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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. The joy will not be the quality of the wood or the neatness of the paint. It'll be the joy in her eyes that "Dad made this for me". And so it will go and hopefully she'll pass it down to her daughter with "Granddad made this for me and now wants you to have it." and there will be two sets of eyes aglow. And don't short sell yourself.. it looks great.
  2. I've seen that and puzzled over it. Now that you explain it, John, it falls into place.
  3. Hi Cathead, Welcome back. Having lived around St. Louis, I can appreciate the problems with river channels. Was channel moved naturally much like the Mississippi being moved by an earthquake? The amount of moment just seems un-natural to me.
  4. I see no cheating, only very nice work. We use the materials and tools that work for us as individuals. Lovely looking long boat, Christian.
  5. Looks good Piet. I like the guns and blocks. How high does the removable plug go? It looks like the port lid ropes go into a hole above the top of the plug. I hope I'm wrong and my eyes are playing tricks.
  6. I have to keep reminding myself that you're using a macro lens and this is not a real boat.... Wonderful work, Per.
  7. Well fixed, Denis. Seems we all have our little "Oh crap" moments. Better it happened now than after the rigging was started.
  8. That looks far more of a priority than a ship model, Jeff. And it's very well done. Are you scratch building it?
  9. John, I have the MM table saw and they sold some for that saw. I don't know if they sell them for the new model they just brought out. Also, you have to use the "original" 80 tooth blade. As for the 10" saw, I know they make dado blades and I've also heard of folks stacking blades to make a dado. I suppose one could make their own dado washers... a bit of Googling might be in order to see if there's a safety problem.
  10. I thought I'd put this here, if you think it doesn't belong, Jay, I'll delete it. I have a 3" rotary table... and finding a chuck was a bit of a challenge as far as size.. including height. But I found this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005W11SQ2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=od_aui_detailpages00 Weird but the price varies by a few dollars whenever I go there... hmm... They also list a 3-jaw and a 4-jaw self-centering chuck in the same size. It's a bit stiff as there's some burring that needs a touch or two with a file. The 4 jaws are independent and they provide an extra set of jaws (to hold closer to the table) and they are reversible. Also included are 4 nuts and bolts for mounting to the rotary table. Quality seems comparable with some of "better" stuff coming out of China. Anyway, just wanted to share in case someone else had a small rotary and needed a small chuck.
  11. I used a variation of Mike's idea. I cut the slots on the model table saw with a dado washer. Once the slots are cut (undersize them a bit), I final size and shape with a file.
  12. Some of us use push pins such that the point goes into the framing or first layer. The big plastic part holds the plank in place. There's also planking screws you can buy or make.
  13. I seem to remember someone doing this, but I'm thinking it was MSW 1.0 since I can't find it anywhere here.
  14. Max, I have a "full-size" that I got from Lowes similar to this one: http://www.lowes.com/pd_197820-353-3320-01___?productId=50084024&pl=1&Ntt=drill+presses which appears to be similar to the MM ones. Plus.. no shipping costs.
  15. Kevin, Since you're terminating this build.. go back the very first post and edit it. Add the word "Terminated" to the title.
  16. Tom, That is neither correct nor incorrect. It depended on the time, country, etc. and also "Captain's Choice" as near as I can tell. If you want rats, I'd say "do it".
  17. Hmm... earlier today when I went that link, the price was in the mid-70's. Now it's 53 Euros... huh???? Ok.. this is a Chinese company. The blade is about 2-1/4". There probably are blades out here which if you order several will cost more than the machine itself. It's pretty small and has no features any of the other saws might have. Just saying... beware... As for that multi-mini lathe, there's review of one around here on MSW somewhere. Overall, I think the reaction was pretty negative. I looked at the reviews for items randomly on the site... funny... even if there's thumbs down, the products got 5-stars.
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