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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Part of the problem with the Constellation is the some drawings were burned (allegedly) when the Brits burned Washingtion and then others were destroyed by that group in Baltimore. No one is really sure what happened to all of them.
  2. I think many are based on the drawings Chapman. The HMS Unicorn is based on them and company's history for her says that he designed it in 1700... A bit of a stretch... but it looks to be a mix of a late 1700's English "Unicorn" and the French "Licorne" as for awhile she was listed in some records as the translated "Unicorn".
  3. I think it will depend on the type of glue you used... if PVA, dampen a papertowel the isopropyl alcohol and let it soak. If CA, you'll need to use acetone and that is very nasty stuff... use it outdoors. Or, you might get lucky and be able to pry off the planks and re-sand the deck (along with a solvent soak) and be good to go.
  4. My favorite in this type of discussion is AL's Constellation. Billed as the 1797 frigate. It's not. The hull is from the 1854 Sloop of War (and are reasonably accurate) and the deck plans, etc., come from the way she sat in the Baltimore harbor for years. For more info, read "Fouled Anchors....." here's the PDF: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QFjAAahUKEwi6963K_ZzIAhVDrIAKHfi3CyI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dtic.mil%2Fcgi-bin%2FGetTRDoc%3FAD%3DADA241916&usg=AFQjCNF9BStwpyR2ty4lvLp4zvFc_tpyTA&bvm=bv.103627116,d.eXY
  5. The crack fix looks like it worked very well, Igor. I hope you have a good vacation.
  6. I feel the pain and anguish, Nenad. That would be a tough call to make.
  7. Prime detective work, Daniel. By the time you're done, you should be awarded a PhD in HMS Victory and 18th Century ships and shipboard life.
  8. I was thinking along the same line.. maybe here on MSW first...? Your rejects look great.
  9. Looking really fantastic, Magnus. That ship is almost alive.
  10. In the past, I used kit supplied and after-market Amati line for mine. I always "painted" the rigging with a 50-50 mix of white glue and water.. After it dried a few days, I would re-tension it. The nice thing about the mixture is that it also allows me to set some nice sag in the lines where needed. What while also help with sag, etc. is to keep the model in a case in (if possible) a reasonably controlled environment as far as temperature range and humidity. I'm going to start making my own which will be a new learning curve and experience....
  11. Oh.. and here I was about to go see if they were on the site... got it.. you created a masting set...
  12. Nice work, Mobbsie. I think we all have had some "number blindness" happen. I'm one of those that needs to check 3 or 4 times to be sure.
  13. Have a look at Daniel's (Dafi) work in the HMS Victory. He's done a lot of testing and weathering on her.
  14. Amen... stress is always there, my friend. Just a different kind and a different level depending on age, location, etc. Hang tough for her.
  15. Looking good, Dave. 1) Question back.. are the frames or transoms going to be visible? It's your decision but if their visible, I'd do them in same wood. If not visible, I wouldn't worry about it. 2) Test the woods together with some final finish. This really is a "Captain's Choice" thing as are all decisions. I'd plank the transom and counter the same as the basic hull.. but that's me. The stern area with the windows... toss a coin. Some like the hull planking colors (or paint), others like the hull planking above the wales to match and then there's those who like ebony in that area.
  16. Love the dollhouse. Hate the hospital news. She'll be in my thoughts and prayers.. You guys are too young to be going through this....
  17. Anyone who's been through a move with partially complete models is probably breathing a sigh of relief with you, Ben. Good to see you back... so the workshop will be ready in a couple of days?
  18. Dan, Looks perfect from here and the details are incredible. I never suspected you'd actually do the gratings. I think most would have just inked or painted them on.
  19. Sometimes, the words aren't important. It's the music and who is sharing it with us. I guess "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" doesn't translate well.. Beautiful song. The house sounds interesting with the relief work you're doing. Pictures when you can, no rush.
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