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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I think dynamite or an air hammer? :D On the serious side, there's nothing I know of that's readily available to do epoxy and not damage the wood.
  2. Congrats are indeed in order. Building large structures off-ship and getting it to fit is a scary thing. Well done, Jay.
  3. Somehow the words "hospital food" and "quality" just don't seem to fit together in my experience. I think I'll move to Oz if I need to be in one.
  4. Holy crap.... I thought it was bit bigger. That is impressive and detailed. I think I'll take up a different hobby... underwater basketweaving, maybe.
  5. I'm smiling Nenad. You learned something and are not in a hurry and admit it.
  6. Congrats on getting the tube out. I hope you didn't jump and down and clap your hands in the doctor's office. That always seems to shake them up. Have fun on the golf course.
  7. I'll add my wishes for a speedy recovery. And no shipbuilding until you're off the meds!!!! Been there.. kidney stones are not fun at all.
  8. I "liked it" when I first saw it. But I just had to come back for another look at the deckhouse... Wonderful!!!!!
  9. I ran into that also, Mark. Seems "scale" figures mean different things to different manufacturers. So if he's a scale 6' then in reality it's 1-1/2" (38mm) high? I'm wondering if there's 32mm high figures? That would get him to 5' even. I found 4 old AL figures for the Constellation, a 1:85 or so model but the figures worked out almost exactly for 1:64. You might have to go the Hahn route and carve your own....
  10. Mark, I think 6 foot was/is a bit tall for the period. Nelson was 5'8" or so as I recall and tall for the era. Even so, if the height from beam to beam matches the plans than it's probably correct. Some of the deck spaces were pretty cramped. I go down below the gun deck on "Licorne" and some of those spaces are only 2-3 feet high.
  11. Daniel (aka Dafi) does 1:100 etch for the Heller Victory which work for the very small hooks I'll need for my 1:64 ship. http://dafinismus.de/index_en.html I've got both his and Chuck's hooks. Different parts for different items and both are great.
  12. If you need something smaller that what Chuck sell, Dafi has photo-etched hooks.
  13. Thanks for the "likes" and comments and for helping me push the envelope a bit further. Sam, no sand blaster here. The alcohol soak gets the smoke and much of the char off. A bit sanding takes care of the rest. It's not so much the char that is the problem but the Euro Boxwood seems to have a lot oil in it that turns into a black glaze when hit by the laser. Not a serious problem though. Jack, I've got chisels (Dockyard brand) down to 1.5 mm and a couple of micro-surgery scalpels even smaller. The lettering on the plaque is <1mm high.
  14. Dooohhhhhhh............ Now that the gauntlet has been tossed, I must try it. Yeah... leave the letters and burn the area I want to shave down.... hmm... rats... still leaves clean up around them. That probably won't work either. Good idea though.....
  15. Thanks for the comments and the "likes". Exactly Pat. I couldn't (and I did try) cut something out that tiny to save my soul. I did do a clean-up and relieve between "La" and "Licorne" but it was touch and go as even the smallest scalpel I have was almost too big.
  16. Minor update for the ship... a big one for me. Planking continues. No pics yet. But while waiting for glue to try, etc. I've been busy working on carvings... or trying to anyway. Also made minor progress on the longboat and a few drawings for parts needing to be cut out. So.. the carvings. The picture shows the first one I've attempted.. well actually it was the 4th attempt and hopefully, I can live with it. The first two carvings I'll need are the name cartouche on the stern and Arms of France above the stern windows. Mulling it over, I went for the "easy one". I soaked them in isopropyl for about 12 hours and that removed most of the char. I ended up doing bas-relief style on it after several failures of trying to carve the letters such that they stand proud. Not going to happen in my lifetime. So I ended up removing the char as I carved out about 1/2mm deep leaving the lip and lettering (as one area not the individual letters) standing proud. A touch of well-thinned brown paint (used a needle for this) and what I wanted highlighted is now about as good as it will get. It actually looks better in real-life as most of us don't have eyes with macro mode. Onwards......
  17. That's interesting on the hawse timbers, Mike since the pictures in his "Ships of the American Revolution" show the timbers. On the Hahn plans I've seen, some are misnamed as "bollard timber" or just unnamed. There's no cut-outs in the build board either. I'm attaching a PDF of the one's I have scanned from my build. Hawse Timbers.pdf This post, http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/5339-licorne-by-mtaylor-pof-316-french-frigate-hahn-version-20/page-27#entry244669 shows them in place. They get stacked, glued together, shaped (close) and then into place on the hull... If there's no drawings, then do it Peter's way. Separation lines can always be scribed in.
  18. The house looks great, Nenad. I hope "Old Lady" feels better.
  19. That is an excellent mortar, Mobbsie. I agree with Grant on your underrating of your skills. You even got the crown and shield (?) on it.
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