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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Hi Vic, Welcome to MSW. There's quite a few battleship/battlecruiser builds in the Kit area so you might have a look there. I'd suggest starting a log and as for parts and pieces, take a look here and ask if don't see anything that helps: https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/15-discussion-for-a-ships-deck-furniture-guns-boats-and-other-fittings/
  2. Hi Bryan, Welcome to MSW. Life sometimes gets in the way. I think we've all been there. I'm looking forward to seeing your log.
  3. Joe, You'll have to compare specs on a part by part basis. I had a Micorlux (the mini) mill and went with a LittleMachinShop brand. All the tools seem to be compatible including the collet set. But your milage may vary. Note that there probably are some things not compatible and also that some(!) of the MicroMark stuff isn't always the highest quality but seems I lucked out on the milling machine tools and lathe as far as quality.
  4. Nice work, Rob. I fell behind in following and I love a kit bash as it expands one's skills and horizons. Even us lurkers learn.
  5. Julie, Have a look at Omega12 (Patrick) builds: He does fully detailed interiors in miniature. There's lots of other models by others in the scratch area with detailed interiors.
  6. Miro, Follow your heart. If your heart isn't in a model, you'll probably never finish it. However, if you're looking for a stepping stone to learn before doing a more complex kit, than that's different.
  7. Alternately, pull them tightish... but not stretched and apply some starch or a mix (50-50) or white glue and water. Stiffens the lines and they hold their straightness (in this case) or curve/arc in the case of lines running between mastts, etc.
  8. If you haven't seen it, have look at the Trition Cross Section or full build here: https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/52-hms-triton-28-gun-frigate/
  9. Hi Cliff, Welcome to MSW. For a first POF scratchbuild, I would not recommend the Hahn plans/"kit" from the Lumberyard as all you'll get is the frames and the decorations. And there's really no instructions with the wood and plans. You'd need to get Hahn's "Ships of the American Revolution" for instructions. The instructions in the book do make a lot of assumptions on your expecrience however. While they're fine models when done, I'll join Bill (reklein) in his recommendation for the Viking Ship. Start easy on your self and then ramp up from there.
  10. I did some creative Googling... brick walls everywhere it seems. Looking at what's on the bow "art".... I'd go with Black Swam. But, it does have a lot in common with the old Mayflower model.
  11. EJ, As I understand it, the chase ports (early on) were used not just for guns. The guns weren't permanently installed there but stowed off to the side. They used the ports for ventilation and also for loading and off-loading any cargo/stores. If I'm wrong and have misunderstood their functions, I hope someone will let me know.
  12. Very bad news not just for you, but around the world. From what I saw in the IT press, everyone was surprised and hit hard and outraged. There are other hosting sites such as Imgur and others that are either still free or very low costs. The big problem would be moving the images.
  13. I'll be a voice of dissent in a sense... I have one from The Little Machine Shop that I"m very happy with. It's quiet and does the job. As noted by some others.. plan on spending at least as much for tooling as for the machine. Some tools can come from the machine manufacturer but do look on places like Micromark, Ebay, etc. Some serious Googling can often lead to unexpected treasures in tooling for a good price.
  14. Can you scan the areas you're asking about and post them? It might help to get you an answer.
  15. Hi Shoosh.... What the others said... jump in, open a build log for guidance, advice, etc.
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