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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Looking good, Jay. If I were re-wiring my Constellation, I'd follow your approach and us a bus bar type set up. One line with the leads going to where I need them. A cleaner that way instead of leads all over the place. The mast and mast step looks good.
  2. Great looking binnacle. Is decoration painted on or a decal? Looks great and sets the mood.
  3. I think that cancellation falls into the "oh crap" category.... you have my sympathies as I've run into things like that more than once. NG should be good. Take the tests and see where they'll place you. Byzantium is looking very ship-shape, Lextin.
  4. Minor update... planking is ongoing but I needed a break. So back to the longboat. Reworking again... 5th time I think, the form for making the longboat. 1st was the hand carved plug... tossed it. 2nd was the bulkheads like Chuck uses and BE did so well at 1:64... broke the bulkheads. 3rd was the same using thicker bulkheads, still broke off the framing bits. 4th was a plug that used the laser to cut out... Something hiccupped and it came out 1" too long. I'm still not sure what happened... So.. number 5... in all it's glory. Exact size and I'm happy. Now to put it together and start adding stuff like frames and keel.
  5. I'm not much help on the kit as the kit.. but I used the split lids, faked hinges with black paper and then added the inside eyebolts.
  6. Wow... Jonny, thanks for the personal insight into the area. Along with all the other posts and news articles, this has been great reading.
  7. Now a day at Brands Hatch.. that sounds like fun. I took one of those eons ago in southern California and it was a total blast.
  8. If you'll go here: http://maquettes-marine.pagesperso-orange.fr/renommee/renommee.html there's two photo galleries. They did start simplifying things as time went on to more like the English practiced. That stern that you're looking at JP is not free floating or open like it shows. That's basically what I trying to point out. The galleries themselves were a bit more elaborate than what's in the kit. But as I said: But go with what works for you... mon capitaine. It still makes a great looking model.
  9. JP, Here's the gallery (rear and side) from the ANCRE monograph if that helps any. The style of the kit and Crackers wasn't used until about 1770 or so when they became closer to the English style than the French. But go with what works for you... mon capitaine. Edit: Change date as I had it wrong.
  10. LED's seem like a good idea and with the stuff that's now available size wise, you should have a great looking model.
  11. Don, I sent you a PM on the re-sizing problem rather than hijack Mick's topic.
  12. Aren't transoms with no plans fun? It does make life interesting the philosophy of "that's for the modeler to figure out". Same for the quarter galleries... which I'm not looking forward to on mine but getting a few ideas on how to do them. Nice work on the gunports. That is one of the benefits of Hahn's plans, the ports are half the frame thickness.
  13. I'm with Nigel.. the "like" is for support and I too hope the antibiotics help. My firewood is in place as I order in late May/early June and it sits in the sun all summer and dries. Nice work on the deckhouses.... I hope all things work out for the better with you and your mother-in-law.
  14. Druxey, The plans I've seen for the French frigates all have the bottom of the rudder to the bottom of the keel. The models of Le Fleuron that I've seen also show this. Might another one of the "minor/major" difference between French and English practice.
  15. Good to see ye back a ye old worktable, Capt'n. If I may be so bold... paint those pesky timbers that are giving you fits with either some very thin CA or a mix of white glue and water. It'll stiffen things up and help prevent the breakage.
  16. Ornaments by nature are thin glass due the weight. To heavy an ornament and the branch sags. This is going to be impressive and amazing to watch.. I'm curious about you did it, Jesse.
  17. There is the Triton online group build here at MSW for scratching. There's also the Granado cross-section which is again scratch. I'd offer that you take a look at those and think about it. The plans are already done and there's a lot of support in the build logs for them.
  18. That is some stunning machine work, Gerald. And it works... WoW!!!!!!
  19. If you can find it, Min-Wax makes and ebony stain. It may take two applications but it does look great. I found it take more than one application as it raises the grain slightly and will need some light sanding. The other is Fiebing's leather dye. They make one in black and if you use alcohol instead of water, it won't raise the grain. http://www.fiebing.com/
  20. That is a sharp looking model, Clare and I'm looking forward to your next build. Congats on the Yakatabune!!!!
  21. Excellent rigging, Frank. And don't let the camera fool you. They are known liars and will tell you anything...
  22. I wouldn't call that a symbolic milestone at all, Mike. It's a real one and a big one.. Congratulations.
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