start on the motor.
  6. Good analysis, Force9. I might add the the "bluster" by both sides afterwards might have been a form of psyc-war using the press to stir up the home front. Just a feeling I get when I read various accounts of battles. As for the contention about the English... weren't they under some restriction of excercising the great guns? I've read in more than one account that after Trafalgar, the quality of the English Navy slumped as the government thought the Navy wasn't a prime needed service compared to the army. Also, there was feeling on the Brit side that the Americans would be an easy enemy with few ships, poorly trained army, etc. How true this actually was, I have no idea but that's the sense I get from various accounts.
  7. <jaw drops at the sight of the frames on the shop tables> She's going to be huge. The pictures put it in perspective now.
  8. An interesting read, Frolick with an interesting perspective. At face value, it would appear that some think the US played a bit of mind game/deception on the British. I reference the "50 gun ship" comment. And there may have been some mis-feeding the news media of the day based on Hull's statements in the papers. The basic question the author keeps wanting to ask (from my perception) is was it a "fair fight"? Why would a "fair fight" be wanted in the first place? War isn't fair nor is it a gentleman's sport.
  9. Hi Piet, I finally found where you've been hiding out.. What a wonderful build and your blending in the history and personal notes just makes it better. Now to go finish playing catch up on this log.
  10. My condolences, Jesse. It's tough to lose someone like that especially when you've been ill also.
  11. No leaks is excellent news a tribute to your craftsmanship. She is looking sweet and ready to run across the pond.
  12. Daniel, From where I sit, she's looking good. I'm not a fan of what AL used for their plans, but it does make a fine looking ship and you're doing well trying to meet the owner's work.
  13. Well... that's a bit of problem, as such, that's been around for awhile. The like is a replacement for the "nice work" comments. One way is look at the logs of others building the same (or similar) ship and ask questions or make comments. Most will answer and reciprocate. I guess I should add that it's tough to read and comment on everypost. So many each day.
  14. Pat, Just curious, would filling the brass tube with something like the liquid glazing we use for stern windows, etc. work?
  15. Welcome to MSW, Edd. Do a search on the keyword "Restore" and one on "Restoration" and I think you'll see several others that are either done or in work along with the advice offered. Also, open your own log as it will be the best way to get help when you need it and also let us look over your shoulder.
  16. That explains why we were turned then.... That would explain why we were turned down more often than not. You guys had your own air cover.
  17. Wow!!!!!!!! is about the only thing I can think of also, Nenad.
  18. Jud's photos bring back some memories although by the time I got to 'Nam, I'm not sure version they were using (1970). We always looked for them when over rivers or off shore and if we saw them engaged, we'd offer air support. They usually declined. They weren't often engaged as by that time, the VC had probably learned not to mess with them. River bad-asses they were and got lots of respect.
  19. Thanks for letting us look over your shoulder, Keith. Beautiful work and a great "step-by-step" to see how it's done.
  20. I too find these accounts fascinating as they not only give insight as to the battles themselves, but also into the character of the men.
  21. As I recall, and I'm not sure which reference book had it, but here's link to a discussion:
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