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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Feel free to let me know, Jay. We're not traveling much these days due to the Admiral's health but we're both hoping that will change.
  2. Yep... "Splice the Mainbrace" = "drinks all around" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splice_the_mainbrace
  3. Either you splice the mainbrace or we'll do it for you and not save you any... :D She looks super nice Jay.
  4. I'm beyond sad at this news, Nenad. I've been searching for words and there are none. Give Hothead and Princess large hugs and the three of you remember the good times.
  5. You make that look so easy, Danny And it came out looking great!
  6. Nope.. didn't think that at all... we're a patient lot for the most part.
  7. Rivets, Augie? I'm waiting to see if Popeye will put glass in the portholes and maybe make some open... I wouldn't expect working portholes... or should I? Wonderful work, Popeye. That many portholes is like treenails... real dedication.
  8. JA, Are asking about the bands around the bowsprit? And possibly the masts? If so, consider just making them out of construction paper.
  9. Jay, You were asking... I realize that there's a difference in plank length from ship to ship and same for distances between beams. When in doubt, go with simple is my theory of operation. I think his article is useful only as far as the pattern and not necessarily the dimensions themselves.
  10. There's an article in the database for this: http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/Deck_PlankingIIbuttshifts.pdf
  11. I can't put a "like" on your post, Nenad... I'm very sad to hear about your mother. And the Admiral..????
  12. The teak does look good in there, Pete. Just works very well with the color choices.
  13. This latest project has, for me at least, a learning curve that is straight, vertical line. Much like scratch building. :D Thanks for bearing with me.
  14. Sounds like you're on top of it Jay. Will you be running the wiring through the deck beams? I'm really curious how you're doing this.. fascinating.......
  15. We'll keep the home fires burning but not burn the home. Have a great trip. I love that command and control center.
  16. Thanks for the likes, the conversation, and the comments. I'm slowly progressing on the planking even though several things have got in the way... It may get worse now that the new "toy" is here. But I will do my testing using Licorne related items so some good will come out of it.
  17. Jay, You can dim the lights with a resistor or if you want a variable brightness, use a potentiometer. George, My Constellation has LED lighting.
  18. Just stunning work, Mobbsie. Swiss pear is a wonderful wood to with but it has it's "issues'... soft being one of them.
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