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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Thanks Dan for the wishes. Status at this point: While sanding down the tuck and bending wood, I got to thinking... Dangerous, I know. And what with Druxey getting me thinking outside the box a bit.. a lot actually and re-shape things, I re-looked overall the plans in detail even the obscure things... Hahn's build article and pictures... Druxey's input.. other builds.. and it dawned on me that one thing I missed was Hahn's severe beveling of the last cant frame. See attached. Once it soaked in what I needed to do, I realized it's only possible way to get that outside edge and the rest of the tuck to work right. While digging around in the hard copy files... I found part of the problem in a post-it note I stuck to the frame drawings . I hadn't pre-beveled it as radical as needed as the frame was flimsy and taking off halt the material on the trailing edge didn't seem like a good idea at the time. Well, actually, I did try it during construction and broke both sides twice and told myself "not now". Thus, the post-it note. I should have hung a big sign on the wall: "Bevel last aft frame, dummy!!" I'm beveling even more than what's been suggested and things are coming more into line. I sometimes really need a slap upside the head. I'm currently cleaning things up such that the fashion piece, existing planking (well.. the bits I haven't ripped off anyway) and framing and transoms. I'm also cleaning up the aft end of the existing wide planking. As soon as I can get one side put together, I'll post a photo Giampiero, Dan and Druxey, I owe you your favorite adult beverages for your help in spotting problems and your input. And I owe everyone for their support. Frame 53.pdf
  2. Tom, Do it the way you are most comfortable with. Many of us build the mast up as much as possible (all sections, some do yards at this point, some don't, tops) and then install. Others do that and add as much rigging (carefully labeled, of course) then install the mast. Others build it one piece at a time, on the ship. I find it's easier to build the mast up as much as possible on the bench first. Including the upper shrouds and ratlines. I save the lower ones for after installation but I hold off on the ratlines and they are the last thing done.
  3. Yes... books (there's 4 in the series) are available from Seawatch Books. The plans can be ordered from the Admiralty Models website.
  4. It's all doable and it's all good... And to be very blunt, if it weren't for MSW, I would never, ever tried scratchbuilding. The help and encouragement is priceless. So a big thank you to everyone.
  5. The lumber itself and if we go to the original frigates, look no further than the Confederacy.. green wood was the culprit.
  6. Ben, Don't feel bad. I put the blade on backwards and generated max smoke... recently.
  7. Thanks Druxey. Will do some more. Getting a bit thin but I pack from the other side if need be. And it's looking a whole lot better in the testing.
  8. Being the conservative builder that I am especially when it comes to major changes, I've done some serious reshaping of the transoms. I think I'm close but I'd like some other opinions. I've blue taped down some thin battens. If it looks good, I'll start bending the real wood and planking. The ends of the existing planking are not a problem. I have some fashtion pieces that cover the counter timber ends and the hull planking timber ends.
  9. I just discovered your log... looking very shipshape and Bristol fashion. Back the lathe, just get some old hacksaw blades and use them on the lathe like a scraper for trim. Put the design on the blade and cut it with a dremel. It works a treat for duplicating and won't wear out.
  10. It seems as if there's an unwritten law in model shipbuilding..."There will be blood". I think we've done that.
  11. It's indeed cold comfort, Druxey. I should have paid more attention when I was planning this build but I plead ignorance. I've stumbled upon several issues already and this is just one more. But... it's wood, it can be fixed. Time to go make some more sawdust..... and a template or two for symmetry.
  12. I think you hit it dead center. That sofa looks great. Don't show it to any Admiral.. EVER!!! Because the next thing you know, they'll want one full size somewhere.
  13. The cannon now fires.. COOL!!!! Just make sure not to take out your own mast or rigging.
  14. Walter, Try asking that here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/forum/34-cad-and-3d-modellingdrafting-plans-with-software/ There's also a lot of CAD discussion regarding lofting, etc. here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/forum/13-ships-plans-and-scratch-research-general-research-on-specific-vessels-and-ship-types/ in the Scantlings discussion. How's the Meridea coming along?
  15. Lessons learned at this point on framing, fairing, and planking.... I guess I should say that it's not that I lacked the courage but more of the knowledge of deciphering the plans, supplementing them with the correct information and translating it all in my head to a course of action. And then I got side-tracked... anyway, after working through the side-track for the last 30 days, I'm re-focused and back on course. Solution.. try not to get side-tracked by new toys... think further ahead.. instead of 10 steps or 20 steps... look 100 steps. The problem stems from not fairing the aft frames as far as the Hahn frame drawing show and the lack of knowledge on my part in setting up the transom timbers. I guess I should have done a better documented ship first.... Same goes for the garboard strake.. I wasn't thinking that far ahead when I did the rabbet. I've been working through the problem and have a better result which should show when I put that strake in. Seems I didn't get the bevel quite where it should be in the aft section. Next update will be after I get everything re-faired and sorted out and the now four strakes of wide planks replaced... If you hear foul language from the west coast, ignore it.. it's just me sorting out things and venting to myself. But it will be fun.
  16. Impressive work as always Matt. I love the aging of the wood and all the bits and pieces going on.
  17. George, you'd need an OCR program for that. It might just work... try translating something using Google into Japanese and then scan and see if it translates back.
  18. Great to see you back, Kevin. I've heard mojo is contagious. Given the summer doldrums have set in, I think we all can use some.
  19. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm going to avoid Version 3.0 at all costs. I'm comfortable with ripping things apart and putting them back together. As a footnote, I'll probably open a sub-log like Danny did for the ship's boats but not until the first one is nearly done. I want to try to use Chuck's method but at 1:64. There's three boats, the longboat, the cutter, and the barge. Keel's are 1/16" thick cherry, frames are 1/32" cherry, and the planking is 1/32" holly. I hope I can pull those off. It'll be a bit as I'm making the drawings (as well as for what I need for the main build) and testing on the laser cutter.
  20. Good question.. maybe one for the research sub-forum. My first answer was: they pulled the gun out and used it as a hot tub!... but.. that's not the right answer is it.
  21. To quote Shakespeare's King Henry V: "Once more unto the breach, dear friends," Or maybe Daniel (Dafi): "Mass Destruction!!!! hihihihi!!!!" Bottom photo is the mod to be made... I need to arc more. Planks are stripped, power sander and sanding sticks at the ready...
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