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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Minor update for the ship... a big one for me. Planking continues. No pics yet. But while waiting for glue to try, etc. I've been busy working on carvings... or trying to anyway. Also made minor progress on the longboat and a few drawings for parts needing to be cut out. So.. the carvings. The picture shows the first one I've attempted.. well actually it was the 4th attempt and hopefully, I can live with it. The first two carvings I'll need are the name cartouche on the stern and Arms of France above the stern windows. Mulling it over, I went for the "easy one". I soaked them in isopropyl for about 12 hours and that removed most of the char. I ended up doing bas-relief style on it after several failures of trying to carve the letters such that they stand proud. Not going to happen in my lifetime. So I ended up removing the char as I carved out about 1/2mm deep leaving the lip and lettering (as one area not the individual letters) standing proud. A touch of well-thinned brown paint (used a needle for this) and what I wanted highlighted is now about as good as it will get. It actually looks better in real-life as most of us don't have eyes with macro mode. Onwards......
  2. That's interesting on the hawse timbers, Mike since the pictures in his "Ships of the American Revolution" show the timbers. On the Hahn plans I've seen, some are misnamed as "bollard timber" or just unnamed. There's no cut-outs in the build board either. I'm attaching a PDF of the one's I have scanned from my build. Hawse Timbers.pdf This post, http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/5339-licorne-by-mtaylor-pof-316-french-frigate-hahn-version-20/page-27#entry244669 shows them in place. They get stacked, glued together, shaped (close) and then into place on the hull... If there's no drawings, then do it Peter's way. Separation lines can always be scribed in.
  3. The house looks great, Nenad. I hope "Old Lady" feels better.
  4. That is an excellent mortar, Mobbsie. I agree with Grant on your underrating of your skills. You even got the crown and shield (?) on it.
  5. Spectaclar is the word for this, Alexandru. And thanks for showling how you did the wheel and the problem you ran into. How did you manage to slice off the wheel from the block without breaking it? I've been wondering about such things.
  6. I can't come up with anything to add to what's already been said, Bob... "Wow"
  7. Ben, Have a look here... post #9. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/359-completed-model-gallery-is-for-completed-models-only/
  8. Have you checked out places like Office Depot or Staples? That's where I found mine. As I recall it was fairly inexpensive.
  9. Well get the mess cleaned up. Me dog loves rum. So bring another bottle and glass for yourself. One of these days, I ought to finish and put it in a case. But somehow, I just can't bring myself to going any further on this one. Too many memories.
  10. If it's the Hahn plans size holding you back.. you can rescale them down. Works for me.. I've scaled some of his plans up and one of them down.
  11. Forget standing on top of the dog house. Stand on top of your house and yell!!! That panel looks fantastic.
  12. I prefer something different than the norm these days. My Billing's Wasa got me started as one didn't see many of them being built when I was building her. Then the Constellation as I had walked her decks in the mid-70's with a bit of reseach and it was "heavy bash" time. Licorne.. is well... rare as a model but has a tale. Up next? Not sure but it won't be a Vic or Constitution. Probably either Roebuck or Raleigh. Nice looking ships, interesting histories and again, not often built. Yes, I'm an oddball I think.
  13. You mean Chapman? I recall reading somewhere, he wasn't so much a designer but for lack of a better word, a manager of a shipyard....??? He was well traveled for his time and made lots of drawings of the ships he saw and apparently, when he could, copied drawings. His book is basically types of ship. I really have no idea if they're accurate or not.
  14. I do like that new door... it is incredible what you are doing at that scale.
  15. Bob, I understand that so I try to leave "likes" wherever I go.... and I mean them. I can't think of much that I have seen that I didn't like. Comments when I can as life keeps getting in the way of MSW and my build.
  16. Nice work on the ratlines and necessary "supply stash", Lextin. Those files hurt even worse than an x-acto, don't they?
  17. I made the mistake of following kit instructions on my first model... CA. Never, ever again. I used white PVA/water on my second and the last one I used fabric glue. I'm not sure about the fabric glue although it is strong and water proof while remaining flexible. I have my fingers crossed. On my current ship, I'll go back to the white PVA glue and water mixture...
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